words in movies
Ross: Okay! You guys are getting married tomorrow and-and I couldnt be more thrilled for both of you, but as Monicas older brother I-I have to tell you this. If you ever hurt my little sister, if you ever cause her any unhappiness of any kind, I will hunt you down, and kick your ass! (Chandler laughs.) What? Im-Im-Im serious! (Chandler laughs harder.) ComeHey! Dude! Stop it! Okay? Im-Im not kidding here!
Monica: It-its so great to see you both here.
(Joey and Richard both wipe their faces and are given towels.)
Ross: No! I made it seem like I was just calling to chat. Pretty sure, they both think Im interested in them.
[Scene: The Movie Set, Joey and Richard are in the middle of a scene. They are both holding swords.]
Joey: No! No, Im the minister! All right, look-look, put em both on the phone, Ill marry them right now.
(They both go out into the hall.)
Chandler: You look beautiful mom. (His dad clears his throat.) You look beautiful too dad. I love you both. (He kisses his dad on the cheek) Im so glad you here. (He kisses his mom.)
(They both step up onto the altar and she notices the rabbi.)
(Chandler and Monica both turn, take the rings from Ross and Rachel respectively, and place them on each others fingers.)
Phoebe: Both!
Monica: Okay. (They both jump up to head for there room, but Monica stops.) But wait, we cant. My Cousin Cassie is in the guest room, were supposed to have lunch.
[Two guys walk over and interrupt her. Theyre both names youve already heard. Ones Billy Crystal. Yes, that Billy Crystal from City Slickers. The other one is Robin Williams. Yes, that Robin Williams from Mrs. Doubtfire.]
(Joey throws open his door and stands there still in the Superman costume then slowly makes his way to the bathroom while keeping both eyes on the cage.)
Monica: All right. Umm, you could uh start out with a little 1, a 2, a 1-2-3, 3, 5, a 4, a 3-2, 2, a 2-4-6, 2-4-6, 4, (Rachel starts getting worked up) 2, 2, 4-7, 5-7, 6-7, 7 7.. 7 7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 (mouths 7)! (They both lean back on the couch satisfied.)
Ross: Yeah! I dont know. I mean, last year Elizabeth now-now this kid. What-what-what-what is it?! Am I giving out some kind of sexy professor vibe? (Rachel and Joey both look at him.)
(They both grab him and stop him.)
Chandler: So we both finished our vows.
Helena: (disappointed) I see. Well, I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. (To a bald guy.) So youre bald?
Chandler: Absolutely! Yknow, because touchie can mean both ass and good worker.
(They both notice that Kristen has left.)
(They both laugh.)
Matt: Thats a good one? (They both laugh.)
(Ross and Joey both reach down and pull up their pants.)
Rachel: I know. I always thought if you and I got married, it would be the one that stuck. And it wouldnt be a secret, and we wouldnt have our wedding dinner at Pizza Hut. (They both laugh.)
[Sequence 2: Phoebe throws the ball, and its intercepted by Joey, who starts to run up field. Rachel jumps on his back in order to try and tackle him, but she doesnt slow him down. Monica and Phoebe then both grab her legs in order to stop Joey, who still manages to fight through the tackle and score the touchdown.]
Chandler: Get ready to run. (Chandler walks over to the new bride.) Congratulations on your wedding. (He grabs her, kisses her, Ross takes the picture, and they both run out.)
(They both look at Phoebe.)
(Both Rachel and Ross stare at her for a moment.)
(They both sit down.)
Ross: (on tape) So we we both wanted to.
Monica: Okay well, then well both do it today and hell just have to deal with it!
(They both get out of the chair and run for the VCR.)
(They both slowly enter the bedroom and quickly walk back out.)
(As he walks past both Chandler and Ross notice the bag and stare at each other in shock.)
Mona: (To Joey) Wow! Theyre both really strong.
(Pause as they both take another sip of coffee.)
RICHARD: Oh, that's why you never see pigeons at sushi bars.(they both start laughing at Richard's poor joke) See, we're having fun.
(They both exit.)
Chandler: I totally understand. (They both laugh.) Can I just see your bra?
Monica: Well umm, they both have a egg yolk and butter base, but a bearnaise has shallots, shirvel, and most importantly tarragon.
Phoebe: Gosh. Im not gonna let that man make you eat your baby. (They both sit down by the rest of the gang and Phoebe recognizes a man by the window.) Oh. Hey! Who is that guy? I think I know him.
Phoebe: Well, I heard youre having a problem with one of the boys in your class. And so I thought I would just come down here and sit you both down, have a little talk and make it all okay. Now umm, the boys name is Stings son.
Phoebe: Id better go. (She goes and sits down in the La-Z-Boy E-cliner 3000, the chair that Sit magazine called chair of the year, and they both look at her.) Just over here: I dont want to miss the fight.
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Rachel is sitting in Joeys lap on Francette, and theyre both groaning.]
Joey: I dont know. I guess theres just always been this distance yknowI mean we both try to pretend its not there, but it is.
(Monica comes out of the bathroom like a bolt, and Rachel and Joey both enter.)
Joey: Good night. (They both enter their rooms.)
Joey: Yknow what? Bring her both, and Ill have the same. (The waitress leaves.)
Ross: So, I uh I called the doctor and now we both know the sex of the baby.
(Joey and Chandler both come into the hallway.)
Chandler: Yes. When Monica and I were in London, we were both in London.
Joey: It was different for you guys! I mean, I mean, you were both in the same place, right?
Eric: Were both teachers.
