words in movies
1st Customer: Everything was delicious!
2nd Customer: It was. The duck in particular was superb.
Monica: Thank you!(she looks at the 3rd customer waiting for a compliment) You haven't said anything...
3rd Customer: Actually I do have one small complaint.
3rd Customer: The musician right outside the restaurant...it's kind of a mood-killer!
A Male Customer: Hey, thats weird, todays my birthday too!
Hombre Man: (to a customer) Hombre? (The guy says yes, and gets his sample.)
Customer: Oh John! Great!
Joey: (To a co-worker) Hey, it's not the first time I lost a girl to a cowboy spraying cologne. (A customer walks by.) Bijan for men? (The customer ignores him, and Joey starts to chase him) Bijan for men?!
Chandler: Come on Chloe! Finish up with your customer first. Come on Chloe! Come on Chloe!!
Customer: (looks at it) All right. (Exchanges rings.)
The Dry Cleaner: Thats right. Mr. Ford is a very good customer, he brings us a lot of clothes; you bring us nothing!
Rachel: Well, you know what? This is great. Finally, I have someone I can pass on my wisdom too. Let me tell you about a couple of things I learned while working at the coffeehouse. First of all, the customer is always right. (Joey nods.) A smile goes a long way. (Joey smiles) And if anyone is ever rude to you? Sneeze muffin.
[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is approaching a customer.]
Monica: As a joke, this customer at work who has a crush on me gave me a $20,000 tip. His number is on the check, he just did so Id call him.
Rachel: Ugh. (To another customer that's leaving.) Excuse me, could you give this to that guy over there? (Hands him the coffee pot.) Go ahead. (He does so.) Thank you. (To the gang.) Sorry. Okay, Las Vegas.
Customer: (To Rachel) Ahh, miss? More coffee?
[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is talking to a customer.]
(An old West style showdown starts with Joey and the Hombre Man staring each other down as the store guy slowly lets in the first customer while Joey and the Hombre Man get ready to draw. In slow motion they spot the customer, eye each other, draw, and as the customer walks into the middle Joey's bottle misfires but the Hombre Man spays it into the customer's eyes.)
Monica: Oh, some idiot customer put a suggestion in the suggestion box.
Monica: (to a customer) Pete, can I get you something else?
Customer: Hey, can we get some cappuccino over here?
Mr. Waltham: In a moment, please, Im in the middle of a task. And you have a customer.
(The customer turns out to be )
Customer: Hey, waiter.
Pete: Come on, you gotta admit that our relationship is ah, is hitting a new level now. Cause you used to be like the chef, and I was the customer, and now were like this-this couple that fights.
Joey: (to a customer) Are you all finished here?
Customer: You idiot, you stupid cowboy, you blinded me, I'm suing!
Customer: Who is it?
Customer: It is beautiful, but Im gonna use this one. Now, if youll excuse me.
Customer: Youre dying?!
Customer: I dont know. (Pause) Let me see the ring.
Customer: Yes.
(The dry cleaner finishes with the customer in front of Joey and they approach the counter.)
Customer: Do you know who at my office?
Waitress: (to the customer) Come on in.
Waitress: Hey Monica, theres a customer who wants to complement the chef, should I let him in?