words in movies
Rachel: Okay, okay, okay, look, just don't freak out, but I kinda lost it. I know it's in the apartment, but I definitely lost it.
Chandler: (smiling) If we keep talking this way, aren't we gonna freak her out soon?
Monica: Doesnt it ever just freak you out that-that youre never gonna be with anybody new again?
Phoebe: Im-Im just saying, dont freak out until youre a hundred percent sure.
Chandler: So? What? What? Theyre gone! Monicas gonna freak!
Joey: Oh. (She kisses him.) Yeah. (She goes into her room.) Me to. (He then starts to freak out.)
Rachel: So, I still have boxes here. I still have boxes at Rosss, and I have nowhere to live! Wow. I could so easily freak out right now.
Chandler: Oh no-no-no, Monica would freak. (Doug looks at him.) But to hell with that bitch.
Monica: Umm, this is going to be fun. Watch me freak out Chandler. Honey?
Phoebe: so you don't think I'm a total freak
Phoebe: All right, dont freak out! Okay? I-I will help you. How long before you have to leave?
Kori: You sick freak, who does that? I can't believe I had a crush on you! (she leaves and slams the door behind her)
Rachel: Okay sir, um-mm, let see if I got this right. Ah, so this is a half-caf, double tall, easy hazel nut, non-fat, no foam, with whip, extra hot latte, right? (the guy nods) Okay, great. (she starts to walk away and under her breath) You freak.
Monica: Oh my god. We're trying to get pregnant so he's probably starting to freak out about the fact that my body is going to change.
Chandler: Oh, that's The Wedding March. Does, does that freak you out?
Rachel: Irrational, huh? All right, well, I’ll remember that the next time you freak out about a spider in your apartment!
Phoebe: Oh my God! Monica's gonna totally freak out!
Rachel: I am so gonna miss watching you freak people out like that!
Phoebe: Yeah, I saw the article on your coffee table and I memorized the title to freak you out!
Monica: (to the mask) I missed you-you ugly, flat faced old freak!
Phoebe: Umm, no, not at first 'cause I-I don't want to freak him out
Joey: Hey. I just saw a woman breast feeding both of her twins at the same time; it is like a freak show up here. (Notices shes wiping her eyes.) Whats the matter?
Rachel: Oh yeah! Of course, I mean, shes gonna get over this, yknow? I mean, so you said my name! Yknow you just said it cause you saw me there, if youd have seen a circus freak, you wouldve said, "I take thee circus freak." Yknow, it didnt mean anything, its just a mistake. It didnt mean anything. Right?
MONICA: You are not a freak. You're a guy.
Chandler: I see, I see, y-y-you're trying to freak me out.
Chandler: No, you kidding? The guy's a freak.. (Ross enters off camera)
Joshua: (getting up and backing away from they.) Is there ah, is there some way they can not be here. Its just ah, farm birds really kinda freak me out!
Carol: Why'd you freak out?
Ross: I did not freak out.
Mike: OK, I don't want to freak you out or anything, but I think I just saw a rat in your cupboard.
Monica: Okay, but all right youre a guy, does it not freak you that youre never gonna sleep with anybody else?
Ross: Dad, before I was born, did you freak out at all?
Monica: Okay ah, please dont freak out. Umm, but ah, theres a blue fingernail in one of the quiche cups, and theres no way to know which one.
EDDIE: It's Eddie you freak, your roommate.
RICHARD: Boy I would just uh, I would freak out.
MONICA: Oh my God, you're a freak.
CHANDLER: Ok, good night. [walks towards his room] You big freak of nature.
Michelle: Thank you so much for letting me do this. Public bathrooms freak me out, I can't even pee, let alone doanything else.
Monica: Because it would totally freak him out and tomorrow's our anniversary. I just don't want anything to spoil that.
Chandler: Run! Run you crazy, rich freak!
Phoebe: Oh my God! Monica's gonna totally freak out!
Chandler: Im talking about you. You big, big freak.
Joey: (laughs) Thats cause sometimes I just do it through my wall to freak you out.
Monica: All right, it'll be great! You just make her think you wanna have sex with her! It'll totally freak her out!
Phoebe: All right, stop it. Now youre just doing it to freak me out.
Joey: You look like a freak.
Rachel: Yeah, I admit it. I have a crush on you, and uh, and, and I know that's crazy because we work together, and-and nothing could ever happen, and the last thing I want to do is-is to freak you out or make you feel uncomfortable. Which is why it would be really great if you said something right about now.
PHOEBE: Anyway, OK, now promise you won't like, freak out and say how great this is until I'm done, OK.
Rachel: But, Pheebs, you can still use the copy machine where I actually work. But, just come by at lunch so my boss doesnt see you. Cause Kim will just freak out and she already doesnt like me very much.
Phoebe: Because, I'm just, I'm incredibly anal and an unbelievable control freak.
Rachel: Hey, Chandler, don't freak out! I'm telling you something you already know! Come on, she broke up with Richard because he didn't want to have babies. And she's a woman, and she's almost 30, and y'know it's Monica.
Monica: Phoebe knows and she's just trying to freak us out! That's the only explanation for it!
Rachel: No-no-no! No-no-no! Please Ross, I cant! I cant do it! (Starts to freak out.) Its just gonna freak me out!!!
Monica: Youre right, youre right I shouldnt freak out. Cause this is what will happen when you and I have babies! When will that be?!
Ross: Look Chandler, Monica is really weird about this kind stuff all right. Believe me, I lived with her for 16 years. She is going to freak out. Oh my God, she's going to sit on you.
Monica: What? You freak! You wouldnt even have known about this place if it wasnt for me!
Phoebe: Ohh, youre a freak!!
Phoebe: Okay, dont freak out. Ill go.
Rachel: Pheebs, this whole apartment thing is just a nightmare! Every place I can afford comes with a roommate who is a freak. I mean, look at this; (Points to one and starts to read it.) "Wanted. Female roommate, non-smoker, non-ugly." Its just, there is nothing! The citys full!
Monica: (laughs) You are so cute! No. No, it was a fight. You deal with it and move on! It's nothing to freak out about.
Rachel: Okay-okay-okay-okay-okay-okay-okay! I got it! I got it! I got it! I cant! I cant! I cant! I cannot go with you and my sister thing. Okay? I just cant. Its just too weird, all right? I imagine the two of you together and I freak out. It freaks me out. I cant do it! I cant do it.
Chandler: Did she freak out?