
'TO' in a movie sentence | examples for 'TO' from movies

MONICA: So, I'll get candles and my mom's lace tablecloth, and since it's Rachel's birthday, I mean, we want it to be special, I thought I'd poach a salmon.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

ROSS: Question. Why do we always have to have parties where you poach things?

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

ROSS: Question two. Why do we always have to have parties with committees?

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MONICA: Alright. If you guys don't want it to be special, fine. You can throw any kind of party you want.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

ROSS: I talked to Rachel's sisters, neither of them can come.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MONICA: Ok, um so, I still have to invite Dillon and Emma and Shannon Cooper.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

CHANDLER: Ya know, my cousin went to hell on a football scholarship.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

RACHEL: Ya know, I mean this is supposed to be a joyous occasion. My sister's graduating from college, nobody thought she would. It's a true testament to what a girl from long island would do for a Celica.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

RACHEL: My parents happened. All they had to do was sit in the same stadium, smile proudly, and not talk about the divorce. But nooo, they got into a huge fight in the middle of the commencement address. Bishop Tutu actually had to stop and shush them. But you know what, you know what the good news is? I get to serve coffee for the next 8 hours.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MR. GREENE: What? The father can't drop by to see the daughter on her birthday?

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

[knock at the door, Monica answers to see Mrs. Greene]

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MRS. GREENE: Oh well thank you. Such a gentleman. Thank you. [Chandler takes the hot pink coat and grimaces at it] Ahh, it all looks so nice, so festive, all the balloons... [Chandler, remembering that Joey and Mr. Greene are in the bedroom, throws her coat in a cupboard] The funniest thing happened to me on the way here. I was...[Joey peeks out]

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

PHOEBE: [cutting Mrs. Greene off] Ha-ha, that's great, ha-ha. I can't wait to hear the rest of it, ya know, but I really have to go to the bathroom so... Hey, come with me. Yeah, yeah, it'll be like we're gal pals, ya know, like at a restraunt. Oh, it'll be fun, c'mon. [they go in the bathroom]

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MONICA: So uh, Joey and Chanlder, I, I think it's time that you take Dr. Greene over to your place.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

[Scene: Later on in the hallway between the apartments. Chandler is showing people to the parties.]

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

CHANDLER: Alright you guys are off to party number one [ushers 3 guys into Monica's apartment] and you, you are off to party number two [ushers four women into his apartment. Two guys try to follow and Chandler blocks them and shoos them off to Monica's apartment] Alright fellas, let's keep it movin', let' keep it movin.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MONICA: Chandler could you at least send some women to my party? [buzzer goes off] Alright that's Ross.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

CHANDLER: Ok, they're coming, shhh. [Runs into Monica's apartment and grabs one last girl to take to his apartment]

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

[Ad break. Time lapse. Still at party at Chandler and Joey's. Rachel is talking to Chandler and Ross.]

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

RACHEL: Well, I have to be, I don't really have a choice, I mean, you know, I could look at the bright side, I get two birthday parties and two birthday cakes.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

CHANDLER: It's a traditional Mexican custard dessert...Look talk to Monica, she's on the food committee.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

CHANDLER: Joey, Joey. Hey, some girl just walked up to me and said, 'I want you Dennis,' and stuck her tounge down my throat. I love this party.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

CHANDLER: Joey, a woman just stuck her tounge down my throat, I'm not even listening to you.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

RACHEL: Listen honey, can you keep dad occupied, I'm gonna go talk to mom for a while.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MONICA: Ok people, I want you to take a piece of paper, here you go, and write down your most embarassing memory. Oh, and I do ask that when you're not using the markers, you put the caps back on them because they will dry out.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MONICA: Listen you guys, I don't mean to be a pain about this but, um, I've noticed that some of you are just placing them on. You wanna push the caps until you hear them click. [she demonstrates, Gunther starts to walk to the door] Gunther, where're you going?

