words in movies
Chandler: Hello? Hello? Oh, hey Charlie. Did anybody else hear? ... What? Susan got it?? How? Oh man, I would have slept with him!! .. Alright, bye. (hangs up)
Ross: Well, you may wanna steer clear of the word 'dumped'. Chances are he's gonna be this, this broken shell of a man, y'know, so you should try not to look too terrific, I know it'll be hard. Or, y'know, uh, hey!, I'll go down there, and I'll give Barry back his ring, and you can go with Carol and Susan to the OB/GYN...
Susan: Oh, I got that for him.
Susan: I know its frightening, but, big picture. The birth part is just one day, and when its over, were all gonna be parents for the rest of our lives.
Susan: How, how is this my fault?
[Scene: The Airport, Carol and Ross are waiting for Emily and Susan to deplane. A gorgeous woman walks by and they both turn to watch her go.]
Susan: Oh, no, nonononono, you see what he's doing? He knows no-one's gonna say all those names, so they'll wind up calling her Geller, then he gets his way!
Phoebe: Aw! Hey, do you think that Susan person is her lover?
[Scene: Carol and Susans, Rachel is talking with Ben.]
Susan: She.
Susan: Ross.
Susan: Hi.
Susan: Look at that.
[Scene: Carol and Susans, Carol is setting a romantic dinner for Susan as there is a knock on the door.]
Carol: Ross, you remember Susan.
Susan: Yeah, and we all know what a challenge that is!
(Susan enters.)
Susan: Oh, please! What's wrong with Helen?
[Scene: Carol's Hospital Room, Carol is on the bed, Ross and Susan are at her side.]
Susan: Yeah, all the time. I want the baby to know my voice.
Susan: Yeah, yeah, all the time.
Susan: Keep singing! Keep singing!
Susan: I felt it!
Susan: Hi, how's it goin?
Susan: Oh, well, is it what we thought it would be?
Susan: So, so, did you hear?
Susan: Actually, I'm reading it to the baby.
(Susan enters)
Ross: Susan...
Susan: Oh, hello Ross!
(Susan enters holding a drink.)
Ross: Susan is Carols, Carols, Carols, friend...
Susan: Yes, I'm familiar with the concept. We can just look for it.
Ross and Susan: What? What? What?
Ross: Susan, go deep.
Susan: What is, honey?
[Scene: Lamaze class. Susan is there. Each couple has a doll, for they have just finished learning how to change a diaper. As Ross rushes in, stepping on the Rostins pretend baby, squashing its head flat. It bleats, in protest. He performs emergency surgery, then hands the doll back to J.C.]
Carol: Oh great! Is it vegetarian, 'cause Susan doesn't eat meat.
Ross: No real-, honey, really its fine, just g-go with Susan. Really, I, no, I think girls night out is a great idea. Okay, okay, bye
Susan: We stopped at the gift shop.
Susan: What's it look like?
MINISTER: You know, nothing makes God happier than when two people, any two people, come together in love. Friends, family, we're gathered here today to join Carol and Susan in holy matrimony.
Susan: But were fine.
Susan: Carol, Carol, sweetie. Cleansing breath.
Susan: You did!
Susan: Breathe.
Susan: Breathe.
Susan: Breathe.
Susan: No, you don't.
Susan: I got it.
Susan: Oh, hes fine. Hes fine. Its just that us getting along is difficult for him, because he doesnt like me.
Ross: Yeah, Susan.
Susan: He started it!
Susan: Yes.
Susan: What do you see?
Susan: Thanks.
Susan: You know what your problem is? You're threatened by me.
Susan: Oh, look at that.
Susan: What do you see? What do you see?
Susan: That's what we were off doing.
Susan: No, I'm getting it. I'll be right back.
Carol and Susan: Hey! (This wakes Chandler and Ross up)
Susan: Swiss quartz, ha, ha.
Ross: (to Susan) Thanks a lot.
Carol: Susan and I live together.
Susan: Like lovers.
Susan: Uh huh.
SUSAN: What?
Susan: This should be fun.
Susan: You can keep saying it, but it won't stop being true.
CAROL: [enters with Susan] Hello
Susan: What, you don't think they can hear sounds in there?
SUSAN: You can watch our tape if you want.
Susan and Ross: (even louder) Help!
Janitor: (to Ross and Susan) Wait! You forgot your legs!
CAROL and SUSAN: Great. That would be fine.
(Ross and Susan lift Phoebe up into the vent.)
Susan: We agreed on Minnie.
Susan: Oh, is he hungry already?
Susan: (not taking her eyes off Carol) Hello Ross. (Takes off her coat and hands it to him.) I love what youve done with this space.
Carol: Umm, yeah, actually, Susans gonna be home any minute, its kinda an anniversary.
CAROL and SUSAN: We love you. Buy.
CAROL and SUSAN: Hello.
Susan: Well, you know, you have to take a course. Otherwise, they don't let you do it.
SUSAN: Oh shout, that would have been fun.
SUSAN: The other us.
Susan: Carol, not me.
SUSAN: [clears her throat]
SUSAN: You wanna dance?
SUSAN: Suddenly I'm seeing him go off to college.
SUSAN: Is your finger caught in that chair?
SUSAN: How you doin'?
SUSAN: You did a good thing today.
Susan: What're you gonna do, suck the door open?
Susan: (to Ross) See what you did.
[Susan approaches Ross, who's looking lonely]
[Scene: The Broom Closet, Ross and Susan are trying to get out.]
Susan: Your son.
[Scene: Carol and Susans, there is a knock on the door and Carol opens it to reveal Rachel.]
[Scene: Carol's Room, Ross and Susan rush in.]