
'WHOLE' in a movie sentence | examples for 'WHOLE' from movies

Monica: I swear, I promise. I promise. Oh my God, I'm so excited! {And I just can't hide it! I'm about to lose control and I think I like it! Sorry, just couldn't resist it.} All right, listen let me tell you, do not get her flowers. Okay? Because y'know, she cries when they die, and there's the whole funeral…

"Friends", season 5, episode 21

Chandler: Well, she seems very nice and everything, but that whole thing about her coming all the way down here, just to see if I was okay? I mean,... how needy is that?

"Friends", season 1, episode 20

[Scene: Central Perk, the whole gang is there, Ross is showing pictures of his new baby boy, Ben, to the group.]

"Friends", season 1, episode 24

Rachel: No! I'm sorry, honey, it's just that last week I got all but three answers and I really want to finish a whole one without any help.

"Friends", season 4, episode 6

Joey: I don’t want to talk about it. Y’know, you could’ve at least saved me a whole cookie. (He grabs what’s left of the cookie and pops in his mouth.)

"Friends", season 7, episode 3

Rachel: That’s your whole name, okay of course it is! Okay, well let’s-let’s just have a look-see here. (Looking at his resume)

"Friends", season 7, episode 4

Phoebe: I just lost a whole year of my life.

"Friends", season 7, episode 14

Joey: Can you believe this? Al Pacino! This guy's the reason I became an actor! "I'm out of order? Pfeeeh. You're out of order! This whole courtroom's out of order!"

"Friends", season 1, episode 6

Chandler: Okay, Pheebs, we decided the picnic idea was a little… Y'know, it didn't have any… It-it, well it blew. So, we thought, that this afternoon that we would all go away for the whole weekend to, Atlantic City!

"Friends", season 5, episode 2

Joey: No man, that's huge! Now, I know I can stand to be around her, which means I get to hang out with you, which is kinda the whole point, anyway.

"Friends", season 3, episode 1

["Looks Like We Made It" starts playing and we enter a whole sequence of Marcel and Ross having fun in the city.]

"Friends", season 2, episode 12

Chandler: Whoa-ho, whoa! No, I was thinking about y'know for me, as a part of that whole getting over Janice thing you were talking about.

"Friends", season 3, episode 9

JOEY: It's gonna be worth it. It's a known fact that women love babies, all righ? Women love guys who love babies. It's that whole sensitive thing. Quick, aim him at that pack o' babes over there. Maybe one of them will break away. No, no wait, for get them, we got one, hard left. All right, gimme the baby.

"Friends", season 2, episode 6

Ross: No. I... I wanted to be with you. I don’t know, I feel like lately, I feel like you’re slipping away from me, y'know. With this new job, and all these new people, and you’ve got this whole other life going on. I-I-I know it’s dumb, but I hate that I’m not a part of it.

"Friends", season 3, episode 14

Joey: (drinking a beer) Look at this clown! Just because he’s got a bigger boat he thinks he can take up the whole river. (Yelling) Get out of the way jackass! (To Rachel) Who names their boat Coast Guard anyway?

"Friends", season 8, episode 19

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, the whole gang is there, except for Ross and Rachel. Joey is trying to eat Chinese with chopsticks and fails miserably. There’s a knock on the door, and Chandler answers it to reveal Rachel]

"Friends", season 3, episode 17

Ross: …so then President Steve told everyone that I was a cheapskate, and now the whole building hates me! A little kid spit on my knee! Y'know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna throw a party. That's right. For everyone in the building, and I'm gonna sit them down and explain to them, I am not a bad guy. I am not a cheap guy! I'm just a guy who-who stands up for what he believes in. A man with principles.

"Friends", season 5, episode 15

Ross: Yeah. Listen about that, the whole uh, who came on to who thing really doesn’t matter. I mean, I think it would’ve happened either way. I mean if you hadn’t initiated it I-I-I know I would’ve.

"Friends", season 8, episode 4

PHOEBE: You just abandoned your whole belief system. I mean, before, I didn't agree with you, but at least I respected you. How, how, how are you going to go into work tomorrow? How, how are you going to face the other science guys? How, how are you going to face yourself? Oh! That was fun. So who's hungry?

