words in movies
Phoebe: Of course I do! And Im gonna give it back to you as soon as theyre done with it at the key shining place.
Phoebe: Oh! We could have done that.
Phoebe: Thats so funny to think if youd just done that right after the last contest, no one would have had to move at all.
Ross: Im not proving anything. Okay, Im done listening to you. If I hadnt let you talk me into going to the airport in the first place, I never wouldve put my fist through the wall!
Chandler: I mean presumably, the biggest part of your job is done.
Ross: (not wanting to tell her) Uh-oh, uh-oh, the laundry's done. It's, uh, it's a song. The laundry song that we sing. (singing) Uh-oh the laundry's done, uh-oh, uh-oh.
Ross: Rach, have you never done this before?
Phoebe: (stirring pot) Ok, all done.
Rachel: I could not have done this without you.
Phoebe: Oh, its a secret. Oh goodie! Yes! We havent done the secret thing in a long time.
Chandler: No-no-no-no, we're done.
Phoebe: (stops) Please! Please! Please! Please! Oh please! Please! Please! Frank and Alice asked me to baby sit the triplets and Im nervous cause Ive never done that before by myself!
Chandler: Well Ive-Ive never done that with you before.
Chandler: That's very funny. We done now?
Chandler: And, we're done with the yogurt. (Sets yogurt down on table)
Chandler: It's so good I don't know what I've done to deserve it!
Rachel: Ive never done that.
Rachel: Done.
Joey: Y'know, I've done nothing but crappy plays for six years. And I finally get my shot, and I blow it!
Rachel: No, yeah, Ive done that.
Rachel: Oh, in my head he's done some pretty "not-gay-stuff"!
Joey: Vell, Eva, ve've done some excellent vork here, and I vould have to say, your pwoblem is qviiite clear. (He goes into a song and dance number.)
Ross: Well, y'know, these people are pros. They know what they're doing, they take their time, they get the job done.
Monica: Yeah you will! The right guy is just around the corner! Okay, are we done with that?
CHANDLER: OK, then, eat me, I'm done.
Joey: Done with the bookcase!
Monica: You invite my brother, you invite my whole family, and not me?! Why?! WhatWhy wouldnt you want me at your wedding? What could I have possibly done?! (Frannies husband walks up.) Stuart!
ROSS: Um, no, I uh, I have done it before.
Rachel: Okay, well keep in mind that by the time you're done, they'll probably be serving dinner.
Phoebe: Oh yeah, Ive done it for years. I actually stopped because I was so accurate. Yknow, and-and yknow, one of the great joys of life is its-its wondrous unpredictability. Yknow? And also tea tends to give me the trots.
JOEY: Consider it done.
CHANDLER: You done?
RACH: No, you guys, you really don't have to go, we're done talking.
Joey: Wow, Ive admired your work for years. You-youve done some really amazing stuff.
Chandler: (To Ross) Why don't you cut him a little slack? Okay? Maybe if he relaxes a little bit, he'll get some work done.
PHOEBE: I'm almost done with it, keep your panties on.
CHANDLER: Hey, do you want this done quick, or do you want this done right?
ROSS: We're not done.
ROSS: No, no, she's great and it's not like we haven't done anything. I mean, uh, uh, we, we do plenty of other stuff, lot's of other stuff, like uhh. . .
ROSS: I'm done.
DR. BURKE: Oh, well obviously you know Barbara and I split up, otherwise you wouldn't have done the head tilt.
[everyone is quiet, unsure if she's done or not]
PHOEBE: Anyway, OK, now promise you won't like, freak out and say how great this is until I'm done, OK.
PHOEBE: I'm done now.
PHOEBE: I'm not done yet, OK. God. OK, if that goes well, they may even want to make an album.
MONICA: Hey, I made $17 before breakfast, what have you done?
Monica: Cause they took our apartment, I wanted to punish them. But Im-Im done now. Theyve suffered enough.
[Scene: Classroom. Joey is writing his name on the board, but turns around before hes done which causes him to write his name with a downward curve, and he then underlines it, and draws the line right through his name.]
MRS. GREENE: ...but when all is said and done, he still drinks out of the mugs.
Frank: Hey, how do you guys get anything done?
Joey: (on stage in an Austrian accent) Vell, Eva, ve've done some excellent vork here, and I vould have to say, your pwoblem is qviiite clear. (He goes into a song and dance number.)
Ross: And that's why, no matter what mommy says, we really were on a break. (baby talk) Yes we were! Yes we were! (picks Emma up) Come here gorgeous. (puts her on his knees and talks to her) Oh! Look at you! You are the cutest little baby ever! You're just a... a little bitty baby, you know that? But you've got... (in a softer voice) You've got big beautiful eyes... Yes you do... and a... and a big round belly. (emphasises the B's) Big baby butt! I like big butts. (raps) I like big butts and I cannot lie / you other brothers can't deny / when a girl walks in with an itty, bitty, waist / and a round thing in your face you get...(Emma laughs) Oh my God, Emma... you're laughing! Oh my God, you've never done that before, have you? You never done that before... Daddy made you laugh, huh? Well, daddy and Sir Mix Alot... What? What? You... you wanna hear some more? Uhm...(raps) My anaconda don't want none / unless you got buns hon... (Emma laughs again and Ross looks worried) I'm a terrible father!
