words in movies
Ross: Whatever dude, you kissed a guy.
Monica: You kissed another woman!
Rachel: You know you kissed me first.
Rachel: Honey I swear it we just kissed.
Chandler: Because it's complicated, it's complex- Hey, you kissed my mom!
Rachel: I do not know what's wrong with us, I mean, we have kissed before and that's been great! But this time it was leading somewhere and I was very aware of the fact that it was Joey touching me.
Joey: You kissed.
Phoebe: Rachel, its okay. You dont have to do this. I believe you. All right? Okay, if-if you say that you kissed Melissa, then you kissed Melissa.
[The next flashback is from The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line. He's telling Joey that he kissed Cathy.]
Rachel: Ah, what is this? Well, lets see, we kissed for ten minutes and now we're talking to our friends about it, so I guess this is sixth grade!
Rachel: Hey, come on! I had this friend from college and I made the stupid mistake of telling Joey that one time she and I yknow kissed a little bit.
Rachel: No not that. I kissed Gavin last night.
Monica: You kissed him?
Ross: Did you know Chandler kissed Rachel?
Chandler: You kissed her that night too?
Ross: Because... the night you kissed Rachel was the night I kissed Rachel for the very first time.
Rachel: (stopping him) Wh-whoa! All right, okay-okay, I see, I see what's going on here! Now listen, look-look, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but I am not some hussy who will just sleep around to get ahead! Now even though I (He tries to interrupt and tell her about the ink), hey-hey-hey, even though I kissed you, that does not give you the right to demand sex from me. I do not want, this job that bad. Good day, sir. (She storms out of his office.)
Joey (to Rachel): Dude, chill! (to Ross) Okay, we also kissed in Barbados, but we didn't plan it, okay? And the only reason that that happened was because I saw you kissing Charlie.
Joey: Back when you and Rachel were together, if Chandler had kissed her, would you hear him out?
PHOEBE: All right. I'll do it, I kissed him before I can do it again.
Joey: Well all right then, I guess I shouldnt get to excited about the fact (excitedly) that I just kissed her!
Joey/Drake: I know what I felt that night when we kissed under the bridge.
Ross: Yeah, we kissed, but... nothing else... nothing else happened, okay.
Chandler: Well, I have kissed over four women. (They kiss again.) Do you wanna get under the covers?
RACHEL: When I was um, 7, I crashed my bike right out in front of his house and to stop me from crying he kissed me right here. [points to the tip of her nose]
Rachel: No, come on, that is a lie. We also kissed in Barbados.
Ross: Okay, after you told me she was passed out in our room, I went in there to make sure she was all right. She was lying on my bed, all buried in peoples coats. Well, I went to kiss her on the forehead, you know. But it was so dark, I accidentally got her lips. I started to pull away, but then I felt her start to kiss me back. It was only for a second, but... it was amazing. And now, now I find out that you kissed her first.
Phoebe: (to Robert) Youve have lipstick right here (points to her cheek). Thats okay, its mine, we just kissed.
Mike: It can't be any harder than this... I mean, If I had known the last time I saw you would be the last time, I... I would have stopped to memorize your face, the way you move, everything about you. If I had known the last time I kissed you would have been the last time... I never would have stopped.
Rachel: I accidentally kissed him in the interview, and now he wants me back y'know of course, 'cause "Let's bring the girl back who kisses everybody!"
Chandler: I can't believe it. Paolo kissed my mom?
Chandler: So you kissed her, so what happened after that?
Ross: Perfect. Perfect. So now everybody's getting kissed but me.
Chandler: Well, I have kissed over four women. (They kiss again.) Do you wanna get under the covers?
Rachel: Pheebs, I can't believe he hasn't kissed you yet. I mean God, by my sixth date with Paolo, I mean he had already named both my breasts! ...Ooh. Did I just share too much?
Joey: Have you kissed her yet? Its awesome! I could do it forever! Yknow what? She-she kisses better than my mom cooks!
Rachel: (We see a flashback as Rachel describes what happened.) All right, we were shaking hands and he kinda leaned toward me Y'know maybe he was going to open the door, but I totally miss read him and I uhhh (The flashback shows that she kissed him on the cheek.)
PHOE: Ok, um, hi, hello, hi, ok, so, um, this is a song about a love triangle between three people that I made up. Um, it's called, um, "Two of Them Kissed Last Night".
RACH: Ross kissed me.
ROSS: And, uh, and then I kissed her.
Chandler: No! No! No! I just kissed her.
RACHEL: Ya know, Dr. Burke kissed me once.
Rachel: Youd be okay if you knew that Mark had kissed me, and been naked with me, and made love to me?
Monica: Well, you guys have been friends forever. Remember the first time that you kissed Ross? How weird that was? You couldn't stop laughing? You got through that.
Phoebe: well there is no Vicrum, Ross made him up because I never really have been in a long-term relationship, I've never lived with a guy, and I've never even celebrated an anniversary so. (Pause) if that's too weird for you and you wanna leave I totally understand. In fact I'll close my eye's make it less awkward (She sits with her eyes closed and Mike kisses her, Phoebe opens her eyes and like a little child says.) You kissed me.
Ross: Uhm no! Think less of you! No, I don't think less of you. I mean, you saw someone you liked and you kissed them. I mean, those people who like someone and don't kiss them... those-those people are stupid, I hate those people.
Chandler: You kissed my best Ross! ...Or something to that effect.
Joey: You kissed my girlfriend!
Phoebe: You guys kissed!!!!! What does this mean?!! Are you, are you getting back together?! Can I sing at your wedding?
Chandler: I kissed Kathy.
Joey: You kissed him?!
Eric: Uh, a little bit. She-she-she walked in and I thought she was you and I kissed her and
Ross: No the-the sad thing is, if you had told him how you felt before you kissed her, knowing Joey, he probably just wouldve just stepped aside.
Rachel: What? What!?! You kissed him?
Chandler: Look I never should have kissed your girlfriend, but Im (Joey hangs up the phone again.)
Joey: Oh we kissed it up real nice.
Ross: You kissed her.
Rachel: What?! You kissed!
Rachel: Ross, whats the big deal? So I kissed the guy!
Ross: Yeah, um, I don't know if you noticed, but he had a lot to drink, and you know how he gets when he's drun..uh... (He has caught sight of Joey scowling at him) I can't do this, I did it, it was me, I'm sorry, I kissed your mom.
Chandler: No! No! No! I just kissed her.
Ross: Umm, she kissed me.
Ross: Whatever dude, you kissed a guy.
Phoebe: What a great night, Chandler cant do it, these guys kissed (Points to Ross and Rachel.)
Joey: You guys kissed! Oh mythis is huge!
Monica: (To Chandler) You kissed a guy?!! Oh my God.
Gunther: Well, we kissed. I-I-I didn't initiate the kiss, but-but I also didn't stop it, and I've been feeling guilty.