
'EVERY' in a movie sentence | examples for 'EVERY' from movies

Susan: They're every four minutes and last 55 seconds.

"Friends", season 1, episode 23

Ross: Every day is Lesbian Lover Day.

"Friends", season 1, episode 23

Chandler: Now that you live next door, we can be together every day. Sid and Monica never have to know a thing.

"Friends", season 10, episode 15

Rachel: Because it is too damn hard Ross. I can't even begin to explain to you how much I'm gonna miss you. When I think about not seeing you every day, it makes me not want to go... Okay, so if you think that I didn't say goodbye to you because you don't mean as much to me as everybody else, you're wrong. It's because you mean more to me. So there, all right, there's your goodbye... Oh!

"Friends", season 10, episode 16

Monica: Chandler that's crazy! If you give up every time you'd have a fight with someone you'd never be with anyone longer than—Ohhh! (They both realize something there.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 5

Rachel: You guys this cat is nothing like my grandmother's cat. I mean, it's not sweet, it's not cute, I even dragged that little string on the ground, and it just flipped out and scratched the hell out of me. And I swear, I know this sounds crazy, but every time this cat hisses at me I know it's saying, "Rachel!"

"Friends", season 5, episode 21

Chandler: Okay, what do you saw I go over there and say how much I like her? (Joey gives him a thumbs up) No-no it'll be good, I can tell her much I've been thinking about her. That I haven't stopped thinking about her since the moment I met her. That I'm so fantastically, over-the-top, wanna-slit-my-own-throat in love with her, that for every minute of every hour of every day I can't believe my own damn bad luck that you met her first!!

"Friends", season 4, episode 5

{Transcriber’s Note: She puts the key into the ignition, which is on the left side of the steering wheel. Does anyone know why that is? It’s a tradition left over from Porsche’s racing history. The world’s greatest endurance race is the 24 Hours of LeMans. Which is in France and runs for 24 hours straight from noon on Saturday through the dark of night and finishes at noon on Sunday.  In the 60s LeMans had a unique start where the drivers would actually start the race outside of the car and across the track. At the start of the race, the drivers would run across the track, get in the car, buckle up, start the car, and drive off. Porsche wanted to reduce the amount of time that took. Since all cars to that point had the ignition switches on the right side of the steering wheel, that required the drivers to use their right hand to grab the seat-belts, put the car in gear and start it. The driver’s left hand did nothing. Porsche in order to save a few seconds in a 24-hour race; moved the ignition switches to the left side of the steering wheel so that the driver could start the car with his left hand while grabbing the seat-belts with his right hand. That’s why every Porsche car built since then has the ignition on the left side of the steering wheel.}

"Friends", season 7, episode 22

Janice: Oh please. Every moment is precious. Y’know? Besides, somebody had to ride in that other taxi with the rest of your luggage, and your friends don’t really seem to care too much that you’re leaving.

"Friends", season 4, episode 15

Joey: Hey, I do it every week with three cameras pointed at me and a whole crew waiting!

"Friends", season 10, episode 4

Chandler: Stretchy pants! Why, those are the greatest things in the world! If I were you I would wear them every day, every day!

"Friends", season 3, episode 13

Phoebe: well it was awful every time I thought about what you said I started crying.

"Friends", season 9, episode 4

RACHEL: It's just this thing. Every year we would go out on my dad's boat and watch the fireworks. Mom always hated it because the ocean air made her hair all big. My sister Jill would be throwing up over the side and my dad would be upset becasue nobody was helping and then when we did help he would scream at us for doing it wrong. But then when the fireworks started, everybody just shut up, you know, and it'd get really cold, and we would all just sort of smush under this one blanket. It never occured to anybody to bring another one. And now it's just...

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

Kim: Oh sure, every Sunday night I'm telling myself I'm quitting but every Monday morning it's like (Mimics chain smoking.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 18

Joey: Oh come—look, when I was a kid my dad’s company gave season tickets to the number one salesman every year, all right? My dad never won! Of course, he wasn’t in the sales division, but still, I never ever, ever forgot that!