Chandler: Excuse me, look, we've been here for over an hour, and a lot of people less sick than my friend have gone in. I mean, that guy with the toe thing? Who's he sleeping with? (She slides the gladd panel over and Chandler talks through it in a loud voice.) Oh, c'mon Dora, don't be mad... I know we both said some things we didn't mean, but that doesn't mean we still don't love each other. (To the waiting room.) Y'know, I feel like I've lost her.. (She slides the panel back, he turns, and it takes him by surprise.) Ba-!
Monica: Okay, I-Im sorry. You and Joey, your both focusing on this uncomfortable thing, what you need to do is to change the subject. Next time you see him try to get him talking about something else.
(They both go into their rooms and after a little while Rachel pokes her head into the living room.)
(Monica and Chandler both look at each other and run over to the window to watch the action in Ross apartment)
Don: And youre still married to him? (They both laugh, and Chandler tries to but fails.)
(Monica and Rachel both cover their eyes)
Eric: And we were both in the Peace Corps.
Joey: Yeah. Sure. (They both half stand up, Joey pulls the neck of his sweater out, and Rachel looks down it to see his T-shirt.)
Phoebe: Yeah, we both can. And we both will.
Phoebe: Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you, it was just, it was so sweet. (She goes to hug them and they both flinch, thinking that Phoebe is about to attack them.)
Joey: (mocks him, in a whiney voice) look both ways before you cross the street. (Turns and walks headlong into the closed door.)
Monica: I dont see him. Hey! Maybe hes in the sugar bowl! (Opens the sugar bowl) Joey? Nope! (Closes the sugar bowl and they both laugh.)
Monica: Honey, both yours.
(They both go back into their old rooms and shut the doors. Of course, Chandler has to close both sections of his door.)
Both: Three.
Monica: Also both of your sisters called and neither can make it.
(They both look at each other, then Phoebe gets an idea.)
Joey: Yeah! And also, a little like a French guy. (They both squint at each other.) I never noticed that before.
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Joey and Ross are napping together again and both wake up at the same time.]
(They both laugh. Ross sits down, but Rachel doesnt move and is lost in thought.)
Phoebe: My grandmother has this new boyfriend, and they're both kind of insecure in bed. Oh, and deaf. So they're constantly, like, having to reassure each other that they're having a good time. You have no idea how loud they are!
Ross: You guys, you know what, you know what, it doesn't matter, because you both have to go get dressed before the big vain in my head pops. So..
Rachel: Yeah, and yknow what? I love them both, so why dont you just pick one and thatll be it.
[Scene: The Airport, Carol and Ross are waiting for Emily and Susan to deplane. A gorgeous woman walks by and they both turn to watch her go.]
JOEY: Ah, I was just in the bathroom, and there's mirrors on both sides of you. So when you're in there it's like you're peein' with the Rockettes.
Rachel: yeah your both so slutty you don't even remember who you've slept with, you're made for each other.
Ross: Actually, um, I was thinking maybe both of us could go.
Phoebe: Both it is, thank you.
Ross: No, you both are equally capable. Its just.. you're strongest when.. when you're together.
Chandler: Ok. So if we both had Emma and I die <knocks on table> she'd have to give her up.
Russell: Of course you did. Look Ross, you cant get an annulment unless you and Rachel are both there.
Phoebe: Yeah... ooh... wow... Even started to think I'd never meet someone that, you know, I wanted to... do this with. Here you go. (Both Phoebe and Mike look really proud.)
Waiter: Oh, they�re both exclus�
Mike: You need both hands for that?
Gym Employee: Okay, Dave in the membership office, handles quitters. (Both Chandler and Ross start to make their way to the membership office.) Uh, excuse me, (to Ross) are you a member?
Donny: O-kay... Henrietta, you didn't get all the points you needed, so that means Gene, you are going to the winners circle to try for ten thousand dollars! (Gene is clapping his hands looking very happy and so is Joey) And you're gonna be going there with Joey Tribbiani (Both of their smiles fade away instantly)
Chandler: Okay. Thats better. Now I want you to both apologize to each other and mean it.
Monica: I thought I was something that we both wanted!
(They both start laughing really loudly.)
(They both start laughing again.)
Chandler: Actually it's both of us.
Chandler: She doesnt know. Says she loves us both. Y'know I woke up this morning and I was in love, well I was happy. Y'know it serves me right for buying that twelve pack of condoms. And now I cant even return them, because she choked on the reciept!
[Scene: Chandler and Monicas bathroom. Both are sitting on opposite ends of the bathtub.]
Monica: Well, it doesn't really matter ... you're both wishing for the same thing, right?
(Phoebe and Joey both grab one side of the wishbone)
(Ross and Mike glance at each other then both suddenly turn to Phoebe who is gone. �They sheepishly exchange glances.)
Phoebe: Yes. Definitely! Yes! Let's live in an apartment that we both live in! (Hugs him.)
Monica: Both of them?
Phoebe: Yeah, okay, Ive-Ive been dating both of you, and its been really horrible. Cause y'know its been a lot of fun, for me. Umm, but I-I like you both, and I, and I didnt know how to chose, so... Im sorry, Im just, Im terrible, Im a terrible person. Im terrible.
Ross: Ok. (they both go)
Phoebe: I understand. Yeah. Ok so then ok, so we're both living in New York, not seeing anyone. That's so not like us!
Joey: Alright, alright, okay, uhm... How 'bout this, how about this? Tomorrow... tomorrow we'll both go and we'll tell him together.
(They both stare each other down as we hear Lets get ready to r-r-r-rum-ble!!!)
Joey: (bewildered) Oh! Oh, well! At least we're both having fun!
(They both hug, and Rachel, who was in the back of the plane, sees this and smiles.)
Professore Clerk: Or we could throw you both in now!