"Friends", season 2, episode 3

JOEY: No, I don't. It's like, ya know, you work your whole life for somethin' and you think that when you get it it's never gonna be as good as you thought it would be. But this so was. Ya know, it changed everything. Like the other day, I got this credit card application, and I was pre- approved. Huh? I've never been pre-approved for anything in my life.

"Friends", season 2, episode 18

Ross: So are you sure about this whole moving in thing?! I mean it’s a really big step! And-and what’s the rush?!

"Friends", season 6, episode 3

CAROL: I mean, I knew they were having trouble with this whole thing, but they're my parents. They're supposed to give me away and everything.

"Friends", season 2, episode 11

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Ross is returning from his horrible trek back home without pants on. The whole gang is there.]

"Friends", season 5, episode 11

RACH: Oh what, my whole insane jealousy thing? Well, y'know, as much fun as that was, I've decided to opt for sanity.

"Friends", season 2, episode 7

Phoebe: Okay, come on Rach it’s present time! Y’know you’re the glue that’s holding this whole party together. It’s kinda falling apart here.

"Friends", season 8, episode 20

Ross: Uh, well, don't worry, I'll use the gentle cycle. Ok, um, basically you wanna use one machine for all your whites, a whole nother machine for colors, and a third for your uh, your uh, delicates, and that would be your bras and your under-panty things.

"Friends", season 1, episode 5

Monica: I cannot believe that I just spent the last two days trying to figure out the recipe and it was in my cupboard the whole time!

"Friends", season 7, episode 3

(Ross fake laughs, obviously not finding this funny, and he’s starting to panic, so he shoves the whole saltwater taffy he’s eating in his mouth)

"Friends", season 8, episode 15

[What follows is the final set of flashbacks that feature a whole lot of lovin’ between Chandler and Joey. There’s no words, just hugs and even the kiss from The One With The Monkey. All of this is set to the song, You’ve Really Got a Hold on Me!]

"Friends", season 6, episode 20

ROSS: No no, you're uh, you're my lobster. See um, lobsters, uhh, in the tank when, when they're old, uhh, they get with, uhh, they walk around holding the claws. In the tank, ya know, with, with the holding and. . . Uhh, Phoebs you wanna help me out with the, the whole lobster thing?

"Friends", season 2, episode 14

Phoebe: Oh okay. How about the whole "man walking on the moon" thing. You know? You. you could. You could see the strings people!

"Friends", season 9, episode 8

Monica: All right, I’ve got a whole bunch of uh-uh, stuff in this area, but umm, I’m getting the feeling that you don’t want to deliver.

"Friends", season 4, episode 9

Rachel: Okay. All right Dina, well let’s talk about the different areas of fashion that you could get involved in. Let’s see, there’s design, but you may need a whole other degree for that. Uh, there’s-there’s sales, which is great because you get to travel…

"Friends", season 8, episode 10

ROSS: Hey Rach. I, uh, got you a little present. [Rachel is not impressed]. . I'll open it. It's a Slinky! Remember, huh. [sings] Walks down stairs, alone or in pairs, everyone knows it's. . . just a big spring. Alright, you still mad at me becuase of the whole. . .

"Friends", season 2, episode 9

Monica: Hi, uh, Richard it's Monica, um, listen I did something kind of crazy tonight, um, maybe I'm getting my period or something, I don't know. Um, anyway, I, I, I beeped into your machine and I heard a message that, that freaked me out, and um, you know what Michelle will tell you the rest. I, I, um, I'm sorry, okay, I, I hope that we can forget the whole thing. Okay, bye.

"Friends", season 3, episode 2

RACHEL: Yeah well, Ross just made plans for the whole century.

"Friends", season 2, episode 20

Rachel: That's right! 'Cause that would give him the control! So now he's all ooh, coming up with this whole I've got a party thing y'know, trying to get me to hint around for an invitation. Blew up in his face, didn't it?

"Friends", season 5, episode 7

Mike: It's just my first marriage was, you know such a disaster. I kind of lost faith in the whole idea.

"Friends", season 9, episode 16

Joey: Hey, I do it every week with three cameras pointed at me and a whole crew waiting!

"Friends", season 10, episode 4

Monica: Anyway, it just doesn’t seem worth it to make a whole turkey for just three people. Okay? It’s a lot of work.

