words in movies
[Cut to outside, theyre going to talk to Phoebe about walking the bike.]
[Cut to Phoebes room, Phoebe has put her helmet on one of her teddy bears and is playing around with it. Ross knocks and pokes his head in the door.]
Morse: (walking up) That was a great lecture today. Did you get a little hair cut?
[Cut to the guys.]
[Cut to the girls.]
[Cut back to the girls.]
[Cut to the guys.]
[Cut to Ross leaping into Chandlers Hotel room in London in The One With Rosss Wedding.]
[Cut to Chandler opening the door to his and Joeys apartment to reveal Monica standing there with a turkey on her head in The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks.]
[Cut back to Central Perk.]
[Cut to Phoebe in Rosss new apartment looking at Monica and Chandler and what theyre about to do in The One Where Everybody Finds Out.]
[Cut to later in that episode. Rachel and Phoebe are going to a movie from Monica and Chandlers, and as Phoebe walks by Chandler she pinches him on the butt and exits.]
[Cut to later in that episode in Central Perk, a meeting with Phoebe, Rachel, and Joey where they discuss Chandler and Monica.]
[Cut to later in that episode. Phoebe is telling Rachel in Monica and Chandlers that Chandler wants to make a date with Phoebe.]
[Cut to the bathroom.]
[Cut to later in that episode. Ross is showing his boss his new place and notices something in the window.]
Joey: Uh, Entertainment Tonight. [Cut to Chandler] Yeah, okay so, good talking to ya and don't come out here. All right. (Hangs up the phone and poses for that picture.)
[Cut to Mr. and Mrs. Geller talking to Ross.]
[Cut to Monica.]
The Director: Cut! Wonderful!
[Cut to an office building.]
[Cut to Phoebe and Rachel.]
[Cut to Central Perk, Ross, Phoebe, Monica, and Chandler are there. I think its The One With The Joke.]
[Cut to Joey and Rachel's, Phoebe is talking. It looks like when Rachel and Monica lived in this apartment.]
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, Joey is talking to Monica and Chandler.]
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, Phoebe is speaking Italian to Joeys grandmother. Im spelling phonetically.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut to Central Perk, first season Monica is talking.]
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, Monica and Phoebe are talking.]
[Cut to Joey and Rachel's, with the giant entertainment center Joey is exiting from his room.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut to Central Perk, same as before Joey is entering.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut to that same kitchen, only this is The One With The Proposal, Richard is telling Monica something.]
[Cut to Monicas restaurant kitchen, its the episode where Joey is working as a waiter at Monicas restaurant. Joey is patting her breast from when she set it on fire.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, The One Where The Monkey Gets Away, Rachel is watching a soap opera with Marcel.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
PHOEBE: Oh, no no, that side doesn't have one, the paramedics had to cut through it. [Chandler jumps out of the car]
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, Ross is eating breakfast with Joey and Monica. Joey is walking towards Ross.]
[Cut to Carol and Susans apartment, from next weeks episode Rachel is talking to Ben.]
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, same scene.]
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, same scene.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
Ross: It came in the mail today, it's uh, 72 long-stemmed red roses, one for each day that I've known and loved Emily, cut up into mulch!
[Cut to Central Perk, Fat Monica and Rachel are on the couch.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, Sick Monica is trying to entice Chandler to have sex with her.]
[Cut to the scene described above.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut to Rosss second wedding reception, Joey has just told him the band is ready with Rachel looking on.]
[Cut to Central Perk, Phoebe at the mike.]
[Cut to Monicas work kitchen, shes on fire again and Joey is putting her out.]
[Cut to Central Perk, Ross is taking Ben to visit Rachel whos working there.]
[Cut to Phoebe and Rachel at their table.]
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, the gang is watching Joeys debut on Days.]
[Cut to the hallway, Chandler is putting tape on the bottom of his shoes.]
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, Chandler is cleaning the apartment for Monica and is frustrated with things not lining up.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut to Joey going over to talk to Dennis Phillips.]
[Cut to Monica walking up to Chandler.]
[Cut to Central Perk, to the theme from The Dick Van Dyke show Joey runs into Central Perk carrying a stack of Soap Opera Digests and falls on the step. He does bounce right back up making it all that much funnier.]
[Cut to Chandler in the hallway practicing dancing and is doing it very well.]
[cut to later, Joey, Rachel, Ross, and Tim are watching the football game, and they all cheer loudly.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
Director: Cut! Very nice people!
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, the scene described above.]
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, Chandler and Joey are living here and Ross is writing on the Magna-Doodle when Rachel opens the door causing the door knob to hit his hand.]
[Cut to Phoebe and Eric.]
[Cut to Joey and Monica.]
[Cut to Mona and Ross walking past Chandler.]
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
[Cut back to the present, they are still in each others embrace.]
[Cut to later in that episode. Chandler is in his bathroom with Monica, and hes panicking on how far Phoebe is pushing him.]
Joey: Ah, just cut me a little sliver. (Monica prepares to cut a little sliver.) A little bigger. (Monica prepares to cut a bigger piece.) Little bigger. (Monica moves the knife again.) What?! Are you afraid youre gonna run out?! Cut me a real piece!
[Cut the hallway, Rachel is exited from Monicas when the door closes on her skirt.]
Chandler: Yes! Remember? Right before we cut the cake, I went up to you and I said
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, The One With George Stephanopoulos, Phoebe is showing Monica and Rachel that she brought Operation to their slumber party.]
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, the bad desert Ross is quickly eating the mound on his plate.]
[Cut to Monica and Ross leaving Joey and Chandlers hotel room in London. As they exit Joey and Chandler enter from the bathroom with both of their pants down around their ankles.]
(Cut to Monica and Chandler)
Ross: Or! Or, we could go to the bank, close our accounts and cut them off at the source.
[Cut back to the cast and Conan.]
(Cut to Phoebe and Parker)
(Cut to Rachel and Ross)
(Cut to Monica, at the microphone)
(Cut to Phoebe and Joey)
[Cut to the interview.]
[Cut to the gang.]
[Cut to the interview.]
[Cut to the interview.]
[Cut forward.]
[Cut to the gang.]
[Cut to the interview.]