"Friends", season 4, episode 19

Ross: Phoebe, she doesn’t know that you sneak out every night, she doesn’t know that you sneak back every morning, and she doesn’t know that you’ve been living with your Grandmother’s for a week now.

"Friends", season 3, episode 6

Chandler: So I have a flaw! Big deal! Like Joey's constant knuckle-cracking isn't annoying? And Ross, with his over-pronouncing every single word? And Monica, with that snort when she laughs? I mean, what the hell is that thing? ...I accept all those flaws, why can't you accept me for this?

"Friends", season 1, episode 3

Tag: (entering) Yeah? (She holds up the folder) You found them!! (Rachel is not amused, because she’s still going to try to blame him for her mistake like every ‘good’ boss.) Y’know what? I’m not even going to gloat. I’m just really relived this whole thing is over.

"Friends", season 7, episode 12

Ross: A lesson in the importance of unagi. (He starts doing the finger thing every time now.)

"Friends", season 6, episode 17

Chandler: You know, it's funny. Every time you say "triplets," I immediately think of three hot blonde 19-year olds.

"Friends", season 10, episode 2

Joey: Yeah, the other day I was at the bus-stop and this lovely fall breeze came in out of nowhere and blew this chick's skirt right up. Oh! Which reminds me, I'm also thankful for thongs. (Note: Actually, I think every guy is thankful for thongs. That and spandex. J )

"Friends", season 5, episode 8

Chandler: Now sweetie, I know you don’t like my office parties, but you can wear your new boots. See? Every cloud has a…supple leather lining.

"Friends", season 8, episode 10

Janice: I love the way you look every night Chandler! (Monica breaks the kiss and Chandler freezes in terror.) That’s why I made you this tape! Happy Birthday! Love Janice!

"Friends", season 6, episode 17

Monica: Aunt Syl, stop yelling! All I'm saying is that if you had told me vegetarian lasagna, I would have made vegetarian lasagna. (pauses, listens to person on phone) Well, the meat's only every third layer, maybe you could scrape.

"Friends", season 1, episode 12

[They go into the apartment. Inside the apartment it looks like a sewage dump exploded and landed in her living room. There are clothes and food and junk covering every square inch of space. I mean pigs have nicer pens. Ross is completely shocked.]

"Friends", season 4, episode 6

Mike: Phoebe you're so beautiful. You're so kind, you're so generous. You're so wonderfully weird. Every day with you is an adventure, and I can't believe how lucky I am, and I can't wait to share my life with you forever. (He puts the ring on Phoebe's finger.)

"Friends", season 10, episode 12

{Transcriber’s note: This is where the opening credits are, but they’re not the usual opening credits. Oh no! These credits are based on the world that would have been created had all of the above actually happened. It starts out with all of them at the fountain sitting on the couch as Fat Monica runs up and sits on the arm of the couch, tilting the whole thing towards her. It then goes on to show Rachel’s still a shop-aholic and with Barry. Fat Monica is sweating while cooking and dancing while eating a donut. Phoebe as the Wall Street shark smoking while on two cell phones. Then they’re dancing in the fountain. Joey entering as Dr. Drake Remoray and meeting a groupie. Chandler trying to write as a bird does its business on his shoulder and falling asleep while typing. Ross doing some kara-tay and trying to get Carol into bed. And finally, some more dancing in the fountain, them all flexing, and the turning out the lamp and shutting off all the lights bit from the first season. Just remember one thing, this is an alternate universe. Everything from every other episode doesn’t apply, for instance, Ross and Rachel have no history. And in fact have not seen each other in years in this world.}

"Friends", season 6, episode 15

Chandler: Well, stuff like where we'd live, y'know? Like a small place outside the city, where our kids could learn to ride their bikes and stuff. Y'know, we could have a cat that had a bell on its collar and we could hear it every time it ran through the little kitty door. Of course, we'd have an apartment over the garage where Joey could grow old.

"Friends", season 9, episode 10

Joey: Terrible! I messed up every line! I shouldn’t even be an actor!

"Friends", season 6, episode 20

Chandler: I'm sorry, he's a little bit wound up, we had to stop at every maple candy stand on the way here.