"Friends", season 8, episode 9

Joey: I was with you the whole time we were in Connecticut, when did you even get those?

"Friends", season 9, episode 18

Ross: Yeah, i-it's for the museum. Someone found a bone, we want the bone, but they don't want us to have the bone, so I'm going over there to try to persuade them to give us the bo—it's—it's a whole big bone thing. Anyway, I'm gonna be gone for like, uh... like a week, so, uh, if you wanna reach me, y-you can't. So here's my itinerary (hands a sheet of paper to Monica). Um... here's a picture of me... (hands it to Monica)

"Friends", season 1, episode 24

Phoebe: I don’t want to go into the whole thing, but umm, we have words and I kill him.

"Friends", season 6, episode 2

Ross: Does it? Does it? Yeah, I wanted to give that whole ‘Does it?’ part just another glance.

"Friends", season 4, episode 1

Monica: That’s a good idea! I bet they have one of those wind machines! Y’know… (Does the whole hair blowing in the wind model type poses.)

"Friends", season 7, episode 5

Joey: What, oh, oh, oh, no, no, I can’t, I can’t tell you that, it’s like the most awful, horrible thing I’ve ever done my whole life.

"Friends", season 3, episode 14

[Scene: City street. Whole gang is there seeing off Marcel.]

"Friends", season 2, episode 12

Rachel: (draws back) Really. Mindy, if it'll make you feel any better, when I was engaged to him he went through a whole weird thing too.

"Friends", season 1, episode 20

Chandler: (coming all the way in) Listen, I just wanted to apologize about this afternoon and the whole massage thing. Y'know? I-I really like 'em.

"Friends", season 5, episode 13

Monica: So, how’d the lasagne go over? (listens) Really?! Good. So you owe me three pretty things. (listens) Yeah, I’ve been thinking a lot about you too. (listens) I know. It’s hard this whole platonic thing. (listens) It’s a word!

"Friends", season 3, episode 13

Phoebe: Okay fine! Fine! We’ll just have to think of some other way to put the whole ‘Who came onto who,’ thing to rest! Come on now, think!!

"Friends", season 8, episode 4

Ross: No, it's know the whole "getting on with your life" thing. Well, do I have to? I mean, I'm sitting here with this cute woman, and, and, and she's perfectly nice, and, but that there's, that's it. And um, and then I'm here talkin' to you, and, and it's easy, and it's fun, and, and I don't, I don't have to...You know, here's a wacky thought. Um, what's say you and I give it another shot? No no no, I know what you're gonna say, you're a lesbian. But what do you say we just put that aside for now you know? Let's just stick a pin in it, ok? Because, we're great together, you know. You can't deny it. Besides, you're carrying my baby. I mean, how perfect is that? But see, you know, you keep sayin' that, but there's somethin' right here. I love you.

"Friends", season 1, episode 14

Monica: Now, Mom, everything's going fine, really. (Listens) Yeah, Ross is great. He's uh, he's in a whole other place. (Listens) No, he's gone. (Listens) No no, you don't have to fly back, really. (Listens) What do you mean this might be your only chance? (Listens) Would you stop? I'm only 26, I'm not even thinking about babies yet.

"Friends", season 1, episode 23

Joey: Oh well, the little girl who lives here made me feel a lot better about the whole thing.

"Friends", season 10, episode 14

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the whole gang is there including Janice, they’re watching Happy Days.]

"Friends", season 3, episode 7

[Scene: City street. The whole gang is walking up to the movie set.]

"Friends", season 2, episode 12

Joey: My whole family’s from Naples!

"Friends", season 7, episode 19

Ross: That’s not true! Her, she doesn’t even know what she wants! Rachel’s still mad about the whole thing.

"Friends", season 3, episode 25

RACHEL: Maybe. But just a little one. Phoebe got the whole world.

"Friends", season 2, episode 16

Monica: Chandler, for so long I…I wondered if I would ever find my prince, my soul mate. Then three years ago, at another wedding I turned to a friend for comfort. And in stead, I found everything that I’d ever been looking for my whole life. And now…here we are…with our future before us…and I only want to spend it with you, my prince, my soul mate, my friend. Unless you don’t want to. You go!

