
'RACHEL' in a movie sentence | examples for 'RACHEL' from movies

[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Monica, Joey and Rachel are there. Rachel is writing something on a pad, and then crumples it up and throws it on the floor.]

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Well, Joshua’s coming in tomorrow and since I don’t have the guts to ask him out, I’m going to sell him a coat and put this note in the pocket.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

[Scene: Bloomingdale’s, Rachel is preparing to slip Joshua the note.]

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oh, here’s that trench-coat that you wanted.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Yeah?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: (stopping him) Oh no-no, no-no, they don’t want you to put your hands in the pockets until you are out of the store.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Well, that’s because of a lot of…(She imitates someone picking their nose and placing the treasure found in the pockets.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: I know!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oh?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Well, congratulations, so do you love her?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Huh. Well, uh, that’s uh, that’s interesting. (She goes over and retrieves her note.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oh, it’s just an anti-theft device.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: You need that, you need that too ‘cause obviously, a thief could just tear this up. (Rips up the note.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's erm, Chandler and Joey's, Ross is writing on the Magna-Doodle as Rachel enters.]

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oops, sorry. Listen, we-we have to have a party tonight! Actually, we have to have one in five minutes, so everybody cancel your plans.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: We have to have a surprise Bon Voyage party for Emily. But it’s actually for Joshua. (Starts handing out party hats.) Look, he said he’s not ready to date, so I had to invite him to a party if I wanted to see him outside of work, and now I have the perfect opportunity to seduce him! (Hands Ross a party hat.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Surprise!!!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Well, it was all Ross’s idea.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

[Cut to later, the party is in full swing. Rachel is in the kitchen and Chandler goes over to talk to her.]

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Uhh, because I’m trying to play hard to get. Oh, quick he’s looking over here, say something funny.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

(Rachel laughs hysterically.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Okay, y’know what, y’know what? This playing hard to get thing is not working. Umm, hand-hand me those cherries. (Chandler does so.) Okay. Okay. (She does a little sexy walk over to where Joshua is standing.) Hi!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Care for a cherry?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: No? Y’know, I can tie one of these into a knot using just my tongue.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Joshua: You okay? (Rachel swallowed it whole and is not hacking like a heavy smoker in the morning.) You all right? (Rachel walks away, coughing.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

(Rachel enters, she has changed clothes.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oh, could somebody give me a hand with this zipper?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Up!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Yeah, I did. I needed my lucky dress.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

(Joey starts wiping lint off of her back, but goes at little too far and Rachel just glares at him. He stops, gives her the ‘okay’ symbol and walks away.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Ohh, God! Look at him, he’s so cute. I wanna go over there, grab him, and kiss him! How can I kiss him and not letting him know that I like him?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: What?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: It’s not Christmas!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: He’s not 11!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: What? You’re leaving?!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: No! You guys can’t leave yet! You have to stay, we-we got the whole big thing planned!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

[Cut to later, the whole group is seated on the floor and Rachel is explaining the rules of Spin the Bottle.]

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: (spinning the bottle) So, Spin the Bottle works like this: I spin the bottle, it lands on Gunther, so I would have to kiss Gunther. (She crawls over to where Gunther is sitting and sees the look of anticipation on Gunther’s face and decides not to kiss him.) All right. Who wants to go first?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Yay! Emily!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Okay, my turn!!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

(Rachel spins the bottle and it lands on….wait for it….Joshua. (You thought I was going to say Ross, didn’t you?) Rachel squeals in delight and starts a slow sexy crawl over to Joshua, making sure he and everyone else watching gets a good look at her cleavage.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: It’s okay! It’s okay! It kicked once, it’ll kick again!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

(They all stand up and go over to Phoebe to feel the baby, preventing Rachel from kissing Joshua.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: All right, well, everybody just remember where they were sitting.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

(She crawls over to Joshua and kisses the back of his knee. He feels it and looks down, Rachel pretends she’s knocking a bug off his leg.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Just a bug.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

(Rachel enters, she has changed once again. This time into her high school cheerleading uniform.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Emily: But, we can’t go now. It looks like Rachel’s gonna put on a skit.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: No-n-n-n-no! I am finally thinking clearly. My lucky dress wasn’t working out to well for me, but for four years, this baby never missed.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Hi!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Ohh, yeah, well I wanted to give Emily a big American good-bye cheer. So okay! (Runs into the living room) Ready! Okay! Gimme an ‘E!’

