words in movies
Ross: (turning around and dragging the chalk down the board) What?!
Chandler: (turning the light back on) Monica?
[Cut to Chandler and Joeys, Joey and Phoebe are watching TV. The TV is turning off and on, and each time Phoebe is blinking her eyes like the Genie did. The switch obviously controls the outlet which the TV is plugged into.]
Monica: Yeah, apparently theyre turning it into some kinda coffee place.
Chandler: No, no no no. Youll be fine. (turning to Monica) Hillarys bind, right?
Chandler: Okay, so thats it, everybody knows! Its official, were moving in together. No turning back. Are ya scared? Are ya?
Chandler: Youre turning into a woman.
(There are scratching and squeaking noises coming from the living room, and Joey wakes up, terrified. He pulls his blanket higher. The doorknob is turning.)
Phoebe: (turning from Ross.) No!! Hey-hey that's not a Nutter-Butter, that's just an old Wonton!
Joey: (turning to Chandler in a scolding tone) Chandler!
CHAN: [turning around] Hey Ross.... bahhhh!
(He then stops turning, facing one of the nozzles, which starts spraying in this face and front again.)
Phoebe: (Turning to Mike) What do you think?
Joey: Come on Rach! Look, turning thirty is not that big a deal.
Chandler: Youre turning into a women.
Chandler: And she's... turning on the TV... and watching... Miss Congeniality!
MRS. GELLER: Well sweetie, we have a surprise for you. We're turning your room into a gym.
Phoebe: (looking at Mike) Oh, yeah! (turning to Chandler) Are you telling me you... you're not even... a little turned on by Monica, right now?
[Scene: Joannas office, Chandler, still handcuffed to the chair, is looking through the lingerie catalogue by turning the pages with his teeth. The phone rings and Chandler answers it with his nose.]
Doug: Oh, my ex-wife didnt work, unless you call turning into her mother work. Fine. Tomorrow night then.
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's bedroom, Chandler is turning on the light to awaken a now sleeping Monica.]
Joey: (slowly turning and glaring at her) Shes not even cold yet!
Monica: Nooo! (Giggles) Okay. (She tries to pull herself up by Rachel and Joeys doorknob, but the door opens and she almost falls into the their apartment. She manages to catch herself.) Whoa! (Stands up, unsteadily) Okay. See I was, I was a little nervous about turning (whispering) thirty. (Giggles.) So the bus boys took me out for some drinks. (Pause) I wanna puke on you later!
Ross: (turning a corner) There he is!!
[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is sitting on couch and Rachel is getting some coffee. Phoebe keeps turning her head from to keep from looking at Rachel.]
(Joey jumps up in excitement and without turning around Chandler holds out his hand stopping him, and ushering him back into his seat. Joey sits down, dejected.)
Elizabeth: No, I have some turning 21 to do.
Ross: Rach, c�mon, Emma is fine. You�re turning into an obsessive mother. Okay, you need to stop.
Chandler: (turning around and looking) Oh my God!
Monica: Are you kidding me?! Is this; is this turning you on?
Joshua: (turning around) Oh! You know what I need?
Joey: (turning around) Alright, alright. I'm around. Go ahead.
Monica: (turning a light on) Who is that?!
ROSS: Monica, Monica, your guest are turning into jerky, OK.
(Mr. Douglas screws up his eyes, trying to credit what Bing has just said, but turning to follow Nina down the corridor, he realises Bing must be telling the truth, since he would not have any personal interest in the girl, would he?)
Phoebe: (Turning around in the chair) Hi!
Tag: Rachel, dont do this. This is just because youre turning thirty.
Ross: (not turning around) Chandler. I sensed it was you.
[Cut to Ross's apartment, he's sitting by his window looking at an art book. As he's turning the page, he glances up and notices something.]
Joey: Why? (In Drakes voice.) Why cant the world stop turning, just for a moment? Just for us?
Phoebe, Ross, and Rachel: (turning to look at Joey) Ewwww!!
Monica: Yeah. (They kiss and as she starts to leave, Chandler starts to dance. Without turning around:) Don't do the dance.
Joey: Um, sure! Did you, uh, did you try turning the knob back the other way?
Phoebe: Me too! (turning to Monica) Monica, do you think we could do it?
Joey: (He turns around to Chandler looking for approval to go with Rachel, Chandler mouths Come on!) (turning back to Rachel) Ross, did ask us first, and we set that night aside.