"Friends", season 7, episode 23

Phoebe: I mean, well, 'cause when I was growing up, you know my dad left, and my mother died, and my stepfather went to jail, so I barely had enough pieces of parents to make one whole one. And here's this little baby who has like three whole parents who care about it so much that they're fighting over who gets to love it the most. And it's not even born yet. It's just, it's just the luckiest baby in the whole world. (pause) I'm sorry, you were fighting.

"Friends", season 1, episode 23

Ross: Oh, I uh, I mean, I... dude, I spent the whole conference with Charlie.

"Friends", season 10, episode 1

Phoebe: Oh, I can't believe you guys lasted a whole year!

"Friends", season 5, episode 23

Joey: (to Monica) Hey, how much will you give me to eat this whole jar of olives?

"Friends", season 3, episode 15

Monica: You invite my brother, you invite my whole family, and not me?! Why?! What—Why wouldn’t you want me at your wedding? What could I have possibly done?! (Frannie’s husband walks up.) Stuart!

"Friends", season 7, episode 11

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the whole gang except Chandler is there.]

"Friends", season 3, episode 14

Joey: Chandler, I can't be playing games, Ross is gonna be home soon. And I have to write five whole pages if I'm gonna stick to his schedule.

"Friends", season 5, episode 10

[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Chandler is playing Playstation, Crash Team Racing to be exact (he’s in last on Hot Air Skyway to be more exact) as Joey enters from his room desperately trying to look like a 19-year-old. He’s got the wool cap, he’s got the cut-off Knicks jersey over the faded T-shirt, and he’s got the whole pants-around-the-knees-showing-off-the-boxers thing that rich, white, suburban kids have adopted in a desperate and extremely futile attempt to try to look like they’re from the inner-city.]

"Friends", season 7, episode 1

{Transcriber’s note: This is where the opening credits are, but they’re not the usual opening credits. Oh no! These credits are based on the world that would have been created had all of the above actually happened. It starts out with all of them at the fountain sitting on the couch as Fat Monica runs up and sits on the arm of the couch, tilting the whole thing towards her. It then goes on to show Rachel’s still a shop-aholic and with Barry. Fat Monica is sweating while cooking and dancing while eating a donut. Phoebe as the Wall Street shark smoking while on two cell phones. Then they’re dancing in the fountain. Joey entering as Dr. Drake Remoray and meeting a groupie. Chandler trying to write as a bird does its business on his shoulder and falling asleep while typing. Ross doing some kara-tay and trying to get Carol into bed. And finally, some more dancing in the fountain, them all flexing, and the turning out the lamp and shutting off all the lights bit from the first season. Just remember one thing, this is an alternate universe. Everything from every other episode doesn’t apply, for instance, Ross and Rachel have no history. And in fact have not seen each other in years in this world.}

"Friends", season 6, episode 15

Rachel: Yeah! I’ve been sailing my whole life. When I was fifteen my dad bought me my own boat.

"Friends", season 7, episode 3

Joey: No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no… It’s okay, I mean I—look Rach, I know I scared you off with that whole Naked Thursday’s thing, but we don’t have to do that!

"Friends", season 6, episode 3

ROSS: Uh, aside from that, the whole evening was pretty much a bust.

"Friends", season 2, episode 5

Rachel: Well if you go to Disneyland, you don’t spend the whole day on the Materhorn.

"Friends", season 4, episode 11

Joey: Actually I rent the whole place and, I just got what you meant. Thank you.

"Friends", season 7, episode 15

Conan: It’s a tradition here on Friends after every taping for me to hang out with you guys, (They all laugh) talk down the episode umm… The point of this whole thing is what people see in America is: they see Friends, they love the show, it looks like a smooth running machine, but behind the scenes there’s deceit, mistrust, and hate. And I thought, I thought we’d actually take a look at uh, y’know some of these moments where you guys are—there are mistakes. You make mistakes.

"Friends", season 7, episode 24

Chandler: Y'know that whole swimming thing is a myth.

"Friends", season 3, episode 15

Rachel: Well, I-I-I don't know how this fits into your whole "seizing" thing but um, Emily called you today.

"Friends", season 5, episode 20

[Scene: Central Perk, the whole gang minus Monica is there.]

