
'HUGE' in a movie sentence | examples for 'HUGE' from movies

(He holds up a white poster with huge red letters. It reads, "Welcome Home Baby." There is also a huge red stain on the left of the poster.)

"Friends", season 10, episode 17

(They both break into a huge laugh and do that stop motion thing they had at the end of ChiPs.)

"Friends", season 7, episode 4

Phoebe: Okay. Then he still has this huge decision to make. Now he’s walking around thinking, ‘Do I want to be a dad?’ and then bam!

"Friends", season 8, episode 2

(Chandler glances up at Monica with his mouth still wide open and his eyes still huge)

"Friends", season 8, episode 15

Rachel: Oh my God! Oh my God!! Ohh, Jessica Lockhart!! In my apartment!! I am such a huge fan! I am such a huge fan!

"Friends", season 7, episode 15

Chandler: Somewhere there is someone with a tranquilizer gun and a huge butterfly net looking for that man.

"Friends", season 8, episode 18

Wendy: I was, uh, checking out that insurance company's Christmas party on three, oh, it was really beautiful, they have all these decorations and this huge tree and I just, uh... to hell with them, we have to work. -- So I stole ther ham. (She turns the cardboard box upside down over the conference table, a big piece of ham falls out.)

"Friends", season 9, episode 10

Phoebe: (entering from Rachel's room, wearing a huge bow to cover the stain) Okay, I'm ready.

"Friends", season 3, episode 2

Phoebe: Um, um. It's huge. Yeah, that's the moment, when-when, you know she stopped being a princess, and became, like, a woman, you know.

"Friends", season 3, episode 1

Ross: No they don’t!!! (He runs to the bedroom to check and returns with his box of condoms.) Well they should put it in huge black letters!!!!

"Friends", season 8, episode 3

Monica: I... I'm sorry, did you say something? I can't hear through all this damned hair! (Tries to move her huge hair away from the phone, in vain)

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Phoebe: (following him) And did you notice the ice? (Gestures to 3 huge buckets of ice on the table.) Look! We have it all! We have crushed! Cubed! And dry! Watch! (Pours some water onto the dry ice, causing it to evaporate/smoke.) Ahhh! Mystical!

"Friends", season 5, episode 18

Phoebe: Hi! Oh, Alice, hi! Thanks. I’m so glad you could come, ‘cause I’ve got a real umm, Home Ec emergency. (Points to the table cloth, which has a huge mustard stain on it.)

"Friends", season 3, episode 18

[Scene: The Craps Table, Monica is still on her roll, only this time Chandler's with her and she has a huge crowd of people around.]

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Mr. Treeger: Because by the time I find it on this thing (Holds up a huge key ring with a thousand keys on it), the whole place might have exploded. If that happens at another building that I manage, people are gonna start asking questions. (To the fireman) Come on! Hurry up.

"Friends", season 8, episode 3

Phoebe: Oh I do! (She grabs her huge purse and starts rummaging through it and taking out various items in a futile search for the gum.) Oh, y’know what? No. (Pause) Wait a second. (She removes a bag filled with water that has a goldfish swimming in it.) I know it’s in here somewhere.

"Friends", season 6, episode 13

(Ross throws a punch, but Joey ducks and Ross punches the pole. Ross then screams from the pain and turns to Gunther, and Gunther has a huge smile on his face.)

"Friends", season 9, episode 2

(Sergei insults Mischa, and they get into a huge fight, in Russian.)

"Friends", season 3, episode 15

Joey: All right, all right. (he comes out from their apartment with a huge sandwich in his hand)

"Friends", season 1, episode 22

PHOEBE: I'm just, I'm, I'm, I'm used to playing for grown-ups. Ya know, they just, grown-ups drink their coffee and do their grown-up thing, ya know, and kids listen. This is a huge responsibility. What? Are you gonna kiss me?

"Friends", season 2, episode 12

Ross: We are never gonna find him! He’s one guy in a huge city!

"Friends", season 7, episode 23

Joey: Yeah, you’re right. Okay look, listen, let’s talk about what a huge star I’m gonna be!