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Gimme an ‘M!’

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Gimme an ‘I!’

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Gimme an ‘L!’

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Gimme a ‘Y!’

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: What do you get? (She throws her pom-poms to Joey and Phoebe and performs a cartwheel.) Emily!! (Tries to do another one.) Emil—Whoa!! (She falls in Chandler’s room.) Okay! So that’s me as a cheerleader! Ta-dum! (Gunther’s the only one that claps.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: I’m fine! I’m fine! I’m just losing a tooth, it’s no big deal. I have a dentist! Y’know. I’m gonna go put some ice on it. Excuse me. (She goes over to the ice and Joey and Monica follow her.) What do I do now? What do I do now?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: All right, come on, let’s go get your coat.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Gunther: Rachel is my girlfriend.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oh, yeah! Real fun. (She makes a decision.) Y’know, this bra… Really, bothers me. (She starts taking off her bra.) Y’know, this used to be my bedroom. Yeah. A lot of memories in here, a lot of memories. If these walls could talk, y’know what they’d say? Wanna hear some memories? (She is now violently pulling on her bra in order to remove it, but it isn’t co-operating.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oh no-no-no! No, I got this all under control.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Ughhhh!! Forget it! (Sits down heavily on the bed.) This is, this is not how this is supposed to happen.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Can you not look at me when I say this? (He turns around) I thought that if I could get you here, I could seduce you.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Well, I’m sorry, I thought you needed them!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Why?!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: You like me?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Yeah but-but-but you liked me! Oh my God, I can’t believe this, all this time, I liked you and you liked me!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oh no-no-no don’t say but! No-no, but’s never good! Let’s just leave it at, you like me and I like you.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oh, now see that’s a fancy but.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: But….

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Okay.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

[Scene: The hallway, Ross is sitting on the step drinking a beer as Rachel comes out of the guys apartment.]

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Ohh, here you are. I was looking for you before. Joshua’s gone so you and Emily are free to go.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oh, Ross, I’m sorry. I completely ruined your evening.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Well, if it makes you feel any better, I made a fool out of myself.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Is there room on that step for a pathetic loser?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: I’m so sorry.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Well, maybe you didn’t want it to end?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: You seem to really like her.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Ross, that girl just spent the entire evening talking to your friends, asking to hear stories about you, looking through Monica’s photo albums, I mean you don’t do that if you’re just in it for two weeks.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Yeah, you got like 14 hours until she has to be at the airport, and you’re sitting here in the hallway with a 28-year-old cheerleader with a fat lip.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Yeah.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: I don’t know, it was you and a bunch of albino kids.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Hey.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: You’re a pathetic loser, right?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Sit!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oh my gosh, Joshua!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: They’re not true?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oh.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oh! Oh, I love that but.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: You wanna go inside and have some coffee?

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Okay. (Joshua goes inside and to Chandler.) Every time.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Rachel: Oh, yeah, well… Yeah, no use wasting this baby, just lyin’ around the house.

"Friends", season 4, episode 18

Rachel: Anyway sweetie, I am, I’m so sorry I ruined your night.

"Friends", season 7, episode 1

RACHEL: Yeah, Joey honey, I don't know if this'll mean anything to you but you'll always be pre-approved with us.

"Friends", season 2, episode 18

Rachel: When you're sick, you do whatever you can to make yourself feel better! (she closes her robe)

"Friends", season 9, episode 20

Rachel: Hey! Hey what's going on?

