words in movies
Ross: (quickly jumping away from Elizabeth) Yes, professor Feesen-sen-stenlger Ill be with you in one moment. (To Elizabeth) So, I will take one box of the Thin Mints. (And he ushers Elizabeth out of the office.)
(Ross and Elizabeth enter.)
Ross: But, Elizabeth and I are-are both adults and so I dont think theres really anything you can do about it.
Ross: We had such a great time! Shes-shes incredible! I thought the-the age difference might be a problem, but it wasnt. It wasnt at all. Elizabeth is very mature for her age. (Joey makes the international sign for big boobies.) (To Monica) A concept lost on some people!
[Cut to Elizabeth Hornswoggle's bathroom, Ross frantically pulls his shirt out and drops his pants. He exhales in sheer ecstasy as the coolness of the bathroom envelops his legs. He sits on the cast iron bathtub, again gasping in pleasure. He next grabs a magazine and starts to blow air on his exposed legs, but that doesn't work the way he wants it to. So he throws the magazine down, looks around for another idea, and finds one. He jumps up and hops to the sink. He turns on the water and starts to splash some on his legs, cooling them further.]
Ross: Yeah, well my-my ex-wife and I share custody of Ben and umm, uh, and just so you know, Carol and I are on excellent terms as Im sure you are with your wife! (Realizes) Oh, Im sorry! (To Elizabeth) Its unbelievable!
Elizabeth: Ross, I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I just wanted to tell you that Im going to Florida for a couple weeks.
Ross: No, no, thats funny. But maybe its time to move on, let it go, yknow? Stop it! Besides, Rachel is going out with Elizabeths father, so ah, hes much older than she is. Looks like Im not the only one interested in fossils, huh?
Ross: (pushing Elizabeth into a doorway) Burt!
Ross: Elizabeth! (He opens one of the bed stands that he has curled himself up into.) Okay. Okay. (She helps him out.) Im gonna go out this window. (Points to the window next to him.) Ill meet you at the front door. Just tell them youre going home, okay?
[Scene: Central Perk, Ross and Elizabeth are deciding what to do on their second date.]
Elizabeth: (ignoring him and picking up a pitcher) Who drank all the Kamikazes?
Rachel: All right let me see. (grabs the card) Uma Thurman, Winona Ryder, Elizabeth Hurely, Michelle Pfieffer, and Dorothy Hammel?
Elizabeth: What are you doing?
[Scene: Elizabeth's apartment; Elizabeth is inquiring as to the delay in Ross's exit from her bathroom.]
Elizabeth: Bye Ross.
Ross: Okay umm, why dont we all take a seat, yknow? And uh, and Ill get us all some uh some coffees(He goes to pull out Elizabeths chair, but Paul steps in)Yeah, why dont you. (Paul pulls out her chair) Uh and you guys can talk about whatever, whatever you want. Yknow? Whatever pops into your head. (He turns his back to Paul and Elizabeth and points to himself for Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe. Then he goes to order the coffee.)
Elizabeth: (To Ross) You want some?! (Starts to squirt the Kamikaze at him.)
Elizabeth: Ross, its going to be okay. Im not going down there to hook up with a bunch of guys. I really like you. I like how things are going between us.
(The guys pick up Elizabeth and carry her onto the plane as she waves bye.)
Ross: Thats crap!! Sister Brown Bird. (to Elizabeth) Good going. (does the salute)
Ross: You dont understand! Elizabeth was about to ask me to go on a trip with her! Is that taking it slow?! No, Im not ready for this! Okay? What-what do I tell her?
Ross: (returning with the coffee) Okay here we are Paul, Elizabeth. (He sets down their cups.) So I hope you guys were finding something to talk about.
Phoebe: Youre Elizabeths father, huh? I can see now where she gets her rugged handsomeness.
Ross: Thats right Lydia, Elizabeth here is a student and uh, were dating. And you may frown upon that, but were not gonna hide it anymore.
Ross: (to Elizabeth) And that is why we cannot see each other anymore.
(Rachel and Elizabeth go upstairs. Paul starts for the car, but notices his luggage is still out and decides to take in into the bedroom.)
Ross: (loudly) Why?! Are there like bears or something?! (Looks around and then sees that Elizabeth is shaking her head no and realizes what Elizabeth meant.) Ohh. Oh, protection. Yeah-no, yeah-no, that-that-that I forgot.
[Scene: Central Perk, Ross is at the counter drinking coffee as Elizabeth enters with her dad, Paul. Elizabeth goes to kiss Ross, but he just kisses her on the forehead. By the way Paul is played by Bruce Willis. Yes, that Bruce Willis from Moonlighting, Die Hard, and Armageddon.]
