words in movies
Rachel: (crying) No. I cant, youre a totally different person to me now. I used to think of you as somebody that would never, ever hurt me, ever. God, and now I just cant stop picturing with her, I cant, (Ross stands up and backs away) it doesnt matter what you say, or what you do, Ross. Its just changed, everything. Forever.
(The scene on TV has changed to show two women, one is holding her hair.)
Phoebe: Oh, ok. How, it's been so long since you've had sex, you're wondering if they've changed it?
Chandler: Things sure have changed here on Waltons mountain.
Ursula: You have not changed!
Fake Monica: I-I used to be just like you. And then one day I saw a movie that changed my life. Did you ever see Dead Poets' Society?
MONICA: Rachel, he like, totally changed time.
DUNCAN: I missed you. [they hug] I'm gonna get changed.
Machine: Your outgoing message has now been changed.
Ross: (to Joey) How 'bout instead you, go get changed! (to Chandler) You, give him back his underwear! I'm gonna go get a cab, and I want everyone down stairs in two minutes! Monica!
Monica: Were not gonna have sex! Okay, nothings changed here. He still doesnt want children and I still do, so thats why were just gonna be friends.
Rachel: Huh, well maybe it uh, it changed.
Richard: Okay, okay, one things changed. But we still want different things and we know how this is gonna end.
[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is playing "She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not" with the petals of a flower, alternately looking hopeful and annoyed. Phoebe enters, but not as herself, for she has changed the style of her hair and make-up to match that of her twin sister. She hangs up her coat, revealing her new cardigan. Nervously, she smooths out the identifying garment, approaching Joey who sits next to the main sofa.]
(Rachel enters, she has changed clothes.)
Rachel: Oh God, she mu... she must need her diaper changed.
Monica: You changed?
(Rachel enters, she has changed once again. This time into her high school cheerleading uniform.)
Phoebe: (Looking relieved. She puts down the phone.) Oh thank god. Oh, you changed your mind. Oh, look I know you probably want to be alone, and you dont want to talk about it, thats fine. I just want you to know, I think you are doing the right thing and...
[Time lapse, Monica and Chandler have changed rooms yet again.]
Mrs. Geller: So Rachel, your mom tells me you changed your major again.
Chandler: You couldn't have at least changed your shirt.
Phoebe: Well, not much has changed in the last five minutes.
Ross: Well, with everything thats been going on lately, I havent exactly been the perfect boyfriend. You know, I, uh, I didnt tell her I got Rachel pregnant. I gave her a key to my apartment, and then had the locks changed! And then I lied to her about Rachel moving in with me. In a way, I actually judge her for not breaking up with me sooner, you know?
Paul: Yeah. But then I changed my mind. Im funny like that. So I told Lizzie, now Im telling you, I dont want you seeing my daughter anymore.
Monica: No I dont know Chandler! Not anymore! Its like its like somethings changed.
Joey: Maybe you changed?
Ross: Oh, is it? Is it? Look, when Monica and I were kids, we had a dog named Rover. And, uh, one day, my dad decides, he doesn't like dogs. So Monica and her friend Phyllis take away the dog. And that was the last time we ever saw him. Don't you see? This is just like that. Only with a few details changed.
Rachel: Yknow what, I-I have to go talk to her, would you let me just get changed?
Chandler: Young! Youre a man-child okay?! Now go get changed because everybodys ready and please, oh please, keep my underwear!
Chandler: I stole Monicas and changed the name.
Joey: (To Rachel) Okay, let me just get changed and we can go to dinner.
Phoebe: Or maybe he-he was writing to tell her that-that hes changed his name, yknow? Tell Monica Im sorry.
Rachel: I just wanted to let you know I've changed my mind: I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna kiss Joey.
Rachel: I didnt see anything! I actually changed my mind about the name.
Phoebe: Wow, so glad I changed. Almost wore my ??? outfit that can�t contain my breasts.
Monica: Yeah, I changed them. I-I sent you a fax about it!
{Transcibers note: In case you havent heard, Courteney Cox got married to David Arquette during hiatus and changed her name to Courteney Cox Arquette. But David was a busy boy during the off season for not only did he marry but everyone else as well. For theyre all listed as Jennifer Aniston Arquette, Lisa Kudrow Arquette, in an interesting twist Matt LeBlanc Arquette, Matthew Perry Arquette, David Schwimmer Arquette, and even the creators of the show are now David Crane Arquette and Marta Kauffman Arquette. I just wonder what the new sleeping arrangements are }
Rachel: Hey, you know, before you said that nothing could happen between us? What changed?
Monica: I know. Hey, do you realize we may have just changed our lives forever? We may have just started a family. Nine months from now we can be here, having our own baby.
Phoebe: Oh, not anymore. I changed it today.
Monica: You seriously changed your name to that?
Mike: That's great! You changed you name?
Chandler: Really? What changed your mind?
Richard: Wow. Y'know were back where we were. Honey, I would love to do all that, but nothings changed.
Lewis: Well why not you changed Neds grade!
Jeannine: (to Monica) All right, I just got changed in thirty seconds so you can be alone with him. You'd better go for it.
JOEY: No, I don't. It's like, ya know, you work your whole life for somethin' and you think that when you get it it's never gonna be as good as you thought it would be. But this so was. Ya know, it changed everything. Like the other day, I got this credit card application, and I was pre- approved. Huh? I've never been pre-approved for anything in my life.