words in movies
Woman: I've been following your career for years, I-I can't wait for your keynote speech.
Chandler: Yes, but, Ross you chose a career of talking about dinosaurs.
David: Please, you don't have to explain. I mean, perhaps if I hadn't gone to Minsk things would have worked out for us. And I wouldn't have ruined my career, or lost that toe to frostbite. It was a good trip! (he leaves)
Phoebe: (Looks around) It's alright. Look kiddo, I gotta go. Good luck with the career. You're gonna be huge.
Rachel: Yeah, it is. Yeah, you know, it's tough. Single mom, career... You gotta get out there.
Ross: This is the single greatest day of my professional career. Gunther, six glasses!
Joey: Hey bear, I need some career advice.
Chandler: (entering from bathroom, with an issue of Cosmo) All right, I took the quiz, and it turns out, I do put career before men. (to Joey) Get up.
Joey: Uh-huh look, the only reason I can over here was to settle things between us! Okay? Youve done a lot for me and my career, I wanted to pay you back so I took you to the premiere but you missed it! Okay, so how much do I owe you?
Ross: Yep! I'd like to thank you guys for coming down here to complain about the rain and ruin my career!
Ross: This is helping your career?! Huh? I thought you wanted to be an actor not the creator of crazy lawsuit game!
[Scene: Ursulas apartment, Phoebe is going to confront her twin about her new porn career.]
Chandler: Well, I have an appointment to see Dr. Robert Pillman, career counselor a-gogo. (pause) I added the "a-gogo."
Frank: Yeah, yknow when we found out we were going to have a baby, yknow I figured yknow like I should yknow have like a careerand I love refrigerators!
Joey: I dont know Ross, not if youre gonna talk about how you gave up a career in basketball to become a paleontologist.
Rachel: And the fact that you were jeopardising my career never entered your mind?!
Ross: Yeah, maybe. I do have my whole career in front of me. I mean, I can still win a Nobel prize. Although the last two papers I've written were widely discredited.
Rachel: Oh, come on Joey! You will totally keep it in check this time, and plus yknow the publicity would be really good for your career! And you deserve that! And if you do the interview you can mention, oh I dont know, gal pal Rachel Green?
Ross: Okay, relax, relax. We are gonna be here for a while, it looks like, and we still have boyfriends and your career to cover.
Phoebe: And to knowing that your career doesn't mean everything. (Rachel mouths "aah")
Joey: That's it? You're-you're gonna let me do this?! This-this is my career we're talking about here!
Joey: Yeah! Yeah! I mean Im sorry, I wish I can take everybody, but yknow Chandler always supported my career. Hes paid for acting classes and head shots and stuff and well this will be my way of paying you back.
JANITOR: Your monkey found a new career, in the entertainment field. That's all I know.
JOEY: Ah, it's career stuff. I don't know if you heard but they killed off my character on the show.
Chandler: I wish I had smoked for my career
Rachel: All right, fine! But I had too! I had to do it for my career!
Rachel: Career counselor?
Chandler: Eight and a half hours of aptitude tests, intelligence tests, personality tests... and what do I learn? (he taps the results and reads them) "You are ideally suited for a career in data processing for a large multinational corporation."
Ross: I did give up a career in basketball to become a paleontologist!
[And with that we go into the save the budget portion of the show, which features flashbacks from previous episodes. The first set of auditions feature high lights or low lights of Joeys acting career. The first flashback is from The One With The Lesbian Wedding.]
Joey: How could you do this to me Chandler?! This part couldve turned my whole career around!
Joey: (smiling) I don't know. This little, old lady lives for my career. When they dumped me off of Days of Our Lives she almost died.
Phoebe: Yeah. We don't speak. She's like this high-powered, driven career type.