Elizabeth: Why dont you get in the hot tub and Ill meet you there.
Ross: Uh-uhWow! Uh, I thought you guys were just like making jokes, I had no idea. What you know what? You guys are wrong. Uh yes, there is a chronological age difference but I never notice it. You know why? Because she is very mature. Besides, it doesnt really matter to me what you guys think. I mean, Im the one dating Elizabeth, not you!
Ross: Okay, Elizabeth Hurely....
Leader: Oh, yes Elizabeth. Ah, 871.
Elizabeth: Oh, dont worry I have plenty of sun block, its SPF-30.
[Scene: Ross's apartment, Ross is looking at his handbook. Elizabeth is also there.]
Ross: That's right, uh, Elizabeth Hornswoggle.
Elizabeth: (yelling from outside) Hey, my favorite part is coming up!
Elizabeth: No, let's just leave the lights on.
Elizabeth: No, go ahead.
Elizabeth: Ross, umm, you've been in there for a long time. I'm starting to get kinda freaked out.
Elizabeth: Oh my God!
[Scene: Elizabeth Hornswoggle's apartment; Ross is there on his date with her. They are sitting on the couch watching a movie. Ross is obviously hot.]
Chandler: (reading it) Elizabeth Hornswoggle?
Elizabeth Hornswoggle: No.
Ross: Oh-oh, guess what? I-I have a date with Elizabeth (Talking into Chandler's ear.) Hornswoggle.
Burt: (another professor) Wow! It looks like you were very generous with your grades this semester! (Ross frantically starts to change some as a female student, Elizabeth, approaches.)
Elizabeth: Uh, Im a little embarrassed about calling you a hottie on my evaluation
Elizabeth: Professor Geller?
Elizabeth: I wanted to say how much I enjoyed your class.
Elizabeth: Im kidding!
Elizabeth: Ohh thats so sweet!
Elizabeth: Oh, because I was thinking, the semesters over; youre not my teacher anymore.
Elizabeth: Who?
Elizabeth: Yes you did! What was it?
Elizabeth: Oh yeah. So umm, did you have a nickname for me?
Elizabeth: Uhh, I cant.
[Scene: Joey's apartment, Ross is telling Monica and Joey about his date with Elizabeth.]
Elizabeth: Hi!
Ross: What?! No! No! Wait! Youre right, this is stupid. Who cares what people think? I mean, I mean we like each other right? Theres nothing wrong with that. Come on. (They get up and go over to the table where his colleagues are sitting.) Burt? Lydia? Mel? This is Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: For what its worth I did appreciate you standing up for me. It felt really nice. It kinda made me like you even more.
Elizabeth: Wow!
Elizabeth: Im the student.
Elizabeth: Oh hi!
Elizabeth: Oh, were not together.
Ross: Hey uh, this is Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Oops! I did not mean to run into you like that sir.
Elizabeth: Well, I really wanted to meet you guys, but I have to run. Ill see you later?
Ross: Oh that is quite all right maam. (Elizabeth exits.)
Elizabeth: I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment?
Elizabeth: Spring vacation.
Elizabeth: What?
Ross: Hmm? (Turns around and sees that its Elizabeth) Oh, a student I dont know.
Elizabeth: Oh! Sorry! Umm, I actually do need to talk to you.
(They go inside and Ross closes the door. When he turns around Elizabeth walks up to him, pushes him back against the door, and starts kissing him.)
Elizabeth: You wanted to see me Professor Geller?
Elizabeth: Doorknob?
Elizabeth: Oh good.
Monica: Hey! How did it go with Elizabeth?
[Scene: A street, Ross is walking with Elizabeth on their date.]
Elizabeth: No, I have some turning 21 to do.
Elizabeth: Uh no, theyre still here but I think Im about to leave.
Elizabeth: Do you not want to be seen with me?
Elizabeth: Shut the book!
Elizabeth: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Stop it! (She starts to get all worked up.)
Monica: Oh, I like Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Professor Geller?
Elizabeth: Making out in your office.
Elizabeth: Yeah, we have time off and a lot of people are going on trips
[Scene: Rosss office, hes opening the door to Elizabeth.]
Elizabeth: You are so adorable.
Elizabeth: Is that supportive?
Elizabeth: I will.
Elizabeth: What?
[Scene: Elizabeths apartment, she is packing for her trip as Ross watches.]
Elizabeth: Ross, are you okay?
[Scene: The airport, Elizabeths flight is about to leave and Ross is there to send her off.]
Elizabeth: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Yeah! Im just going down there to relax and hang out with my friends.
Elizabeth: Yeah! Ive been working so hard this semester. I really need to go crazy yknow, blow off some steam.