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

(Rachel turns around and sees Chandler and Monica arriving)

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

[Scene: Shop, Rachel, Charlie and Phoebe walk in]

"Friends", season 9, episode 22

Rachel: Oh yeah, it's fine, it's fine. Sandy was just... was just telling me about how he proposed to his fiancée and it was just sooo beautiful.

"Friends", season 9, episode 6

Rachel: Oh my God! It sure didn’t look this way when I lived here.

"Friends", season 6, episode 18

Rachel: Mon, Ethan called again. Mon?

"Friends", season 1, episode 22

Rachel: It's not the time Charlie.

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Y'know what else is really great about him, oh, what is the word for the adult that doesn't have dinosaur toys in their bedroom?

"Friends", season 4, episode 5

Rachel: Ugh.

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Thank you. (they walk away)

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Well, I've brought some books. We could read.

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: We can't. We're not pharmacists!

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: And... that's the most sex I'm gonna have this weekend.

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Okay Ross that’s fine, but can you please stand near my head?

"Friends", season 8, episode 3

Monica: Ooooh! (Rachel now succeeds in getting downstairs.) And-and-and what-what's this? (Points again.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 7

Rachel: Okay, y'know what uh, actually, that's great. That helps a lot. Thanks. (She leaves them to wrestle.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 10

Rachel: I’m not vanilla! I’ve done lots of crazy things! I mean I got-I got drunk and married in Vegas!

"Friends", season 7, episode 20

Rachel: No.

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Ross: My God. Rachel! (He walks towards her, grasps her hands and kisses her on the cheek.) Your here. I can’t believe it. (She giggles.) What happen? Why are you here?

"Friends", season 4, episode 23

Rachel: Oh! (pause) Ok. Ok, you really wanna know who it is?

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Do ya?

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Later! La...

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Ok. See you, bye.

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Ross and Rachel: Ok, good night!

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Man: (to wife): Toby... Oh, for God's sake, I don't know what she's talking about! There's no Rachel! Don't give me that deep freeze.

"Friends", season 1, episode 24

(Rachel runs in)

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

(Rachel opens the drapes)

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Nooo!

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: No! No! Phoebe, come on! I don’t want to switch! Please come on! I can throw wet paper towels here!

"Friends", season 6, episode 18

(Rachel laughs)

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

[The next one is from Episode 613: The One With Rachel’s Sister, Chandler has just opened the door to reveal a woman standing there.]

"Friends", season 8, episode 19

Rachel: Homo.

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Oh!

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: All right! Well, uh... (to Monica) we're gonna hit the beach?

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: (waking up) Ehhh, aw! (pause). Well, that's new!

"Friends", season 9, episode 19

Monica: (gets up and gasps) Oh my God! Rachel!! (Rachel is stunned to see that her long lost friend is still fat.) (Monica goes over and gives Rachel a big bear hug, which is quite easy for her.) You look terrific!

"Friends", season 6, episode 15

Ross: Emily, there is nothing between Rachel and me. Okay? I love you.

"Friends", season 5, episode 4

Rachel: Oh wait, I have the ten of spades! Here! (gives it to Phoebe)

"Friends", season 1, episode 18

Rachel: Look Daddy, it's my life. Well maybe I'll just stay here with Monica.

"Friends", season 1, episode 1

Rachel: I don't care about any of that!!

"Friends", season 9, episode 21

Rachel: Hey, so you guys, the funniest thing happened, at work...

"Friends", season 9, episode 19

Rachel: Uh, I-I had a drink with lunch. Did those cost reports come in?

"Friends", season 7, episode 5

Rachel: Nooooo, why?

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: (worried) What, is everything ok?

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Well, yeah, right, y’know what? Yeah, you’re right, I mean, we no, we have our fun. Yeah! But if (Grunts uncomprehensively)……I mean, I mean like craaaazy! Y’know? Okay, all right. This is gonna, this is gonna sound y’know, a little umm, hasty, but uh, just go with it. Umm. Ugh. What if we got married?

