words in movies
Joey: Ohh, you're upset because you think I chose Ross over you! No! I knew you could take care of yourself. Y'know, I mean Ross, he need help. He's not street like us!
Rachel: Ohh, wait a minute, we havent pre
Rachel: Ohh, here you are. I was looking for you before. Joshuas gone so you and Emily are free to go.
Phoebe: Ohh! All right! All right. Heres what well do, Ill get twice as drunk as Monica and then no ones will even notice her.
Ross: Ohh, here's that Macadamia nut!
Monica: (stopping Joey from answering) Ohh! Fish, seaweed, a sunken ship.
Rachel: Ohh, so no sign of Emily huh?
Phoebe: Ohh, you are so lucky! (To Chandler) Hey! So, where's Monica? Did you guys make up?
Monica: But my clothes areohh! (They both leave.)
Phoebe: Hello, Hello. Ohh, OHH, she knew I could kick her ass.
Monica: Ohh! Ohhhh! Were you sleeping sweetie? Im sorry. Here. (Hands the mug of milk to him.)
Joey: Ohh.
Rachel: Ohh, are you setting Ross up with someone? Does she have a wedding dress?
All: Ohh. Ouch.
Rachel: Ohh! This is so exciting! Oh God (Gasps and starts to sing) Come and knock on my door
Mr. Douglas: Ohh, its been better. The Annual Net Usage Statistics are in.
Phoebe Sr: Ohh, well. Y'know we were always together, in fact the had a nickname for the three of us.
RACHEL: Ohh, I'm gonna have to get over it. God, see I didn't know that's I had to do, I just have to get over it.
Phoebe: Hey. Here. (Hands Chandler a copy of her flyer and sees the picture of Ralph.) Ohh, whos the silver fox?
Joey: Ohh. Hey, remember when I ran into this thing (The shutters that close off the kitchen.) and it kinda knocked me out a little?
Emily: (checks the clock) Ohh, its time to go.
Monica: Ohh, he's really shy. I-I dont think he's up to meeting everyone yet.
Monica: Ohh... that wouldn't by any chance be... Joey Tribbiani?
RACHEL: Ohh, God.
Joey: Ohh, hey! Why dont you book a date for both of you at one of those romantic spas?
Phoebe: (A woman with large breasts walks in the door) Ohh knockers will help us figure it out. (She walks by and he checks her out.)
All: Ohh. (Happily) Hi!
Phoebe: Ohh! No.
Rachel: Ohh... (Ross mouths HA-HA at Monica and takes two cookies and she looks at him angrily)
PHOEBE: Ohh. . .K. How come?
Chandler: Ohh, thats a good one.
RACH: Ohh, ohh.
RACHEL: Ohh, thank you for my beautiul earrings, they're perfect. I love you.
MNCA: Ohh.
Rachel: (moves the stool out of the way) Yeah! Ohh, Ive been waitin so long to get on that body!
ROSS: Ohh. . . Thanks Rach, goodnight. [goes back in apartment]
JOEY: [sits down] Ohh yeah, that's the stuff.
CHANDLER: [sits down] Ohh yes.
Phoebe: Ohh! I have! I have! I started making these little sock bunnies! (She takes out a sock thats been made into a bunny with eyes, nose, mouth, whiskers, and two other socks sown onto it for ears.) Oh for crying out loud!
Phoebe: (looking out the window) Oh, look! There's Monica and Chandler! (Starts yelling.) Hey! Hey, you guys! Hey! (Chandler and Monica start taking each other's clothes off.) Ohh!! Ohh! Ahh-ahhh!!
ROSS: Ohh.
Rachel: Ohh, okay, Im sorry. Youre right. Yknow what? We absolutely can stay married, because I was under the impression that the boxes were far away from each other. All right, look, just please, take a moment here and think about what youre asking of me.
RICHARD: Ohh, brisk tonight.
Joey: (examining it) Ohh, a hunk of sandwich from last year. (Monica drops the sandwich)
RACHEL: Ohh, what is in that?
Rachel: Ohh no you dont! You got lighting last time, lighting is mine!
Phoebe: Happy Holidays. Feliz Navidad. Allo, and Merry Christmas. (A man put some change in her bucket.) Ohh thank you sir. Here's some joy. (She waves her hand up and down as if she is spreading joy.)
ROSS: Ohh, big smoker. [Packs the cigarettes and flings one on Mrs. Greene in the process. Finally gets one in his mouth and it look really out of place] Big big smoker. In fact I'm gonna go ou into the hallway and fire up this bad boy. [as he walks into the hall, he comes face to face with Mr. Greene]
Rachel: Oh my God!! Ohh, that is it! Im leaving! You are just a horrible person!
PHOEBE: Ohh, ohh.
Monica: Ohh, Im sorry I couldnt think of anymore for Ross!
Joey: Aww. (tastes it) Ohh!