CHANDLER: Well then, how do you know when vegetables are done?
Ross: Marcel! What've you done to him?
Joey: Whoa, I'm not done.
Joey: Done.
Joey: Done.
CHANDLER: Ya know Phoebs, don't feel so bad for 'em. After they're done playing, I break out the little plastic women and everybody has a pretty good time.
Joey: What, oh, oh, oh, no, no, I cant, I cant tell you that, its like the most awful, horrible thing Ive ever done my whole life.
Monica: Forty-two to twenty-one! Like the turkey, Ross is done!
Phoebe: Okay, see, see, everyone else is happy shes done.
Monica: All right, just give it back to me when your done. See you guys.
Joey: Okay, done.
The Interviewer: So, according to your bio, youve done quite a bit of work before Days of Our Lives. Anything youre particularly proud of?
Phoebe: Ahh, his work is done.
Joey: No, no, no, no! Hes fine! Look, look, look! (picks up the ball) Heres your ball! Get your ball! Get your ball! (he throws the ball and it bounces right next to the dog) Get your ball! My God, what have I done to you, huh? I broke the dog! Pheebs, I broke the dog!
Rachel: Well, Ill be waiting for you, just come up when youre done.
Ross: Done!
Monica: Joey, she was listing the countries shes done it in.
(As Bonnie goes to do just that, Rachel smiles to herself, proud of what shes done.)
CHANDLER: Hey, stick a fork in me, I am done.
Phoebe Sr.: No, Im not done. I-I-I just want you to know that I, the reason I didnt look you up was, well I was afraid that youd react, just well like, the way, the way youre reacting right now, and cant we just, y'know, start from here?
(She turns and looks in the mirror, and its way, way over done. She looks like she has two black eyes.)
Joey: Chandler. Will you see if your mom can give my resume to Dennis Phillips? Cause if I can get in a Broadway show then I wouldve done it all, film, television, and theater. The only think left would be radio, and thats just for ugly people.
Kathy: Yes! Yeah! Joey has great hair! Umm, Im basically done here. Just let me get this off your neck.
Chandler: Thanks, its ah, Gaelic, for Thy turkeys done. So ah, Im gonna go, nice, nice meeting you.
Joanna: Done!
Phoebe: Ive never done that.
Monica: All right then, when Im done with this place, its gonna be ten times better than that place!
Joey: Done! I did it! Heh, whos stupid now? (He smiles and has cookie remains all over his teeth.)
Joey: Done!
Monica: Done?
Ross: No! Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! You can have this back when the five pages are done! (After Joey walks past, Ross throws the ball down in pain.) Ahh! (Chandler shows him the burn spots on his oven mitts.)
Monica: I think youre done.
Phoebe Sr.: Sorry. But just one last thing. Y'know you came looking for family. Im family, Im it. Now, now Im done. (starts to leave)
Phoebe: I know. Its just yknow usually when youre, when youre done with the pregnant thing, yknow, then you get to do the mom thing. Im gonna be yknow, sitting around in my leather pants, drinking Tequila.
Rachel: I could not have done this without you.
Chandler: Yeah, we have all this paperwork that needs to be filed by the end of the year. If I don't get it done, I'll be fired.
Phoebe: By the time anyone's figured out what we've done, we'll be in sunny Mexico. (BEAT) Oh, wait, that's the end of a different plan.
Joey: I guess I'm done.
Chandler: All right, let's show them how it's done.
Monica: Never done that before.
Ross: Yes! Yes! I mean it's-it's kinda far from work, but uh, y'know, I'll get so much done on the commute. I-I've been given the gift of time!
Chandler: Love what you've done with the place.
Joey: Done!
Monica: I'm still not done not wanting to talk to you.
Ross: All right. (Reading.) A room. A man enters, he looks suspicious. (Stops reading a flips the page to find the next one is blank.) That's it? (Joey shrugs.) Joey, you're supposed to have five pages done by now! Including an exciting incident! (Flipping through the rest of the pad.) And what is, and what is all this?! (Reading.) The official rulebook of Fireball.
Chandler: Y'know, I can't believe I'm getting my nails done! And you said it was gonna be fun! (pause) Which it kinda is. Also, you said there would be other guys here. There are no other guys here!
Doug: So, in conclusion, the lines all go up (points to the chart), so Im happy. Great job team! Tomorrow at 8:30. (They start to leave) Phil! Nice job. (smacks him on the butt) Stevens! Way to go! (smacks him on the butt) Joel-burg, you maniac! I love ya! (smacks him on the butt) (Chandler walks up) Bing! Good job, couldnt have done it without ya. (he shakes his hand)
Monica: I can't believe we've never done this before! It's sooo good! So good for Monica!
Chandler: Done.