
'THIS' in a movie sentence | examples for 'THIS' from movies

Chandler: Oh! Uh, yeah! Is this a cold pizza talk or a leftover meatloaf talk?

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Joey: You know what? This is a bad idea. Forget it. Forget it, and listen, do me a favor, this conversation was between you and me.

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Rachel: Yeah! I don’t think you’re going to need it though. Okay, check this out. If it’s a girl, Rain.

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Monica: Please, could you just try it for me? Come on, I used all my best stuff! I-I-I lit some candles. I put on some music. I used bath salts, plus bubble bath! And got you this little plastic Navy ship. So it’s a boy bath!

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Chandler: Well, this does butch it up a bit.

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Chandler: All right, if I do this, can we at least discuss sex on the balcony?

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Chandler: (thinking) All right, this isn’t so bad. I like the flower smell! Which is okay, because I’ve got my boat.

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Chandler: I don’t know! Joey hasn’t had this much trouble getting out words since we saw him in Macbeth!

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Chandler: All right, let’s break this down. What exactly did he say to you?

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Chandler: He was asking all these questions about you, me, and London. And, of course the glue that holds this all together, the rules.

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Phoebe: Oh, just as well, I broke this one.

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Ross: Unless… (Rachel groans.) You anticipated that I would figure all this out and you know that it actually is a girl, and you really do want her to be named Ruth! Well, I’m not falling for that! Okay? Ruth is off the table!

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Ross: Not like this!

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Joey: I know. I know. And this is so much more complicated than it was for those guys. I mean, it’s Rachel for God sakes.

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Phoebe: Joey, I just think you’re getting worked up over nothing. This is probably just a crush.

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Phoebe: Absolutely! Y’know, you get this rush of feelings, but then it goes away.

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Joey: Yeah, just a crush! That’s all this is! It’s a crush! I’m Joey; I don’t get deep feelings.

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Monica: I know that you’re new at this, but this is completely unacceptable bath decorum.

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Chandler: Oh, it’s so hard to care when you’re this relaxed.

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Monica: It sure is nice to do this together, isn’t it?

"Friends", season 8, episode 13

Ross: Well, I'm so excited about this.

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Meg: Well, I don’t care about the divorces either, but I wouldn’t date him. It’s just that he’s obviously still in love with this Rachel girl.

"Friends", season 6, episode 2

Ross: Wow! This picture of you sure is steamy.

"Friends", season 8, episode 19

The Saleswoman: You wanna return this couch? (Ross nods yes.) It's cut in half!

"Friends", season 5, episode 16

Phoebe: Hm, I mean maybe no-one ever really goes. Ever since my mom died, every now and then, I get the feeling that she's like right here, y'know? (She circles her hand around her right shoulder. Chandler, sitting on her right, draws back nervously) Oh! And Debbie, my best friend from junior high- got struck by lightning on a miniature golf course- I always get this really strong Debbie vibe whenever I use one of those little yellow pencils, y'know? ...I miss her.

"Friends", season 1, episode 8

Chandler: Yes, the moon, the glow, the magical feeling, you did this part- Could I get some painkillers over here, please?

"Friends", season 1, episode 4

Allesandro: How long is this gonna take? ‘Cause I got another critic to go yell at.

"Friends", season 4, episode 9

Cashier: Why don’t you fill out this address card. (Hands him one.)

"Friends", season 8, episode 21

Chandler: But only because I was up all night worried about this meeting, ain’t that funny? Irony? Not a fan, alright (he sits down). See, here’s the thing. I went home and told my wife about Tulsa and she won’t go. See, me, I love Tulsa!  Tulsa is heaven!  Tulsa is Italy—Please don’t make me go there!

"Friends", season 9, episode 2

Rachel: And your lap does not count! Okay? Come on help me move this.

"Friends", season 7, episode 13

Parker: Isn’t this the most incredible fight you’ve ever had in your entire life?

"Friends", season 8, episode 18

Ross: It was just a kiss. (Phoebe enters and overhears this.)

"Friends", season 7, episode 1

Monica: Ohh, I've always wanted to go to this culinary fair that they have in Jersey!

"Friends", season 5, episode 5

Monica: This is me in The Sound of Music. See the von Trapp kids?

"Friends", season 1, episode 19

Chandler: Oh come on guys, it’s not like I moved to Europe! I just moved across the hall! And we would have you over all the time if it weren’t for (struggles to get this out) Monica’s allergies. (The duck quacks.) You’re right, I could never lie to you. She hates you. (The phone rings.) Should I get that? (Laughs, then answers the phone.) Hello? (Listens) Uh no, Joey’s not here right now. Can I take a message? (Listens) Yeah, okay so the audition has been moved from 5:00 to 2:30? (Listens) Okay great. (Listens.) Bye. (Hangs up the phone and goes to write the message on the Magna-Doodle on the door but Monica walks in and forces him to jump out of the way.)