"Friends", season 9, episode 19

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Joey is making marinara sauce and filling every container in sight. Chandler enters.]

"Friends", season 2, episode 10

(Rachel looks shocked, gets over it, notices she's alone, and picks up the phone. The last part of which is something she shouldn't have done, because the phone is already in use. By Monica, and now Rachel can hear every word.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 11

Mr. Douglas: Well, we’re gonna be layin’ off people in every department.

"Friends", season 1, episode 16

Dr. Rosen: (Nervously) okay, but you have to admit that every time we go out... Women we meet at the hospital... It turns into...

"Friends", season 1, episode 17

Rachel: …and I know Chandler is kidding but it happens every time he touches my stomach. I mean I’m really worried the baby’s not going to like him. (Joey is staring at the table.) Are you okay?

"Friends", season 8, episode 16

Ross: Well, Rachel moving to another country? Not being able to see her every day. How can I be okay with this?

"Friends", season 10, episode 15

Mike: How do I and Joey know each other? Wow, if I had a nickel for every time somebody has asked me that.

"Friends", season 9, episode 3

Phoebe: What am I supposed to do? Ask every guy I make out with if he’s married? (Rachel looks at her.) No, yeah, I should.

"Friends", season 6, episode 8

Sandy: Like in my last job, I met Daniel when he was three weeks old. And I got to watch him grow into this awesome person... When I left, I said: I'll see you soon... And he said to me: Skdandy... (Ross and Rachel look puzzled) That was his name for me... I'll see you every day... right in... (points at his heart, but starts to cry before he can finish his sentence. Rachel tries to comfort him, but Ross has this "you've got to be kidding me" look all over him)

"Friends", season 9, episode 6

Rachel: Yeah, and he does it every year! That's why he's sending you to that play! That's why he sent us to that medieval restaurant and to that button factory!

"Friends", season 9, episode 20

Monica: How she drove you crazy, picking on every little detail, like your hair... for example.

"Friends", season 1, episode 8

Phoebe: No, no, no. It's not! It's not my mom. It belonged to mom. Yeah, no, she used to put it out every Christmas to remind us, that even though it's Christmas, people still die. And, you can put candy in it. (She grabs the skull, pulls out a stick of licorice, and takes a bite.)

"Friends", season 7, episode 10

Rachel: The nights are the hardest. (Checks her watch.) But then the day comes! And that’s every bit as hard as the night. And then the night comes again…

"Friends", season 7, episode 23

Monica: My god, if I had a nickel for every guy I wish I hadn't...(Everyone looks at her), but this is about your horrible mistake.

"Friends", season 2, episode 1

Chandler: Yes, every single one of them.

"Friends", season 1, episode 9

Chandler: It just keeps getting worse and worse! Y'know? I mean it’s bad enough that I’m in love with my roommates girlfriend—which by the way, I think she knows. Because every time we’re in the room together there’s this weird like energy between us. And call me crazy, but I think she likes me too. And now I have seen her naked. I mean at least when I’ve seen her with clothes on, I could imagine her body was like covered in boles or something. But there are no boles, she’s smooth! Smooth! (leaves)

"Friends", season 4, episode 7

Ross: I'm taking my time, alright? I'm laying the groundwork. Yeah. I mean, every day I get just a little bit closer to...

"Friends", season 1, episode 7

Rachel: Pete the Weeper? Remember that guy who used to cry every time we had sex. (imitating) "Was it good for you?"

"Friends", season 1, episode 14

Chandler: Well, y'know, I had some trouble with it at first too, but the way I look at it is, I get all the good stuff: all the fun, all the talking, all the sex; and none of the responsibility. I mean, this is every guy's fantasy!

"Friends", season 1, episode 6

ROSS: No. Man I don't wanna have to have Joey with me every time I wanna descent cup of coffee. Ya know, and I don't wanna spend the rest of my life drinking cappucino with a 'K'. I say you and I go back down there and stand up to those guys.

"Friends", season 2, episode 21

[The next one is from Episode 417: The One With The Free Porn, Chandler and Joey are lamenting the fact that every beautiful woman they see doesn’t want to have sex right then and there like in porn.]