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

PHOEBE: Shh. In a minute, I'm gonna create a diversion. When I do, walk quickly to the door and don't look back.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

ROSS: Oh, mine too. Isn't that neat, scotch neat. Would you excuse me? [walks out in the hallway, Mr. Greene is walking out of Chandler and Joey's apartment] Hey, hey, where you uh, sneakin off to mister?

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

ROSS: All righty roo. [closes the door] What a great moment to say that for the first time. [goes to get the cigarettes and glasses]

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

PHOEBE: Oh no, ooh, ooh, did somebody forget to use a coaster?

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MONICA: What? [she runs over to where Phoebe is, Phoebe signals for Gunther to go] I don't see anything.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

GUY: [to Phoebe] I hear you can get people out of here.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

ROSS: Ohh, big smoker. [Packs the cigarettes and flings one on Mrs. Greene in the process. Finally gets one in his mouth and it look really out of place] Big big smoker. In fact I'm gonna go ou into the hallway and fire up this bad boy. [as he walks into the hall, he comes face to face with Mr. Greene]

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

ROSS: Yes. [pulls them off and hands them to Mr. Greene] I was just warming up the earpieces for you.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

ROSS: [pulls the cigarette off his upper lip and hands it to Mr. Greene] Yeah, yes it is, I was just moistening the tip.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

[Back in Monica's party. Phoebe is talking to a guy and two girls at the party.]

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

PHOEBE: Ok, ok, she's taking the trash out so I can get you out of here but it has to be now, she'll be back any minute.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MONICA: Could you guys please try to keep it down, we're trying to start a Boggle tournament.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MONICA: You, and you, you're supposed to be at my party. And Gunther! What are you doing here?

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

GUNTHER: Um [gestures to dance floor]

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

PHOEBE: [enters with the three people she got out] Ok, welcome to the fu-oh.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

PHOEBE: Alright, I'm sorry but these people needed me. They work hard all week, it's Saturday night, they deserve to have a little fun. Go.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

RACHEL: You want me to see a therapist?

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

RACHEL: Daddy, daddy, you know what, I really wanna hear more about this, I really do, but I just have, I just have to do a, some stuff.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

RACHEL: Ya know, I just, so weird. I mean I was in there just listening to them bitch about each other and all I kept thinking about was the fourth of July.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

CHANDLER: Becasue it reminded you of the way our forefathers used to bitch at each other?

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

RACHEL: It's just this thing. Every year we would go out on my dad's boat and watch the fireworks. Mom always hated it because the ocean air made her hair all big. My sister Jill would be throwing up over the side and my dad would be upset becasue nobody was helping and then when we did help he would scream at us for doing it wrong. But then when the fireworks started, everybody just shut up, you know, and it'd get really cold, and we would all just sort of smush under this one blanket. It never occured to anybody to bring another one. And now it's just...

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MONICA: Ok, let me go check. Your mom want's to say goodbye.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

[Mr. Greene opens the door to Chandler and Joeys apartment. Ross sees him and runs to the door forcing him back in then holds onto the door knob.]

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MR. GREENE: To get my coat.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

PHOEBE: Oh no, you're not supposed to be here. This is the staging area, you should, it's all wrong, you should leave, ya know, get out. [opens the door, the guys are right there] Or perhaps you'd like a creme d'menthe.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MR. GREENE: I have to be heading to my chateau, thank you.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

JOEY: Thanks for coming Mrs. Greene. [grabs her and kisses her to distract her. She goes limp in his arms. Mr. Greene leaves.] Well, ok, you take care.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

MRS. GREENE: Oh, you kids [she caresses his face and chest] Well, this is the best party I've been to in years.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

[cut to Gunther retraining Rachel.]

"Friends", season 3, episode 10

Rachel: Okay, you want me to stop at the ATM?

"Friends", season 5, episode 20

[Starts to walk down the aisle, unfortunately she doesn't realize that her dress is bunched up in her underwear and her butt is showing.]

"Friends", season 2, episode 24

Rachel: Nothing! Oh God, we're just so excited that you want to get this apartment!

