words in movies
[Cut to another part of the building. We see Marcel jump in through a window and run down some stairs, then Chandler and Joey come down from the upper floor without noticing.]
Cassie: (noticing her) What?
Matt: (noticing the laughter) Why? Whats the matter?
Phoebe: Oh! Here it is! (Noticing it next to the door.) Ooh, Joey! Why did you sign it, "Son of a bitch?" (Son of a bitch is written across the entire picture.)
Tommy: (noticing the chick) Ooh, hey! Hey, there little fella. (picks up the chick) Mr. Fuzzy-Man, how are you doing? (starts to pet him) Aww. (The chick poops on his hand.) Eww! Oh! Eww! Gross! Idiot!! Stupid little, fuzzy, yellow creature!! Oh look at me, Im so cute, Im a little chick whos disgusting! God, youre so stupid, how are you not yet extinct!! (the duck wattles behind him and quacks) (to the duck) Quack-quack, quack-quack!! What are you quacking about?! Dumb Donald Doo-Doo!!
Tag: Right. So I guess I shouldnt put good at noticing stuff on my resume. (Sets the plant down on her desk.)
Rachel: (noticing him) Hi! (Puts the pictures away.)
Joey: (noticing Chandler) What are you doing? (he pushes Chandler back to his side of the couch) Get back over on your side of the... (sees Robert in all his glory) Hello!! (to Robert) Hi, Im Joey, we havent met.
Ross: You did so. I swear, I swear(noticing Kristin's absence) How long has she been in the bathroom?
Rachel: Well, someone was supposed to write "Rach, take down the lights" and put it on the re... frigerate... (finally noticing Monicas note stuck to the refrigerator) How long has that been there?
Monica: (noticing the bag Joeys carrying) Oh great! Did you get a movie?
Ross: (noticing something) Actually umm (He turns Mr. Gellers head to look at Emma.)
Monica: (noticing Rachel crawling behind the couch) Rach? What are you doing?
Ross: (noticing a beautiful woman moving in down the street) Well hello! Shes cute! Should we uh, go try to talk to her?
Phoebe's Friends: (Finally noticing the guest of honour) Surprise!
Phoebe: (noticing a guy sitting by the green post looking at her) Oh wait a second you guys for the last couple weeks Ive been that guy everywhere I go. We take the same bus. We go to the same bookstore, the same dry cleaners; maybe hes the tea guy. (He gets up to leave, and smiles at Phoebe.)
Phoebe: So. This has always been Monicas bed, what youre just noticing now, how self-involved are you?
CHANDLER: (noticing a beautiful blond walking in) Ooh, oh, oh, that's her.
Ross: (noticing the pipe and looking at the door) Joey wheres the pipe that was holding the door open?
Chandler: (noticing the woman on the screen) Whoa! Shes purty!
Brenda: (noticing him) What are you doing?
Carol: (noticing a kid who has picked up a copy of Variety to read) Hey, that kid looks familiar.
Helena: Im not very fond of New York. Queens I like. (Noticing Monicas ring.) Ooh, what is this sparkle something! (Shows the audience who woos.) Honey! Huh?
Rachel: Oh yes! Thank you very much! (She grabs a glass, takes a sip, and realizes what she just did. She then tries to spit the champagne back into the glass without Monica noticing. It doesnt work.) Oh thats-thats actually how the French drink it.
Frank: (noticing the puppy) Oh, whos this little guy?! (Grabs the puppy)
Rachel: (getting of the elevator and noticing Ross) Hey!
Rachel: (noticing him) What's up Joey?
Amanda: (noticing the bottle of wine he has) Oh, I don't mean to be a square, but I'd really appreciate it if you wait and drink your wine after the kids are asleep? Oh uh, thanks for this, I hope I can do the same for you sometime. (She leaves)
Joshua: (noticing her) Hey-whoa-hey-hey, what was that?
Phoebe: (noticing her) Oh, look! Look! Look!
Rachel: (noticing a bunch of pictures around the door that werent there originally.) What-what are-what are these?
Ross: (noticing the outfit he is wearing) Whatd you do, take him whaling?
David: (noticing Phoebe) Oh my God!
(Rachel slowly spins around, finally noticing that the lights have outstayed their welcome.)