"Friends", season 8, episode 19

Phoebe: Yeah, from now on everyone you lurk, I'm gonna lurk first! You move on to someone else, I'm gonna be one step ahead of you, every single time! And then I'll be on your ass every hour of every day 'til Monday, because that's when I go home. When do you leave?

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Monica: Sure, every time, you're such a princess...

"Friends", season 1, episode 17

Rachel: And hey! Just so you know, it’s not that common! It doesn’t happen to every guy! And it is a big deal!!

"Friends", season 6, episode 20

Ross: Oh, come on, every first time mother feels that way. You’ll—you’re gonna pick it up. (Rachel doesn’t believe that.) Hey! You will! Uh look, y’know when you first came to the city? You were this spoiled helpless little girl who-who still used daddy’s credit card. Do you remember?

"Friends", season 8, episode 20

Joey: Uh, de-clawing cats. Hey, tell ya what. Let me walk you home. We’ll stop by every news stand and burn every copy of their Times and the Post.

"Friends", season 3, episode 22

RACHEL: Chandler, you have just described virtually every man that we have ever gone out with.

"Friends", season 2, episode 3

Ross: Why? Why? I know it's a little weird, but hey, he's a great doctor, okay? He knows my medical history, and every time I go in there, he makes a big deal. 'Ah look, it's my favorite patient!'

"Friends", season 9, episode 3

Ross: (to Monica): Could you take it to Carol's every now and then, and show it to Ben, just so he doesn't forget me?

"Friends", season 1, episode 24

Monica: This switch thing has been driving me crazy. So I turned it off and checked every outlet. Now, four of them don’t work. Which means, one of them has to be controlled by the switch. So, I plugged in things in all four of the outlets that-that make noise, so that way, when I turn it on I just follow the noise and find out which one it is.

"Friends", season 4, episode 15

Mrs. Geller: Do you know what it's like to grow up with someone who is critical of every single thing you say?

"Friends", season 1, episode 8

JOEY: You can come over and watch the Super Bowl. Every year, all right?

"Friends", season 2, episode 3

RACH: Right, you, you only had a year. We only hung out every night.

"Friends", season 2, episode 7

Rachel: Every day, you are becoming more and more like your mother.

"Friends", season 1, episode 17

Chandler: You have every reason to be upset. We did lie. But only because we've been waiting and trying to have a baby for so long. Now we don't know how long it's gonna be before we can get another chance again.

"Friends", season 10, episode 9

CHANDLER: Well now you understand how I feel every single day, ok? The world is my lesbian wedding.

"Friends", season 2, episode 11

Chandler: See, I'm finding out all this stuff about you today, like you like the Law & Order and that you flirted with every guy in the Tri-State area!

"Friends", season 5, episode 19

Monica: (That annoying competitiveness thing kicks in again, what the heck is that with her and why must the writers show it every flippin' episode?!) Oh, we're not seeing a movie!

"Friends", season 5, episode 17

CHANDLER: Hey look, are we gonna have to bring this out every time Ross comes over?

"Friends", season 2, episode 19

Helena: Before we go on with the show, I just want to say to the bride and groom how lucky they are to have found each other. In every life, a little rain must fall. Fortunately, in my life… (Four guys wearing rubber boots, shorts, hats, and nothing else carrying umbrellas run onto the stage.) (Singing) It’s raining men!

"Friends", season 7, episode 22

MONICA: It is nothing like the Hobbit. It's like reading about every relationship I've ever had, except for Richard.

"Friends", season 2, episode 19

Rachel: And hey! Just so you know, it’s not that common! It doesn’t happen to every guy! And it is a big deal!!

"Friends", season 4, episode 1

Mrs. Tribbiani: Me? I'm fine. Look, honey, in an ideal world, there'd be no her, and your father would look like Sting. And I'll tell you something else. Ever since that poodle-stuffer came along, he's been so ashamed of himself that he's been more attentive, he's been more loving... I mean, it's like every day's our anniversary.