"Friends", season 5, episode 14

Phoebe: (on phone from Central Perk) Hey Joey, I just wanted to let you know that I found a selfless good deed. I just went down to the park and I let a bee sting me.

"Friends", season 5, episode 4

Joey: I really am sorry about, you know..before. I just want to make sure you know that I really do like you.

"Friends", season 10, episode 9

(They both sprint to what used to be their apartment.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 19

Gary: Hey, anybody want to meet a hero?

"Friends", season 5, episode 20

Ross: That’s a different issue. Uh, the point is, when the baby comes I will be there to…to feed her and bathe her and change her. And more than that I want to do all those things.

"Friends", season 8, episode 20

Phoebe: You know.. you let your guard down, you start to really care about someone, and I just- I- (starts chewing her hair)

"Friends", season 1, episode 3

Joshua: Anyway, she burned all of my clothes. I got away with two things. This suit and what turned out to be a skirt.

"Friends", season 4, episode 13

Kate: Oh, yeah. I love Jennifer Van Murray’s work. She’s so brilliantly incisive when it comes to deconstructing the psyche of the American middle class.

"Friends", season 3, episode 19

[Flashback to Joey interrupting a bath Monica and Chandler are sharing in The One With All The Kissing. Monica dives underwater as Joey opens the door.]

"Friends", season 7, episode 21

Rachel: Oh god. Oh, am I being like a total laundry spaz? I mean, am I supposed to use like one machine for shirts and another machine for pants?

"Friends", season 1, episode 5

Monica: Wow, you seem to be doing so much better. That’s great. So how-how are things going?

"Friends", season 4, episode 22

(The lights go up on the stage, Joey, as Freud, is talking to a female patient.)

"Friends", season 1, episode 6

Monica: Ah, well if you don’t clear this off, you won’t be getting one of those from me. But Ben’s coming over here tomorrow to play this game, this can’t be there.

"Friends", season 8, episode 12

PHOEBE: Ya know, in all the years that we have been grandmother and granddaughter, you have never lied to me.

"Friends", season 2, episode 9

Chandler: (Looking out at the balcony) So tell me something, is leaving the Christmas lights up part of your plan to keep us merry all year long?

"Friends", season 1, episode 16

Monica: What one? You wanted him to invite you to the party and he did it!

"Friends", season 5, episode 7

Joey: (says hi to his grandma) Look! Oh! (Pointing out the window.) Is that the Pope?! (Chandler and his grandma turn to look and Joey slips a tape into the VCR.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 19

Joey: So you're gonna have to do it in the mess!

"Friends", season 4, episode 6

[Cut to Monica and Rachel's]

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Ross: Until we start to look very small.

"Friends", season 3, episode 9

Rachel: Anyway, I'm going to be the coordinator of the woman's collection, I'll work right under the director, it's the perfect, perfect job for me!

"Friends", season 5, episode 17

[Cut to Joey]

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Richard: Oh, I’m sorry. (Introduces them.) Lisa, (nodding at each) Monica, Chandler. We used to date.

"Friends", season 6, episode 24

Chandler: (To Joey) Hey!

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

[Cut to Phoebe]

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

[Cut to Joey]

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

[Cut to Joey]

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

[Cut to Phoebe]

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

[Cut to Joey]

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Chandler: You guys haven't actually met before, but, boy! You're both polite! (pause) Go to have a seat Zack, and I'll get you a beer.

"Friends", season 9, episode 22

[Cut to Joey]

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

[Cut to Chandler]

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Grandma Tribbiani: (Something in Italian to Joey.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 19

[Cut to Chandler]

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

MONICA: No, if he doesn't like our cookies, too bad, I am not gonna be blackmailed. Look if worse comes to worse, it gets a little warm, we'll call it a theme party.

"Friends", season 2, episode 9

Ross: Okay. So well I’ll umm, (To Rachel) I’ll have her home by midnight.