"Friends", season 4, episode 20

Rachel: ... yeah, it's true.

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Oh! Weather bitch! (turns the TV off)

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: (laughing) Oh, that's crazy!

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: You guys, I’m doing the best I can, anyone else is welcome to try.

"Friends", season 9, episode 2

Rachel: You know? Forget it!

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Yeah, I'm not talking about her...

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Yeah, sure!

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Danny: (To Monica) On the date, I will be able to talk to her directly? (To Rachel) See ya Friday. (He walks out.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 10

Rachel: Remember when we went to Central Park and rented boats?.. That was fun.

"Friends", season 1, episode 3

Rachel: Shoot!

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: (puzzled) Who...?

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: But why, why not?

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Yeah, I said what was okay when I thought she was some weird bald chick. I mean, y'know, that girl has hair got all over head!

"Friends", season 3, episode 24

Rachel: (takes a sip from her drink, embarassed) No.

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Oh yes, of course, I remember him!

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: But that wasn't gonna stop you before!

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Ok!

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: Ok, I...

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: It's so not a big deal!

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: It's not a big deal!

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

(He starts chasing her around Rachel a couple of times before she runs into the living room and he tackles her on the couch where he starts tickling her.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 10

Mike: But Rachel I thought she just had a baby with Ross

"Friends", season 9, episode 4

Rachel: What?

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

[Cut to Central Perk, Phoebe and Rachel are sitting up by the window because two guys have their couch.]

"Friends", season 6, episode 17

Rachel: I know, I'm her!

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Rachel: ooh...

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Phoebe: (whispering) Rachel and Joey! It's Rachel and Joey!!!

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

(Rachel and Joey's)

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Joey: Ooh... I can't believe I'm kissing you. I'm kissing Rachel!

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Rachel: Come on Ross! You said you wanted to talk about it, let’s talk about it!! How was she?

"Friends", season 3, episode 16

Joey: (in a funny voice) Yeah, so it turns out that it wasn’t the hair straightener that started the fire. (Rachel prompts him on what to say next.) No-no, it was the candles. It’s very not good leaving candles unattended. In fact, one of the first things they teach you in fire school is… (Phoebe suddenly enters.) Uhh… Uhh… Okay. Well, I have to go now. (Phoebe leaves.)

"Friends", season 6, episode 18

[Time Lapse: Rachel is returning from chasing down the boy in the cape.]

"Friends", season 8, episode 6

(they rush to the wall to Rachel and Joey's, and we move to that room)

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Rachel: Coming! Try under the bed, try under the bed!

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

[Sequence 4: Ross hikes the ball to Chandler, and the camera pans down to show Rachel standing deep in the end zone, playing with her gum. Something hits her on the head and she looks up to see where it came from.]

"Friends", season 3, episode 9

Rachel: Okay, I need a, I need a drink! (Makes a beeline for the mini-bar.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Rachel: Hi...

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Rachel: ...I really don't... (looks around again)

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Rachel: You would think!

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Rachel: Joey!

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Phoebe: Oh, hi Chandler. It's Phoebe. Uhm... I know that Monica is working today so...(back to Central Perk) ...I was wondering if you want to come to the movies with me and Rachel.

"Friends", season 10, episode 10

Rachel: Sure...

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Rachel: Get out!

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Rachel: Uh, thank you Phoebe. Umm, well, what struck me most when reading Jane Eyre was uh, how the book was so ahead of its time.

"Friends", season 5, episode 9

Rachel: No...

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Rachel: Yeah...

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Rachel: Are they right?

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Rachel: (with high pitched voice) Nobody, forget it!

"Friends", season 9, episode 20

Rachel: Yeah... Yeah, we can wait, we don't have to do anything tonight.

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Rachel: Forgotten.

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Rachel: Nothing...

"Friends", season 10, episode 1