"Friends", season 6, episode 20

Phoebe: We, you know, we’re different! We don’t care about having a huge party. (She picks up the veil) This is really nice for you, but, oh, please, I put this on? (she puts it on) And, ow, I look (she looks her reflex image on a toaster), why, well, radiant. (pause) All right, well, who cares, I don’t need a pretty veil and a fancy dress.

"Friends", season 10, episode 7

Phoebe: Okay (she takes a huge, clearly obsolete cellphone she keeps in a closet and gives it to Monica)

"Friends", season 9, episode 17

(They’re all staring at him, with big, huge smiles on their faces.)

"Friends", season 3, episode 18

Ross: Let me see, I gotta see, I gotta see. Oh, a head. Oh, it's, it's huge. Carol, how are you doing this?

"Friends", season 1, episode 23

Phoebe: Oh, it’s like huge weight has been lifted! ‘Cause look, (reads the side affects) no hair loss, not a rash, no hives, I’m just so happy! Because no shortness of breath, no temporary euphoria—Oh.

"Friends", season 7, episode 16

(Ross pulls out a huge box of laundry detergent.)

"Friends", season 1, episode 5

Ross: Oh come on, we just had this huge fight, all right, don’t I have to wait a while?

"Friends", season 3, episode 15

Joey: Oh my God! That’s huge! (Hugs him.) Wait a minute, why come I wasn’t invited? And who was going to be your best man? Don’t say, "Ross." Do not say, "Ross."

"Friends", season 6, episode 1

Phoebe: (reading): Your Visa bill is huge!

"Friends", season 1, episode 18

Joey: (proud) I know, but, I made a huge mistake. I never should have broken up with her. Will you help me? Please?

"Friends", season 1, episode 5

Monica: No, I can’t afford this either. No. I-I-I’m, I’m just to figure out which one I want then I’m gonna get it at Kleinman’s, this discount place in Brooklyn, day after tomorrow they are having a huge sale.

"Friends", season 7, episode 17

Joey: All right, All right, let's just get this out in the open okay? You're hot. I'm lovable. Clearly there's a vibe going on between us. But, we're roommates and it's a huge mistake for us to continue down this road.

"Friends", season 6, episode 7

Phoebe: I know. This is really, really huge.

"Friends", season 1, episode 24

Phoebe: Oh my god. This is huge. This is bigger than huge. This is like, all right, what's bigger than huge?

"Friends", season 2, episode 1

[A guy is sitting at his desk and his boss comes in and drops a huge pile of papers on his desk. The guy looks dejected.]

"Friends", season 2, episode 12

Joey: Sure! What’s up? (He grabs a plate and proceeds to load it with a huge pile of scrambled eggs. Chandler just stares at him and Joey reluctantly gives him a spoonful.)

"Friends", season 6, episode 1

RACHEL: Come on, they were not that huge.

"Friends", season 2, episode 3

RICHARD: Wow. Well being a huge Knicks fan myself, I think you should take someone who's a huge Knicks fan.

"Friends", season 2, episode 20

The Interviewer: So umm, now back to the show. How does it feel to have a huge gay fan base?

"Friends", season 8, episode 19

Phoebe: (excited) Wow! It's huge! It's so much bigger than the cubicle. Oh, this is a cube.

"Friends", season 1, episode 15

Joey: Uhh, well I’ve got an audition down the street and I spilled sauce all over the front of my shirt. (Removes his hand to reveal a huge sauce stain.) You got an extra one?

"Friends", season 7, episode 5

MRS. GELLER: Over here Jack. OK. I see, Rachel's coming up the path. Oh doesn't she look pretty. Jack, get this. [Rachel enters with a huge nose]

"Friends", season 2, episode 14

[Joey opens the door and sees Erica (Brooke Shields). Joey gets a huge smile and Chandler squeezed the dish soap in the air.]

"Friends", season 2, episode 12

[Scene: Hotel's bar. Ross is running to Charlie trying not to be seen with two cocktails in his hands. She's hidden behind a huge plant]

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

FRANK: This is huge, you can buy me beer.

"Friends", season 2, episode 21

Rachel: Okay great, hold on a sec! (She runs to her room and returns carrying a huge bag of laundry.) Oh, here you go! You don't mind do ya? That would really help me out a lot! Thanks!