Rachel: Okay, even this is turning me on!
Phoebe: (turning around, insistently) Monica!
ROSS: Fine, OK! Heat, heat, heat, and I'm the obsessive one. [goes to the radiator and starts turning the knob] OK, this way is on, so this is. . . [breaks off the knob] off.
Phoebe: Oh God, this is turning into the worst wedding day ever! The bride is pregnant. The groom is missing. And Im still holding this. (She throws the test back into the trash.)
(He thinks about it and decides to join in by turning over a chair and continue ransacking the place.)
Ross: (turning towards him) Yes Mr. Lewis, how can I help you?
Chandler: (without turning around) I thought you were gonna be gone all day.
Phoebe, Ross, and Rachel: (turning to look at Joey) Ewwww!!
Chandler: (laughs) Well, don�t believe everything you hear, Ken. (both turning away to files) But yeah, that�s true. Alright, let�s get started, by take a look at last quarter�s figures. (The female next to Chandler starts smoking, towards her:) Ah, Claudia, aren�t you supposed to blow smoke up the bosses� ass?
(Monica starts biting on the eyedropper, spraying the fluid all over. But Rachel keeps turning her head back and forth and Monica keeps missing.)
Joey: (turning and whispering to Monica) Shes not crazy is she?
Monica: Yeah. All right, I'm gonna go tell Dan that it's not gonna happen. (They kiss and as she starts to leave, Chandler starts to dance. Without turning around.) Don't do the dance.
Ross: (turning around.) Umm, uh, I was just telling the guys
Tag: Look Rachel, I know what youre going through. Im totally freaked about turning 25.
Chandler: (turning to face her) Yeah.
Joey: (turning all the way around, and still not facing Chandler) Yeah, you are! (Starts dancing.) I scared you!
Monica: (turning around and doing that, "I'm making out with someone," thing with her hands) Ooh, umm, oh Kathy! Kathy, I love you! Oh! (She turns around and sees Gunther staring at her and stops suddenly.)
Rachel: Thank you. (Gets up) Now are you sure? Because once I make a copy, theres no turning back.
(Phoebe uses the remote to stop the Spanish by turning off the television.)
Joey: (laughing and turning off the TV) So, what did you guys think?
Ross: (turning and looking) What? Where?
Mark: (turning around) And wait, I've got something for you. (kisses her)
Mr. Treeger: Then I made the mistake of turning off the TV, I never got it back again. And Im sad. (Exits.)
Doug: (turning around) Bing! You got those numbers for me?
Phoebe: (Turning to Chandler) where were you standing?
Monica: (turning around) Okay, heres your penis!
Joey: (sounds tired) Hey you guys, I'm turning in. Have fun.
Phoebe: (turning from Ross.) No!! Hey-hey that's not a Nutter-Butter, that's just an old Wonton!
{Transcribers note: This is where the opening credits are, but theyre not the usual opening credits. Oh no! These credits are based on the world that would have been created had all of the above actually happened. It starts out with all of them at the fountain sitting on the couch as Fat Monica runs up and sits on the arm of the couch, tilting the whole thing towards her. It then goes on to show Rachels still a shop-aholic and with Barry. Fat Monica is sweating while cooking and dancing while eating a donut. Phoebe as the Wall Street shark smoking while on two cell phones. Then theyre dancing in the fountain. Joey entering as Dr. Drake Remoray and meeting a groupie. Chandler trying to write as a bird does its business on his shoulder and falling asleep while typing. Ross doing some kara-tay and trying to get Carol into bed. And finally, some more dancing in the fountain, them all flexing, and the turning out the lamp and shutting off all the lights bit from the first season. Just remember one thing, this is an alternate universe. Everything from every other episode doesnt apply, for instance, Ross and Rachel have no history. And in fact have not seen each other in years in this world.}
Monica: (Remotely turning off the television) okay, Pheebs, theyre gone.
Rachel: (turning and looking at Tom again) No-no they do but, you just have to wait.
Phoebe: (turning around and picking a cup off of a table) Oh, hey, look, I found coffee! (handing her the cup) Okay, lets skedaddle.
Frannie: (turning around) Monica! What
Chandler: Pheebs, can you help me pick out an engagement ring for Monica? I cant figure this out! Its so hard! Should I get her a (turning to each page) Tiffany cut or a Princess cut or aah-ah! Paper cut!