"Friends", season 6, episode 20

Monica: This bicep?

"Friends", season 5, episode 14

Phoebe: Oh Rach, good, listen isn't this perfect for me! (she's wearing another dress on a hanger around her neck)

"Friends", season 3, episode 2

Phoebe: But really, it does seem like this money could be put to better use?

"Friends", season 10, episode 7

Spokeswoman: ...has become the penicillin of the twenty-first century. And so today, this hospital is about to take major steps toward leading that revolution. It is truly ironic, on one hand consider the size...

"Friends", season 3, episode 19

Ross: (standing) Ok, gentlemen! Please! Aren't we a little old for this? I mean, we're scientists, right? We're academics. And most importantly I... you-you will have to catch us first. (he starts to run away with Charlie). GO, GO, GO! (the paleontologists starts chasing them)

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Monica: I bet this will work! (She starts dancing and Chandler cracks up.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 8

Phoebe: Okay I can’t let you do this! She’s lying to you.

"Friends", season 8, episode 6

Paul: Wow. What can I say? (Pause, pointing at Ross) This doesn’t make me like you any better!

"Friends", season 6, episode 21

Joey: Me?! Oh come on, man! You can't do this! Come on! (Being dragged out by the guard) I'm your hand twin!!

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

RACHEL: Ok, we can do this now, can't we Ben? Yes we can, yes we can. [finishes the diaper] There. I did it. I did it. Look at that, oh, stays on and everything. Hi.

"Friends", season 2, episode 20

Phoebe: Okay, is this the day of good news or what? I got us a job! The wedding reception.

"Friends", season 4, episode 9

Rachel: Okay fine! I’ll-I’ll just tell her it’s an antique apothecary table, she doesn’t have to know where it came from. Oh! Look at this little drawers! Oh look-look it says that it holds 300 CDs.

"Friends", season 6, episode 11

Chandler: I think this is the first time in our marriage that I've felt like the more attractive one.

"Friends", season 9, episode 23

Rachel: (to everybody) All right, let’s get this party started, huh? Joey and Phoebe are gonna perform a little something for us.

"Friends", season 10, episode 4

Monica: Wow! I Had no idea you had this much pride.

"Friends", season 9, episode 16

Chandler: �kay, look: Can we just drop this? I�m not gonna smoke again.

"Friends", season 9, episode 5

Phoebe: It's really crazy! The hall, the dress, the food... I-I had no idea how expensive this stuff was!

"Friends", season 10, episode 7

Joey: Oh, he was this cab driver we had in London.

"Friends", season 5, episode 2

Rachel: But I don’t, hmm... (on phone) Oh, who approved that order?! (listens) Well there is no Mark Robbinson in this office. (to Sophie) Get me Mark on the phone!

"Friends", season 3, episode 15

Rachel: Oh come on Ross, why are we wasting our time with this other stuff?! We know what’s gonna work! It’s doctor recommended!

"Friends", season 8, episode 22

Rachel: I don't care! This guy is a nightmare!

"Friends", season 9, episode 14

Ross: Hi! Listen uhh, this cat belongs to a little girl. There are flyers all over the place.

"Friends", season 4, episode 2

Phoebe: Well, I’ll tell you Rachel Karen Green, I had plans with Joey tonight and he left me this note. (Hands it to Rachel.)

"Friends", season 7, episode 11

Monica: Anybody lose this? (Holds up the chip and the woman next to her shakes her head no.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

The Casting Director: Joey, this is awkward part.

"Friends", season 7, episode 19

Big Nosed Rachel: I know, I know. And oh, and this time Chip promised that-that this time it will last at least for an entire song!

"Friends", season 5, episode 8

Joey: No-no-no-no-no, I saw an ad for this video, people climb that thing everyday! We could totally do that!

"Friends", season 4, episode 21

Monica: No! Wait! I think I can figure out the recipe from this cookie! I do stuff like this at work all the time.

"Friends", season 7, episode 3

Roy: I may have borrowed this from my nephew, but let me assure you, what's underneath (points at his groin)... is all man.

"Friends", season 10, episode 11

Phoebe: Yeah. And believe me, this suit does not do justice to what’s underneath it.

"Friends", season 6, episode 19

Ross: What did you want to show us? Because all I can see is this bitchin' van!

"Friends", season 4, episode 9

Monica: I want you to meet someone really special. Phoebe, this is Erica. And this is the baby!

"Friends", season 10, episode 13

(Cue up the music as they move in and kiss. This time I think it's Perry Como, but I'm not sure. It's Everybody loves somebody, sometime! Everybody falls in love somehow! Something in your kiss, just told me, my sometime, is now!)