"Friends", season 5, episode 14

Ross: Y’know, okay. You’re right. It is huge. So why don’t we take it just a little bit at a time? Okay? Umm, forget getting married for a sec; just forget about it. Can you just come home and take a shower?

"Friends", season 7, episode 23

Dina: I can’t believe she’s really gone. Look around you, all of this is ours. (They move into kiss but; they’re stopped by Joey entering with a huge bandage wrapped around his head.)

"Friends", season 7, episode 15

Monica: Do you think breaking up with him was a huge mistake?

"Friends", season 3, episode 1

Phoebe: Oh. (goes and answers the door and there is this huge black delievery guy.)

"Friends", season 3, episode 7

RACHEL: My parents happened. All they had to do was sit in the same stadium, smile proudly, and not talk about the divorce. But nooo, they got into a huge fight in the middle of the commencement address. Bishop Tutu actually had to stop and shush them. But you know what, you know what the good news is? I get to serve coffee for the next 8 hours.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Phoebe is there as Monica enters carrying a huge stack of newspapers.]

"Friends", season 4, episode 9

Monica: (going up to the ring) Pete! Pete!! That guy’s pretty huge!

"Friends", season 3, episode 24

PHOEBE: [Standing in living room with Chandler and Joey. She pulls a huge bathing suit out of a box] Hey, Mon, what is this?

"Friends", season 2, episode 14

Phoebe: Pretty big? It’s huge! God, this guy doesn’t have a clue! He’s just walking down the street thinking, ‘I had sex with Rachel Green. I rock!’ then bam! He’s a father and everything’s different.

"Friends", season 8, episode 2

Joey: Look. (He walks out of the bathroom with his head stuck in a huge turkey.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 8

Joey: Oh-oh! (Shows him what’s on the back, "Best Man Joey Tribbiani, with a huge picture of him.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 22

Chandler: No-no, not something stupid, something huge.

"Friends", season 4, episode 21

Rachel: No, but they stuck me in personal shopping. Which is just a huge step down!

"Friends", season 4, episode 13

Mrs. Geller: Rachel's coming up the path.  Doesn't she look pretty. Jack... (Rachel enters with a huge nose)

"Friends", season 4, episode 21

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica is showing off her new dollhouse. It’s a huge dollhouse, that takes up the entire living room table.]

"Friends", season 3, episode 20

Ross: (reading from a notepad) I mean, we've been accepting Leakey's dates as a given, but if they're off by even a hundred thousand years or so then you can - you can just throw most of our assumptions, you know, right in the trash. (he throws the notepad in the waste bin) So-so what I am saying is - is is that (he picks the notepad back from the waste bin) is that the repercussions could be huge! I mean, not just in palaeontology, but if-if you think about it, in evolutionary biology, uh, genetics, geology, uh, I mean, truly the mind boggles!

"Friends", season 9, episode 22

Ross: (in his head) Wow! I have never had such a healthy break-up! She was such a grown-up about it! She didn’t seem too immature for me! Did I just make a huge mistake?

"Friends", season 6, episode 24

Chandler: And we just sit here. I mean if I die the only way people would even know I was here, would be by the ass print on this chair! Look, we have to do something. Okay? Something huge!

"Friends", season 4, episode 21

Chandler: (grabbing the phone) Of course he has this big huge dog! That uh, barks into the night. (Listens.) Well, who doesn't love dogs? (Thinks.) Ah, he's a tap dancer! (Listens.) Yes, some would say that is a lost art. (Thinks.) He's a pimp! (Listens.) There you go! Yes, he's a pimp. He's a big, tap dancing pimp! (Pause.) Hello?

"Friends", season 5, episode 7

Ross: That’s, that’s, that’s a big candy bar. (She’s holding one of those huge Toblerone bars.) I had the most amazing time with you.

"Friends", season 4, episode 17

Rachel: Oh my God, it's so huge, but you just have to promise me that you cannot tell anyone.

"Friends", season 5, episode 11

Joey: And I was tired from digging the huge hole!