Phoebe: Ohh. Um-hmm. But y'know, she choose to find me. I mean, I have to respect her decision. Right?
Kim: Hi Rachel. Ohh, Ive been meaning to ask you. Have you seen the new Ralph Lauren sheets? Ohh, what am I thinking. Of course you have.
RACHEL: Ohh, thank you for the wonderful dinner.
Phoebe: Ohh, well, you're my lucky penny.
Ross: (breaking the hug) Ohh, I gotta go to the flower store! (Runs to the door.) Check it out, no one will tell me where Emily is, so I'm gonna send 72 long-stem, red roses to Emily's parent's house, one for each day that I've known and loved her. That oughta get her talking to me again.
Rachel: Ohh, with who?
Phoebe: Really? Theres nothing sexual about this? (Sexily) Oooh. Oo God! Ohh. Ohhhh. Ohh. (Some cute guy is watching closely.) (To him) What are you looking at?! (Pause) I mean hi.
Rachel: Ohh, I love Joey! Joey lives with a duck! (Goes and hugs Joey.)
Rachel: Ohh!
Rachel: Oh my god. Ok you guys, theres Danny. Watch. Just watch this. (He walks past the couch to the counter.) See?! Still pretending hes not interested. Ohh, hes coming over. Just pretend like we dont know him. Weve forgotten who he is.
Joey: Oh. (realises) Ohh. Ohh, youre out of your mind.
Phoebe: Ohh, Monica, I am so excited for you.
All: Ohh!! (they all start pointing at the screen)
Phoebe: (She pauses to ready herself, and removes the tissue.) Ohh, the-the Foster puppets!
All: Ohh.
Joey: (on phone) Hello? (Listens) Oh hey! Can you, can you hang on a second? (To Phoebe and Rachel) Its the producers over at Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E. can you excuse me for a minute? (On phone) Hey, funny you should call. I was just looking over next weeks script. (Listens) Canceled?! (Listens) Like theyre taking it off the air? (Listens) Ohh. (Listens) All right, see you Monday. (Listens) Were not even shootin them anymore?!! (Listens) All right, bye! (Hangs up) They canceled Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E!
Rachel: (looks in the window) Ohh, well, this is just perfect!
Phoebe: Ohh, thats too bad!
Monica: Oh, its so beautiful. Ohh! Yknow, I-I dont know if I feel right about this.
Chandler: Ohh, great, I have condom in my wallet I've had since I was twelve.
Rachel: Ohh, thank you.
Phoebe Sr.: Ohh, so cute.
Rachel: Ohh, gee. I wonder why she thinks youre going to call her?
Phoebe: Ohh, I think she knows where my Dad is.
All: Ohh!!
Rachel: Ohh!
Phoebe: Ohh, no. (Pause) Oh okay, so you're a cop which means you can park anywhere, 'cause I know that 'cause I'm a cop too. So, all right, keep up the good work. 10-4. (Tries to leave.)
Phoebe: Yeah, it's weird. I can't help it though he's so sweet, he's like this little puppy dog, y'know? But like a really tough one that shots bad guys. Ohh, I just love beginning parts of relationships, y'know?! You just like can't keep your hands off each other.
Rachel: Ohh! Thats so great!
Monica: Ohh, how is he?
All: Ohh!
Rachel: (laughing) Ohh, that is soo sad.
Chandler: Ohh, she's-she's not really my type.
Monica: Ohh. And I dont even have a date.
Rachel: Ohh! Thats great!
ROSS: Ohh... OK. [changes the channel]
Phoebe: Ohh.
Ross: Ohh, man! Chicago, is sooo lucky!
Phoebe: Well, Im ready to get the hell out of here! (Sees Ross and Rachel cuddling on the couch.) Oh. Are you? Are you?!! (they nod Yes.) Ohh! Thats so great!! Ooh, not for Bonnie. (they nod No.) But for you, yay! Ohh.
Rachel: Ohh, gosh. You guys, come on, this isI have to meet Joshua! This is my one chance for him to see the fun Rachel. Yknow the "Wouldnt it be great if she was my wife" Rachel. Ohh, all right! Are Joey and Chandler back?
Rachel: Ohh Tag, umm youre such a great guy and we have sooo much fun together but I dont-I dont
PHOEBE: Ohh, ok, I see what you did there. Aren't you afraid though, that the writers are gonna be kinda mad when they read this?
Katie: Ohh, I love Chinese! How did you know I love Chinese?! (She hits him repeatedly as she says that.)
Rachel: Ohh, its gonna be so great! Im gonna get to help decide what we sell, Im gonna have an office with walls and everything. (turns to Monica) Im gonna have walls!
Phoebe: Ohh! So, did you get to meet her?
Phoebe: Ohh!
Joey: Ohh, Nothing.
Rachel: Ohh! Right! Right, sorry, Ill be right back!