"Friends", season 1, episode 13

ROSS: Not, not, not every night. You know, and... and it's not like I didn't try, Rachel, but things got in the way, y'know? Like, like Italian guys or ex-fiances or, or, or Italian guys.

"Friends", season 2, episode 7

PHOEBE: No. No, he is my submaring guy. He resurfaces like every couple years and we have the most amazing three days together. Only this time he's coming for two weeks. Two whole weeks, which means yay.

"Friends", season 2, episode 23

Ross: Ah, the heart of every healthy relationship. Honesty, respect, and sex with celebrities.

"Friends", season 3, episode 5

Monica: Every year.

"Friends", season 3, episode 9

Malcom: Oh, this is log I kept, recording her every movement. Do you wanna here something from it?

"Friends", season 3, episode 3

Joey: Yeah, calm down. You don't see Ross getting all chaotic and twirly every time they come.

"Friends", season 1, episode 2

Rachel: For every night that you’re asleep before I get home from work...

"Friends", season 3, episode 13

Monica: Well, every, every Thanksgiving um, we used to have a touch football game called the ‘Geller Bowl.’

"Friends", season 3, episode 9

Chandler: That is so weird, because every time I go to the dentist, I look down the hygienist’s blouse.

"Friends", season 3, episode 8

Joey: Every night!!

"Friends", season 3, episode 18

Phoebe: Please, right now, no, every time I see him it’s like ‘Is it on the lose?’ ‘Is it watching me?’

"Friends", season 3, episode 13

Mr. Geller: Y’know how the garage floods every Spring?

"Friends", season 7, episode 13

Monica: This is so cool, maybe this is something you can do every week.

"Friends", season 7, episode 3

ROSS: Too easy? Too...The process of every living thing on this planet evolving over millions of years from single-celled organisms, too easy?

"Friends", season 2, episode 3

Chandler: This guy invented Moss 865! Every office in the world uses that program!

"Friends", season 3, episode 18

Phoebe: That’s a dog, every house should have a dog.

"Friends", season 3, episode 20

Rachel: See look Amy, we're a lot closer to Monica and Chandler. We see them every day. And truthfully honey, you don't seem very connected to the baby.

"Friends", season 9, episode 8

Monica: We have to do this. We are playing for women everywhere. Okay, just think about every lousy date that you ever had, okay, every guy who kept on the TV while you’re making out...

"Friends", season 3, episode 9

Monica: Noo!! It’s driving me crazy. I mean every other way he’s like the perfect guy, he has everything. Plus! He actually has everything.

"Friends", season 3, episode 19

Ross: Yeah, yeah. (opens the door) It wasn’t every morning.

"Friends", season 4, episode 1

Rachel: I ah… Oh! I’ll squeeze you fresh orange juice every morning!

"Friends", season 4, episode 3

Joey: (manages to pry off only a small piece) Aw! Look at that, every inch of this stuff is glued down. It’d take forever to pry this up. You should ah, you should just leave it. (starts to walk away, but Monica grabs him)

"Friends", season 3, episode 5

PHOE: No, you are not, you are very attractive. You know what, I go through the exact same thing. Every time I put on a little weight, I start questioning everyting.

"Friends", season 2, episode 7

Chandler: You don’t turn and slide, you throw it out! I’m tired of having to get a tetanus shot every time I get dressed!

"Friends", season 4, episode 2

Ross: Every week, the TV Guide comes to Chandler and Joey’s apartment. What name appears on the address label?

"Friends", season 4, episode 12

Chandler: Well let’s see, there was the guy with the ferrets, that’s plural. The spitter. Oh-ho, and yes, the guy that enjoyed my name so much he felt the need to make a little noise every time he said it. Nice to meet you, Chandler Bing Bing! Great apartment Chandler Bing, Bing!

"Friends", season 3, episode 6

Monica: He used to lock himself in the basement for hours. No one was every allowed to hear, "The Sound."

"Friends", season 4, episode 7

Phoebe: Because she exchanges every gift she ever gets, it’s like impossible to get her something she likes. Come on, let’s trade!

"Friends", season 4, episode 8

Rachel: Oh, y’know, would you just for once, not remember every…little…thing!! (Storms out.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 14