words in movies
Mona: Oh wow! So, youre more than just dinosaurs.
Ross: Oh. (Reaches into his pocket for some money as Rachel enters the living room and watches holding two stuffed dinosaurs.)
Will: God we were lame back then. Do you remember how into dinosaurs we were?
Monica: Dinosaurs.
Ross: Actually Im a palian Dinosaurs is fine the drawing is not.
Joey: Occupation? Dinosaurs.
Mr Zelner: That’s great. I worry about little Ross. He’s always reading, he's collecting rocks and he’s obsessed with dinosaurs.
Ross: I can't get *enough* dinosaurs!
Chandler: Because I told everyone he slept with dinosaurs.
Ross: (yelling at Chandler) I have sex with dinosaurs??
Joey: (stands up, and throws his coat on the floor) Im Joey! Im an actor! I dont know squat about dinosaurs!
Phoebe: Ok, how about... uhm... sex or dinosaurs?
Chandler: Yes, but, Ross you chose a career of talking about dinosaurs.
Ross: Oh, nothing, it’s just, it’s close to Ron. Does he.. Does little Ross like dinosaurs by any chance?
Rachel: Horny bitch. (They both look at her, pretending that the dinosaurs shes holding are arguing.) No! Youre a horny bitch! Noooo! Youre the horny bitch! No! Youre a horny bitch!
Ross: It was hard... I remember... I was in my bedroom... playing with my dinosaurs... playing and learning... and my father walks in and says... he says... "What are you doing with those things? What's wrong with you, why aren't you... why aren't you outside playing like a... like a real boy?
[Scene: Ross's apartment, Ross is watching a show about the extinction of the dinosaurs.]
Ross: Uh, Pheebs, while were hovering around the subject. I just have to say dinosaurs, they-they dont go, rrroof!
Narrator: When the Cretaceous period ended, the dinosaurs were gone.
ROSS: I'm sorry. See that's the good thing about my job. All the dinosaurs on my table are already dead.
Monica: Okay, Phoebe, y'know what? That-thats it, thats it, all right? No dinosaurs, no ghosts, no giant dogs, okay? Theyre not the right size, theyre not Victorian, and they just dont go.