"Friends", season 6, episode 13

Rachel: And I-I am just trying to figure out why.

"Friends", season 4, episode 20

Rachel: Yeah, we got a lot to do! We gotta think about the flowers, the caterers, the music…

"Friends", season 7, episode 2

INTERVIEWER: And if I want to call for a reference on your last job?

"Friends", season 2, episode 14

Chandler: Do we have to?

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Phoebe: (going over to comfort her) Aww, Pheebs.

"Friends", season 4, episode 14

[Cut to Joey]

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Ross: (on the phone) Goodnight sweetheart! I love you. And remember, you're daddy's little girl... (covering the phone, to Rachel) Phoebe's totally ruined that for me... (he passes the receiver to Rachel)

"Friends", season 9, episode 18

Phoebe: Or we could use it to call China. See how those guys are doing.

"Friends", season 7, episode 15

Mrs. Waltham: No, I’m bored with you now. I’m going to cut you off. (She hangs up.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 23

Joey: You’re ready to have a baby? My boy’s all grown up!

"Friends", season 8, episode 23

Ross: No, it’s not what I want either. I mean I-I can’t force myself to fall in love with her again now.

"Friends", season 8, episode 5

PHOEBE: I'm so sorry honey, but, okay, Rachel gave this guy her number and, um, she doesn't want Ross to answer the phone.� So, you have to intercept all his calls.

"Friends", season 9, episode 9

[Cut to the jetway, the old man who the flight attendant delivered Rachel's message to gets off the plane, his wife still upset with him.]

"Friends", season 1, episode 24

Rachel: Yeah it is, it is. (to Ross) We really, really have to do something about that.

"Friends", season 3, episode 7

Chandler: Okay.  You have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance!

"Friends", season 2, episode 1

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's erm, Monica and Rachel's, Rachel and Joey are standing at the counter. Monica is flipping a light switch on and off next to the door.]

"Friends", season 4, episode 15

Monica: Oh, yeah, right! And after I took a shower this morning I just threw my towel on the floor! Oh God, it hurts to even joke about it.

"Friends", season 10, episode 16

Monica: Ugh, we're screwed, aren't we? You know what? Just tell me on the way to the bird store.

"Friends", season 10, episode 5

(Joey does so, and they both start dancing. Treeger tries to spin Joey, but ends up throwing him into the door.)

"Friends", season 4, episode 4

Chandler: Okay, I get it. So, I get nothing! Nothing here is mine! Everything here is yours! I’ll get up in the morning put on your clothes, and head off to work!

"Friends", season 6, episode 3

Monica: (on phone) Could you please tell me what this is in reference to? (Listens) Yes, hold on. (To Rachel) Um, they say there's been some unusual activity on your account.

"Friends", season 1, episode 4

Emily: All right. I'll come to New York and we'll try and make this work.

"Friends", season 5, episode 4

Joshua: Uhh, yeah, I think I’m going to take-off too.

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

(they walk over to the sink and discuss it for a moment)

"Friends", season 3, episode 9

Joey: (to the receptionist) Hi uh, I’m Joey Tribbiani and with all do respect I’d like to donate some fluids.

"Friends", season 6, episode 17

Phoebe Sr: Uh-huh. Wow! Well, look! There’s Frank. (points to the picture.)

"Friends", season 3, episode 25

Joey: Hey! Did you talk to Dennis about me yet?

"Friends", season 8, episode 1

Ross: Excuse me, do any of you know how to play?

"Friends", season 1, episode 18

Rachel: Well, I'll probably be back to pick her up around six, but she's in the bedroom all ready to go. But she did actually fall back to sleep, so...

"Friends", season 9, episode 14

[Scene: Classroom, Joey is talking to his students.]

"Friends", season 3, episode 7

Rachel: Well, it is, all right? When we were out there today, all I kept thinking was: I can't believe Chandler is screwing this woman, but MAN this would be a nice place to live!

"Friends", season 10, episode 10

Joey: Ross! Way to suck up to the family.

