words in movies
Will: 150 pounds. Yeah, Im gonna be in one of those Subway sandwich commercials.
Joey: Hey! That must be why I got fired last week! Does this Orson Wells guy direct Burger King commercials?
Joey: And I know both of them, theyre really good. One of them is the guy from those allergy commercials whos always getting chased by those big flowers
Joey: Oh yeah, yeah! He's done tons of commercials. I've seen him in like Sugar Smacks, Playstation, and that one for the phone company. In fact he was so good in that one, he actually convinced me to switch phone companies. Chandler was mad .
Joey (to Chandler): Look, c'mon, please? It's not like I'm asking for some crazy favour. This is what I do for a living. I am a professional actor! (he glances at his watch and sees the time) Oh, man, I'm two hours late for work! (he stands, ready to go). Look, here's a copy of my reels. It's got all the commercials that I've been in.
{Transcribers Note: Tradition was broken here as there were no commercials immediately after the opening credits, just more show.}