words in movies
Joey: Oh yeah! Amy just burned Jos manuscript. I dont see how he could ever forgive her.
Ross: Umm, Jos a girl, its short for Josephine.
Joey: But Jos got a crush on Laurie. (Ross nods his head) Oh. You mean its like a girl-girl thing? Cause that is the one thing missing from The Shining.
Rachel: All right, okay, Laurie proposes to Jo, and she says no, even though shes still in love with him, and then he ends up marring Amy.
Joey: Jos there, but I dont think theres anything she could do.
JO LYNN: This kitty is Mittens and this one is Fitzhugh, and this little guy in the cat condo is Jinkies.
CHANDLER: Yep.� That's a lot of cats Jo Lynn.� Single are ya?
CHANDLER: Hey Jo. When'd you start usin' mousse in your hair?