words in movies
ROSS: No, he's at uh, Carol's and Susan's today.
[Scene: Carol and Susan's, there's a knock on the door and Carol answers it to Ross.]
[Scene: Carol and Susan's, Ross is preparing to talk to her belly.]
[Scene: Carol and Susan's, Carol is reading, Ross is talking to her stomach.]
ROSS: I uh can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I think Susan's right.
Ross: No problem, ok, mmmwa (kisses Carol) oh, mmmwa (kisses Carol's stomach, then punches Susan's shoulder) Susan... (Ross leaves.)
Carol: Well, Jamie was the name of Susan's first girlfriend, so we went back to Jordie.
MONICA: Yes! Carol and Susan's caterer had a mountain bike accident this weekend, and she's in a full body cast.
Carol: Mm-hmmm (Susan and Carol hug, giggling. Ross stands back, reaches out and lightly taps Susan's shoulder)
[Scene: Carol and Susan's apartment, Susan is there. Ross enters.]