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Rachel: This was such a huge mistake. I can’t tell him Phoebe. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t…

"Friends", season 8, episode 8

Ross: What does this mean? What do you, I mean do you wanna, get back together?

"Friends", season 4, episode 21

Ross: Actually this looks like pretty good! Yeah!(he turns and watches his back and there’s a sign on the back of the jacket, “boys will be boys”) Boys will be boys?

"Friends", season 10, episode 9

Joey:  It's like, you got so many lines to learn so fast, that sometimes you need a minute to remember your next one. So while you're thinkin' of it, you take this big pause where you look all intense, you know, like this. (Does this intense look where it looks like he's smelling a fart.)

"Friends", season 6, episode 20

Chandler: If you get this one, we buy everybody here a steak dinner!

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Chandler: I'd like to propose a toast. Little toast here, ding ding. I know this isn't the kind of Thanksgiving that all of you all planned, but for me, this has been really great, you know, I think because it didn't involve divorce or projectile vomiting. Anyway, I was just thinking, I mean, if you'd gone to Vail, and if you guys'd been with your family, if you didn't have syphilis and stuff, we wouldn't be all together, you know? So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm very thankful that all of your Thanksgivings sucked.

"Friends", season 1, episode 9

Dennis Phillips: Look umm Joey, I-I don’t think you’re quite right for this project.

"Friends", season 8, episode 1

Mike: It can't be any harder than this... I mean, If I had known the last time I saw you would be the last time, I... I would have stopped to memorize your face, the way you move, everything about you. If I had known the last time I kissed you would have been the last time... I never would have stopped.

"Friends", season 9, episode 17

Joey: Yeah, I guess it is. (sees Kate is watching, he turns Lauren so that he can talk directly to Kate, but still look like he is talking to Lauren) Listen, I ah, I gotta say good bye, and-and I gotta say it quick ‘cause this is killing me. One thing you gotta know, is that I will never forget you. But, you’ve got things you have to do now, and so do I. And so… I’m gonna get on this spaceship, (smoke starts pouring in from the ceiling, and a ladder comes down, with flashing, colored lights on the side of it) and I’m gonna go to Blargon 7 in search of alternative fuels. But when I return, 200 years from now, you’ll be long gone. But I won’t have aged at all. (gets on the ladder) So you tell your great-great-granddaughter to look me up, because Adrienne, baby, I’m gonna want to meet her.

"Friends", season 3, episode 22

Rachel: Ok, well this is like no way. I had a...I had a dream last night that I wanted to kiss Joey.

"Friends", season 9, episode 19

Chandler: (pause) Yes. (to Rachel) Okay, there’s this one guy, Patrick, I think you’re gonna like him, he’s really nice, he’s funny, he’s a swimmer.

"Friends", season 4, episode 10

Joey: Hey-hey guys, hey! How about we settle this over a friendly game of Fireball? Huh? I'll go unhook the smoke detectors!

"Friends", season 5, episode 10

Chandler: Listen, this is totally getting out of hand! Okay? She wants me to put lotion on her!

"Friends", season 7, episode 21

Gary: Well you're fingerprints were all over my badge so I just ran it through the computer and this was listed as your last known address so I just checked it out.

"Friends", season 5, episode 16

Monica: (smiling) It's so sweet. It really is. It has this big yard that leads down to this stream and then there's these old maple trees... (gets cut off)

"Friends", season 10, episode 10

Phoebe: So, now, Rach, this is a traditional English trifle, isn’t it?

"Friends", season 6, episode 9

Ross: Oh hey, hey, huh, how about this weekend we have a laser disc marathon okay, and maybe a tournament on my new dart board? Huh, huh, what do you think? (in an Irish accent) Two days of darts, it’ll be great!

"Friends", season 3, episode 17

Rachel: Pheebs, this guy has been obsessed with your sister, for God knows how long, okay, you don't just give up something like that.

"Friends", season 3, episode 3

Rachel: Ooh, and it's so nice having this little sink here...

"Friends", season 1, episode 20

Rachel: Oh! See just I’m right back where I started! Aww, this sucks! Being alone, sucks! (She sits down heavily in one of the new chairs)

"Friends", season 4, episode 10

Phoebe: Okay, let's discuss Rachel's birthday. I say we throw a surprise party this weekend.

"Friends", season 5, episode 18

Phoebe: (To Monica) I didn’t see this on the menu.

"Friends", season 8, episode 5

Rachel: Honey, y'know I just gotta tell you, I think this is such a terrific thing you're having these babies for Frank and Alice.

"Friends", season 5, episode 3

MONICA: [looking at some kind of glass sculpture thing] Wow Joey, this is, uhh...

"Friends", season 2, episode 17

Chandler: Hang up, hang up. And that was a great movie! (Monica hangs up) I'm so gonna get back at Ross... oh yeah, this will show him, here we go (starts typing something).

