words in movies
Rachel: Well maybe she and her friends are just having a contest to see who can bring home the biggest geek.
Monica: No, no, no, I don't make chocolate pies. When I was younger I-I enter in this pie-eating contest. I ate so many that just the thought of them made me sick.
Chandler: Pie eating contest?
Joey: (to a woman who came in third in a modeling contest) Sorry! (He grabs her muffin away and returns it to the serving tray.)
Monica: Chandler, relax its not a contest. (To Rachel) Certainly not a close one.
Phoebe: Okay, what is this? A stupid contest? Because we got a winner here! (Points at Ross.)
[Scene: Baby beauty contest]
Joey: Well, what if they came in third in a modeling contest?
Chandler: Well, maybe it's a contest, y'know? Like, collect all five?
Rachel: Did you at least win the contest?
Joey: With this ring? (Her engagement ring.) No contest.
Ross: (interrupts him again) Okay, it's not a contest.
Phoebe: Thats so funny to think if youd just done that right after the last contest, no one would have had to move at all.
Phoebe: I know, you mustve won like a contest or something!
Ross: All right! All right! Chandler entered a Vanilla Ice look-a-like contest and won!
[Scene: A Brown Bird meeting, Ross is there with the other Brown Birds to see who won the contest.]