"Friends", season 4, episode 1

Joey: Ross-Ross-Ross-Ross! Stay away from that guy (Points), and that guy (Points). And that one—Dude! They’re all huge!

"Friends", season 4, episode 15

Joey: (to Chandler) Dude, Phoebe’s mom has got a huge peni...

"Friends", season 4, episode 2

Rachel: No! I mean come on! This is a huge deal! (She sits next to him on the couch.) Fine I want—I need more details, who-who initiated the first kiss?

"Friends", season 5, episode 12

Chandler: No-no-no-no, no, it’s a good thing. Why must we dial so speedily anyway? Why must we rush through life? Why can’t we savor the precious moments? (to one of Joey’s sisters) Those are some huge breasts you have.

"Friends", season 3, episode 11

Monica: (in a sexy voice) Hello, Chandler. (Phoebe has a huge smile on her face.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 3

(Rachel rips one of the wall and finds a huge hole underneath.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 15

[Scene: The Hospital, Marcel lies on the operating table while recovering from the anaesthetic, tucked up under a sheet like an infant in a huge bed. Ross sits beside him, as a smiling Chandler, Monica and Rachel look on.]

"Friends", season 1, episode 17

Joey: Oh yeah, that’s just a little something for my huge gay fan base. (Winks at him.)

"Friends", season 8, episode 19

Chandler: You are gonna be a huge star! I’m gonna hug ya!

"Friends", season 6, episode 20

Rachel: No-no, it’s really not huge.

"Friends", season 7, episode 1

JOEY: I don't need to think about it. I was Dr. Drake Remoray. That was huge. Big things are gonna happen, you'll see. Ross, you still there?

"Friends", season 2, episode 19

Rachel: Do you really not know where I’m going with this? (Phoebe nods, "No.") It left! It’s one huge room!

"Friends", season 7, episode 10

Chandler: What, no, "Nice apartment, I bet the bedrooms are huge?"

"Friends", season 4, episode 17

Joey: You guys kissed! Oh my—this is huge!

"Friends", season 7, episode 1

Ross: And; people thinking it’s huge has led Monica to believe that we are stealing her thunder. (To Monica) Which we are not!

"Friends", season 7, episode 1

Rachel: Ross, I am trying to help her become a better person. This is a huge breakthrough for her! She just offered to do something for another human being!!

"Friends", season 10, episode 5

Joey: You’ve seen my huge stack of porn right? (Phoebe nods.)

"Friends", season 7, episode 22

Monica: (returning) Okay! (Sets down a huge 3" 3-ring binder on the table.)

"Friends", season 7, episode 2

Monica: This is so huge.

"Friends", season 8, episode 1

Rachel: This was such a huge mistake. I can’t tell him Phoebe. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t…

"Friends", season 8, episode 8

Joey: You were amazing, could you just do me this huge favor, you see there's this one other audition that I really, really want, and Estelle couldn't get me in.

"Friends", season 3, episode 4

Phoebe: Well-well but it is huge.

"Friends", season 8, episode 2

Chandler: I want to. I love her so much, but I’m afr…It’s too huge.

"Friends", season 7, episode 23

Phoebe: Okay, well they are a huge responsibility, especially at this age. They require constant care. They-they need just the right food, and lot’s and lot’s of love.

"Friends", season 3, episode 21

Monica: (interrupting) I love it! It’s huge!! Let’s open it! Open it!! (Monica rips open the paper.)

"Friends", season 8, episode 12

Ross: (walking up with this huge tub-o-popcorn and drink) Hey!

"Friends", season 3, episode 24

Phoebe: Yeah! Y’know, we were really huge too, but then they had to shut us down when Regina Philange died of alcohol poisoning.

"Friends", season 7, episode 20

Amy: No, he was this creepy guy from high school who had this huge crush on her since like the ninth grade.

"Friends", season 9, episode 8

Gunther: Your muffins. (Sets down a huge plate of muffins in front of Joey.)

"Friends", season 8, episode 19

Jim: Yeah, (looks at his crotch) a Pretty Huge…

"Friends", season 8, episode 17

Monica: I can’t walk. Okay? Okay? These boots were a huge mistake!

"Friends", season 8, episode 10