"Friends", season 9, episode 17

Joey: Yeah! Yeah! Right down there. (Points.) Hey listen; let me give you a little tip. Do not take a nap on this stoop (Points to hers) or you can wake up with your shoes gone.

"Friends", season 7, episode 17

Rachel: So, if-if I mess this up, there’s nothing else for dessert?

"Friends", season 6, episode 9

Sarah: (laughing) No. If I can't have your clams, you can't have my dessert. This is a two way street.

"Friends", season 10, episode 9

Susan: Oh, good. This’ll be fun.

"Friends", season 1, episode 16

Joey: All right, you’re probably not gonna want to hear this but ah, if it was me, and this is just me, (Chandler gets ready to throw another dart) I would ah, I would bow out.

"Friends", season 3, episode 8

Monica: But Ben is coming over tonight and he can’t see this.

"Friends", season 8, episode 12

Phoebe: Ah! Well! There you go! Last to know again! And I'm guessing... since nobody told me... this is Paolo.

"Friends", season 1, episode 7

Joey: Yeah, this slow roasted salmon, just how slow are we talkin’ here?

"Friends", season 7, episode 11

Joey: All right, hold on! Hold on. Hold on. This is Ross, okay? He's our friend. He obviously went crazy. He obviously lost his mind.

"Friends", season 5, episode 12

Joey: Yeah, there’s this guy from Chicago who’s supposed to be the next Martin Scorcese, all right? But then this guy’s right after him. (Joey’s cell phone rings and he answers it.) Hello!

"Friends", season 7, episode 19

Joey: (looking at the checkbook) Wow! Look at this! He wrote a check for 50,000 dollars to Hugo Ligrens Ring Design. (Monica is stunned) Oh, sorry, what do you think the good news is?

"Friends", season 3, episode 23

ESTELLE: Look honey, people get fired left and right in this business. I already got you an audition for Another World.

"Friends", season 2, episode 19

Phoebe Sr: Hey! Okay! Well thanks for coming out to see me. I just-I just thought it would be a very good idea to talk about this baby stuff in person. Y’know…

"Friends", season 4, episode 11

Phoebe: well you not what you should feel terrible about, this could have been my serious guy he was sweet and smart and funny. Do you know how hard it is to meet a guy like that?

"Friends", season 9, episode 4

Joey: Can you believe this? Al Pacino! This guy's the reason I became an actor! "I'm out of order? Pfeeeh. You're out of order! This whole courtroom's out of order!"

"Friends", season 1, episode 6

Matthew Perry: Eee!! (This causes more laughter.)

"Friends", season 7, episode 15

Rachel: What future boyfriends? Nono, I th- I think this could be, y'know, it.

"Friends", season 1, episode 3

Joey: (smiling) Now let's not ruin this day. You worked so hard. Let's move past this and try to have a nice meal all together, huh?

"Friends", season 10, episode 8

Monica: (the hand’s still there) When-when you were little you slept through the Grand Canyon. (She actually itches her nose this time.)

"Friends", season 7, episode 24

Ross: (in his head) Oh my God! That's Rachel naked! I can't look at that! I am looking at this. (Looks back at his book.) Okay, vivid colors, expressive brush strokes—Unless she wants me to be looking at that. She knows I'm home. She knows I can see her. What kind of game is she playing? I think maybe someone's lonely tonight. Oh-ho, Dr. Geller! Stop it! You're being silly! Or, am I?

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Monica: Do you realize this is probably the last time we’ll all be here in the coffee house as six single people?

"Friends", season 7, episode 23

Janice: All right, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, we've got to do something about our little situation here Joey. So, this is my idea: you and me spending some quality time together.

"Friends", season 3, episode 1

Monica: (telling Chandler the seating arrangement) Okay so this is where the band is. (Points.) And this is where the bar is. (Points) And all these pins have people’s names on them. (She has pins to show the seating at each of the tables.) And Rach, here you are. (Points to Rachel’s place.)

"Friends", season 7, episode 20

Ross: Okay, hopefully this time mom won’t boo you.

"Friends", season 8, episode 18

Joey: I'm telling ya... (his eyes open wide and he looks like his eyes are about to pop out. He stares at Ross like this without blinking) I can do it.

"Friends", season 10, episode 8

RACHEL: I'm off my break now so uh, um here you take this [hands back Ben] and um, I am gonna go pour these very nice people some coffee. Ok. Oh look at that, I don't have a pot. I don't have a pot. Well, hey, maybe I've got one at home, or in Scarsdale. Hey is that a door? [leaves]

"Friends", season 2, episode 20

Joey: Ohh, great! Oh hey, listen Ross, thanks for being so cool about this.

"Friends", season 4, episode 22