"Friends", season 3, episode 24

Monica: Cowboy boots? I've never worn cowboy boots in my whole life! (she turns on the video again)

"Friends", season 9, episode 7

Rachel: Oh come on, what are you talking about? You’ve got three years painting houses. Two whole summers at T.G.I. Friday’s, come on!

"Friends", season 7, episode 4

ROSS: No, um, see 'cause that, that is, that is the staging area. If you go in there, it'll ruin the whole illusion of the party. Yeah, I think you take your scotch back in there and I will get your cigarettes for you sir.

"Friends", season 2, episode 22

Rachel: Y'know what Ross? You're not going anywhere. You're gonna sit right here. I'm gonna make you a cup of tea and we're gonna talk this thing whole out. All right? (She goes out to talk to Dave) Hey, Dave!

"Friends", season 5, episode 2

(All of a sudden, Marcel grabs Ross's finger with his whole fist, and he squeezes it, so tight, that Ross finally knows what it is to be a father. He looks up at his friends, who smile encouragingly, Rachel tenderly resting her chin upon Monica's shoulder. Ross realises that Chandler was right and he's gonna make a great dad!)

"Friends", season 1, episode 17

Rachel: Oh my God!! You just ruined the thing I was practicing the whole way home, but I’m soo happy!

"Friends", season 4, episode 9

Ross: Dad, dad, dad, I'm talkin' about the whole uh, baby thing. Did you uh, ever get this sort of... panicky, "Oh my god I'm gonna be a father" kind of a thing?

"Friends", season 1, episode 17

Rachel: Ok I gotta tell ya, it's really weird when you use my whole name.

"Friends", season 10, episode 13

MONICA: Oh, gosh, this is so weird. I mean, his whole life was in this apartment, and now it's gone. You know, I think it would be nice if we just took a few moments, for Mr. Heckles. I mean, he was kind of a pain, he was, but, he was a person. You're all going to hell.

"Friends", season 2, episode 3

Monica: See, I’ve been waiting my whole life to be engaged, and unlike some people I’m only planning on doing this once. So, uh y’know, maybe this is selfish and I’m sorry about it, but I was kinda hoping tonight could just be about that.

"Friends", season 7, episode 1

Chandler: Well, my secretary is gonna be out for a couple of weeks. She is having one of her boobs redused. (Ross looks at her.) It's a whole big boob story.

"Friends", season 1, episode 22

Ross: Emily is…incredible. I mean there-there are no words to describe it, I mean the whole weekend was like a dream. (Sees Rachel coming back from the bathroom.) Oh! And you! Rach!

"Friends", season 4, episode 14

Rachel: (entering, carrying an armful of those little soaps.) Hey-hey, you guys oh hurry up, get some, there’s a whole cart outside… (Sees the Walthams and stops.)

"Friends", season 5, episode 1

Rachel: Come on! We will be there for you the whole time! Just remember gal pal Rachel Green. (Excited) Ha-ha! I’m gonna be in Soap Opera Digest! And not just in the dumb crossword puzzle. (Looks at Joey.) Seriously, proud of you.

"Friends", season 8, episode 19

Rachel: No! You guys can’t leave yet! You have to stay, we-we got the whole big thing planned!

"Friends", season 4, episode 16

Chandler: (To Chandler) I’m out of words. Should I just say the whole thing again?

"Friends", season 6, episode 12

ROSS: Well, there goes my whole belief system.

"Friends", season 2, episode 12

ROSS: That's it? That's all you wrote? You're the worst writer in the whole world.

"Friends", season 2, episode 8

Ross: Monica's crying. She's very upset about this whole Clunkers thing.

"Friends", season 7, episode 8

Joshua: Well, I need a whole new wardrobe. My wife, well my ex-wife…

"Friends", season 4, episode 13

Joey: How could you do this to me Chandler?! This part could’ve turned my whole career around!

"Friends", season 6, episode 20

RACHEL: Maybe it, maybe it doesn't have to be this tough. I mean, maybe you were on the right track with this whole, you know, spontaneous thing. I mean, women really like that.

"Friends", season 2, episode 4

Monica: Really, Rachel, I was thinking of you the whole time. Look, I'm sorry, all right. I never meant for you to find out!

"Friends", season 2, episode 2