words in movies
[Scene: A newsstand, Ross is buying a magazine and gets in line behind a woman.]
Gunther: Oh umm, uh we dont sell cigarettes, but they have them at the newsstand across the street. (Points.)
[Scene: A newsstand, Phoebe is looking at a magazine as the guy from before walks by and picks up a newspaper.]
Rachel: We just uh, we just met at the newsstand. We both grabbed for the last Field & Stream. (Chandlers shocked.) What? I read that.
[Scene: A Street, Ross is walking past a newsstand and sees Rachel.]
[The gang is walking to a newsstand late at night. Joey is anxiously in the lead.]
[Scene: A Street: Monica and Phoebe are walking to a newsstand.]
[Scene: A Street, Chandler and Ross are at a newsstand.]
[Scene: A curbside newsstand, Phoebe is whistling and walking up to it wearing her fur coat. She stops and starts to look through a magazine and notices a squirrel on a nearby tree chirping at her.]