words in movies
Gene: You put this on a sandwich.
Joey: Is that a sandwich?!
(Joey storms back in and covering his face so he doesnt see Dina grabs the sandwich and heads back out.)
Joey: All right! Ill have a sandwich!
[The next flashback is from The One With Ross's Sandwich, Ross his confronting his boss about him eating Ross's sandwich.]
[Time lapse, they're still on the ride along and Joey is just sniffing his sandwich.]
[Cut to Joey and Phoebe in the kitchen. Phoebe is watching Joey make a sandwich.]
Ross: Just a sandwich. Turkey, a little mustard
Joey: A meatball Sub? Thanks! (he got a meatball sandwich)
Joey: (speaking with his mouth full, enjoying his sandwich) What did they say?
Ross: (getting upset) Oh-oh really? Did you confuse it with your own turkey sandwich with a Moist Maker?
RACHEL: Ok, doggie get the- aahhh. Ok go get the sandwich, get the sandwich doggie. [dog ignores the sandwich] Good doggie get the sandwich, get the...ok, Joey, the dog will lick himself but he will not touch your sandwich, what does that say?
Chandler: (leans in and takes a sniff of Joey's sandwich) Wow! That sandwich really does smell good.
Mr. Geller: Wait, how do you zoom out? (zooms out and we see an extremely overweight Monica eating a big sandwich) There she is.
Joey: (Hes recorded his voice on the tape) Joeys your best friEnd. You want to make him a cheese sandwich everyday. (he laughs) And you also want to buy him hundreds of dollars worth of pants.
Chandler: So you risked your life, for a sandwich!
Ross: You-you-you-you (trying to remain in control) threw my sandwich away!
Rachel: Are you makin him a sandwich?
(He takes a bite out of the sandwich and as he does so, Phoebe attacks the other end and starts devouring the sandwich.)
Rachel: Honey, its going to be okay. Hes been incredibly supportive of me, and if he gets a little upset; thats what the meatball sub is for. (She gives Dina a sandwich wrapped in aluminum foil.)
MR, GELLER: Wait, how do you zoom out? [zooms out and we see an extremely overweight Monica eating a big sandwich] There she is.
Ross: Oh no, you-you don't understand. Ugh, this is so silly. Umm, this is all because of a sandwich.
Rachel: Ohh! Thats so sweet of you! Oh yum! (Takes a bite out of the sandwich and starts to get sick.) Did you put pickles on this?
Ross: (losing control, we hear him shout outside) MY SANDWICH?!!!
Joey: Yeah! In fact, to prove how much you mean to me, (He unwraps the sandwich and holds it out for Chandler) here.
Joey: (He starts looking longingly at the sandwich.) Oh mama! Uh when-when is the baby due?
Ross: MY SANDWICH!!!!!! (Ross's scream scares a flight of pigeons away.)
Joey: Hey Ross listen Chandler got you out of going to the lesbian sandwich museum this weekend!
Ross: Just a sandwich? Look, I am 30 years old, I'm about to be divorced twice and I just got evicted! That sandwich was the only good thing going on in my life! Someone ate the only good thing going on in my life!
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's erm, Chandler and Joey's, it is later in the party. The Spin the Bottle game is over and Chandler is making a sandwich as Phoebe watches.]
Ross: Phoebe! You're note, amazing! Not only did no one touch my sandwich, but people at work are actually afraid of me. Yeah, a guy called me mental! Mental Geller, yeah, I always wanted a cool nickname like that.
[Scene: The Lobby, Ross is eating a sandwich as Phoebe rushes up to him.]
Monica: (holding sandwich) Does anybody wanna split this with me?
Rachel: I didnt have to, because I was wearing my I heart Ross sandwich board and ringing my bell.
Rachel: Yeah, Ill be fine. But could someone please make sure that sandwich is gone when I get out there?
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's erm, Chandler and Joey's, the next day. Phoebe is busy making a sandwich.]
Joey: Yeah, but sandwich time is right now. (Removes a sandwich and starts eating.)
Joey: (returning from a deli) Okay, I got it! This place makes the best sandwich in the world!
Joey: (concerned) Oh. Whats, whats going on? Is it mom? Is she sick? Is it dads heart? Is that a sandwich?
Chandler: Okay, I'll give them back. (Exhales strongly through his nose and Joey just glares at him.) Look! What is so great about that sandwich?
Joey: (examining it) Ohh, a hunk of sandwich from last year. (Monica drops the sandwich)
Chandler: Ross, it's just a sandwich!
Rachel: Oh wow! (She takes a bite, but holds the sandwich vertically so that the stuff falls out.)
JOEY: Hey Rach, you uh, you want some sandwich?
[Scene: Monica and Phoebe's, Monica is making a sandwich as Chandler enters.]
Joey: I know it sounds crazy, but Chandler this is (Goes and picks up the sandwich) the greatest sandwich in the world!
Chandler: Theres a Phoebe on my sandwich! (He walks away, giving the sandwich to Phoebe.)
Ross: I don't know. It's going to be weird not having a job for a while, but I, I definitely don't care about my sandwich.
Phoebe: Oh, I was just here looking for, um, my um, my part of an old sandwich. Oh, here it is! Oh. (picks one up out of the garbage can.)
Will: 150 pounds. Yeah, Im gonna be in one of those Subway sandwich commercials.
Rachel: I know... Honey, seriously, I did it all. The luggage that I'm taking is in the bedroom, this is Emma's Paris stuff, these are the boxes that I'm having shipped, and that's the sandwich that I made for the plane...
Joey: Well, no, not exactly! All right, look, I, I wasn't trying to save Ross. Okay? My sandwich was next to Ross. All right? I was, I was trying to save my sandwich.
Ross: Yeah. You see my-my sister makes these amazing turkey sandwiches. Her secret is, she puts a, an extra slice of gravy soaked bread in the middle; I call it the Moist Maker. Anyway, I-I put my sandwich in the fridge over here
Joey: Im on it! (Takes a bite out of the sandwich.)
Ross: You ate my sandwich?
Ross: Someone at work ate my sandwich!
Ross: (getting angry) That said it was my sandwich?!
Joey: Anyway, it wasnt the robot, it was the guy who controls him. Yeah, he doesnt like me. He had C.H.E.E.S.E. knock over the sandwich right when I was reaching for one! Ohh!
Dr. Leedbetter: (laughs) A sandwich?
Joey: Yeah. With a bite! (Takes back the sandwich.) Gee-e-e-eez!
Ross: What is that? (refering to the sandwich)
Chandler: I can't smell your sandwich?
Monica: Okay, look, I-I have enough stuff for one more sandwich, I mean I was going to eat it myself, but (motions that he can have it.)
Ross: My Thanksgiving leftover sandwich. I can't believe someone ate it!
Rachel: (To Dina) Now! Give him the sandwich! Give him the sandwich! (She quickly sets the sandwich in front of him.)
Ross: (losing control, we hear him shout outside) MY SANDWICH?!!!
Chandler: Thanks. (He grabs the sandwich.)
Phoebe: Okay. Is it a kind of hot sandwich?
Joey: Oh! Wait-wait! (Reaches inside the shower.) Is it my bologna sandwich?
Ross: You ate my sandwich?
Ross: You-you-you-you (trying to remain in control) threw my sandwich away!
[Cut to the living room, Joey is eating a sandwich.)
Ross: MY SANDWICH!!!!!! (Ross's scream scares a flight of pigeons away.)
Joey: All right, all right. (he comes out from their apartment with a huge sandwich in his hand)