"Friends", season 5, episode 4

Chandler: Oh, yeah, I don’t know what they were doing, but at one point sea turtles actually came up to the house.

"Friends", season 3, episode 25

Chandler: Well, why don't you send her a musical bug, op, no you already did that. All right look, you're going to have to go there yourself now, okay, make a few surprise visits.

"Friends", season 3, episode 12

Gary: (To Phoebe) Would you like some more coffee, baby-doll?

"Friends", season 5, episode 21

Rachel: Oh gosh, it has something to do with numbers.

"Friends", season 4, episode 12

Rachel: Yeah, it's a real shame you can't make it to that one-woman show tonight.

"Friends", season 9, episode 20

[Scene: Michelle's, Chandler and Monica are discussing how to bribe the Maitre d'.]

"Friends", season 7, episode 10

Chandler: Joey, can I talk to you for a second? (He grabs him and starts to drag Joey into Monica's room.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 5

Monica: (to Phoebe) You start working on that list. (She grabs her coat and leaves, too.)

"Friends", season 6, episode 12

MIKE: All right.� I'll do it.� (Phoebe gives the thumbs-up sign to Rachel.)� But really, how much dirtier can it get?

"Friends", season 9, episode 9

Chandler: (To Monica) Go change! (To Phoebe) She doesn’t want her parents to know she’s drunk.

"Friends", season 7, episode 14

Phoebe: Yeah, but there’s a two-year wait. And then what if you get engaged in two years and then you got to wait another two years for this place. That’s four years. Chandler’s not gonna wait that long. He’s gonna find somebody else, y’know? Someone, someone who did put their name on the list. (Rachel agrees.)

"Friends", season 6, episode 22

Phoebe: I’m, I’m freaking out! Monica kinda trusted me with something and she shouldn’t have! All right, I haven’t lived here in a while, so I have to ask you something. Does Monica still turn on the lights in her bedroom?

"Friends", season 3, episode 7

CHANDLER: That's a good plan, Joe. Next time we wanna pick up women, we should just go to the park and make out. Taxi, taxi!

"Friends", season 2, episode 6

Monica: Umm, going to the beach. When it stays light real late.

"Friends", season 3, episode 22

Chandler: Listen er..I need to ask you a favor but you can't tell Monica anything about it.

"Friends", season 9, episode 16

[Cut back to Monica and Rachel's apartment, Rachel is singing along with a song and dancing while facing the big picture window. Y'know, I think I'd pay real good money to be on the other side of that window!]

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Chandler: Because that's who I am, okay? I'm sure a mature man like Richard could see a tape like that and it wouldn't bother him. Just'd be another saucy anecdote for him to share at his men's club over brandy and moustaches.

"Friends", season 9, episode 7

(Joey moves close to Ross and whispers something in his ear)

"Friends", season 9, episode 22

Joey: Monica, you have to do some damage control here, okay. 'Cause he's feeling like... (the door opens and Chandler walks in with a pizza)

"Friends", season 9, episode 6

[Cut to Phoebe in another part of the store.]

"Friends", season 7, episode 17

Ross: A loser you did it with (To the salesman) 298 times!

"Friends", season 5, episode 16

Rachel: You’d be okay if you knew that Mark had kissed me, and been naked with me, and made love to me?

"Friends", season 3, episode 16

Chandler: Yeah, I wanted to make a dramatic scene, but I hate packing.

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Phoebe: Oh, I thought this was your party and it turns out it’s a party for Howard. He's just the sweetest little man! (A guest walks up to her.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 15

Joey's Hand Twin: (tries to leave) I have to get back to…

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

(Phoebe looks horrified and she turns to watch Joey)

"Friends", season 10, episode 9

Phoebe: Yeah, not in your case Lovey Loverson. (Tries to take a bite out of Ross’s cookie.)

"Friends", season 6, episode 3

Monica: We forgot to sign one of the admissions forms.

"Friends", season 1, episode 17