words in movies
Chandler: Wait a minute, hold the phone! Youre not talking about Chuckles University?!
[Scene: a NYU lecture hall, the scene is continued from earlier, only Ross has dismissed the class and is now talking to Monica and Rachel.]
Chandler: Now, is that never talking about it again?!
Chandler: (smiling) If we keep talking this way, aren't we gonna freak her out soon?
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica is talking to Chandler.]
Joey: Uh, hey, Rach let me ask you something. Uh, I was just over there talking to Monica and Chandler, boy they are really tight.
Monica: Ohhh! Let me see! Oh God, I can't believe this! They're an hour late and they're just staying out there, talking!
Rachel: Oh well then, so Im just going to go back to talking to my friend here. And you can go back to enjoying your little hamburger.
[Cut to Mr. and Mrs. Geller talking to Ross.]
Ross: (sitting down) Hey, what are you guys, what are you guys talking about?
(They go around the last row of bookshelves and find a couple doing what college coeds do in secluded corners of university libraries. For those of you who dont know what Im talking about, lets just say that clothing is undone. Ross gasps and the couple gets up and runs away.)
Ross: What?! What?! Talking about what?!
[Cut to Monica and Chandler's, Monica and Phoebe are talking.]
Chase Lassiter: (talking to Rachel) You look familiar, have we...
Chandler: What?! What are you talking about?
Monica: What are you talking about?
Wayne: I-I-I saw you on stage talking to that beautiful woman, yknow Sarah?
[Scene: hotel's bar, Ross and Mr. Oberblau are talking]
Chandler: No, no resentment, believe me, it's worth it. 'Kay? Y'know in a relationship you have these key moments that you know you'll remember for the rest of your life? Well, every- single- second is like that with Aurora.. and I've just wasted about thirty-five of them talking to you people, so, uh.. Monica, can you help me with the door? (He has armloads of stuff.)
Rachel: What are you talking about?!
Frank Jr.: What's green and says "hey, I'm a frog"? A talking frog! (Laughs.) Oh, no, you can't have him, he's too funny.
[Scene: Shop, Phoebe and Rachel are talking in front of the dressing room]
[Cut to Central Perk, first season Monica is talking.]
[Scene: Chandler's office building. Joey and Jeannie are talking.]
Phoebe: Shhh! Im talking.
Chandler: (to Gunther) Y'know what Gunther, go ah, go ahead, Im-Im talking to ah, (tries to get her to say her name). (to her) This is the part where you say your name.
Ross: Okay, last night after you guys broke up... so sorry to hear about that, by the way... Well, Charlie and I were talking, and..., well...
[Scene: Carol and Susans, Rachel is talking with Ben.]
[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe, Rachel, Joey and Ross are talking.]
Monica: Rachel umm, I was just talking to this guy and I think hell have sex with you.
[Flashback to 503 - TOW The Triplets] [Scene: A hallway in the hospital, Monica and Chandler are talking.]
Monica: Me? What are you talking about? Nobody could steal me from you. I mean, just because I'm friends with her doesn't make me any less friends with you. I mean, (starting to cry) you're my...We're, we're...Oh, I love you.
Monica: Okay, he was talking about rules.
Rachel: Hi! Hey, remember how last night we were talking about that movie Cujo?
Monica: You did? What was he talking about?
Rachel: Oh! Whoops! Im sorry, you were talking about Emily!
Rachel: I am still talking!! And then you chase away the one guy that I actually liked! I mean, no offense to you guys. Really! I mean (To Patrick) congratulations on all the cash, (He nods) and-and yknow(Feels Eldads hair)Wow! You do have very soft hair! But I would much rather go to the ball all by myself than go through anymore of this! Good-bye! (Grabs her stuff, starts to leave, then turns back suddenly, and to Eldad) Now do you use some sort of special conditioner on that hair?!
Ross: I was talking to myself! Youre going down!
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Ross and Joey are talking to Frank.]
(For the first time we see that the woman Ross is talking too is in fact the hot girl that Joey is looking for. She just kinda stares at him.)
Chandler: Yeah, I heard you and Rachel talking.
Joey: (he thinks a little, considering the option and seems to be quite satisfied) I like that! A sharing buffer! Yeah! I’ll order some extra fries! Maybe a plate of onion rings. Yeah. And a shrimp cocktail. And some buffalo wings. Maybe an individual pizza, uh? And some mozzarella sticks. (he looks absorbed in his food thoughts) What were we talking about?
[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is talking to Ross]
Joey: Dude, stop talking crazy and make us some tea!
[Time Lapse, the babies are finally asleep. Good for Phoebe! The only problem is, Monicas apartment looks like a tornado, a hurricane, a swarm of locusts, fire, brimstone, hail, and giant man-eating, radioactive ants have torn the place apart. Needless to say, its messy enough to cause Monica to die of shock right away. Parents with small children know what Im talking about.]
Ross: Shhh! Were not talking.
Janine: Yknow, I know youre talking, but all I hear is, "Blah. Blah. Blah-blah-blah."
Monica: That's right. [Scene: Monica's Apartment, Rachel is talking on the phone and pacing.]
Ross: So, uh, the other night Rachel and I are in bed talking about fantasies, and I happened to describe a particular Star Wars thing....
[Scene: Carol's OB/GYN, they're talking about how this is going to work.]
Phoebe: Oh right, ok um. Ok so its not just the lie you tell. but its the way you tell it. . For example if you look down at the ground when you're talking, people know you're lying.
Joey: What are you talking about alone? What about Ross?
Joey: Uh, Entertainment Tonight. [Cut to Chandler] Yeah, okay so, good talking to ya and don't come out here. All right. (Hangs up the phone and poses for that picture.)
Nurse: I think I know who youre talking about.
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, time has passed. The five are sitting around the coffee table talking.]
Chandler: (enters) Hey, what you guys talking about?
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Ross and Rachel are talking about passion.]
[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is there with her boyfriend Roger, talking to Rachel and Monica.]
Chandler: Right, fine, I�ll do it, but no talking.
[Scene: Central Perk, Joey, Monica, and Rachel are sitting on the couch and Ross is sitting on the chair, and theyre all talking.]
Monica: What are you talking about? If you get married in Vegas youre married everywhere.
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe are there, Chandler is talking to his new friend on the internet.]
Phoebe: Oh, thank God, 'cause that thing's really creepy! (looking outside the window) Look, there's Chandler. (he's on the street, talking to a woman)
Chandler: What are you guys talking about?
Joey: Good. (He sets his stuff down and starts talking to Kate, another cast member.) Hey.
Ross: But, what�s great is that you don�t mind talking about it.
Phoebe Sr: I mean, I know what Im talking about. I gave up two babies, and I only wish I had someone there that had given up babies, that could tell me how terrible it is to give up babies. I just think that, it would be something you will regret every single day for the rest of your life. So, how ever hard it is to give up this puppy, it would be like a million times harder to give up a child. (Phoebe is playing with the puppy again, and not listening) I really shouldnt have given you the puppy first.
Rachel: (talking with a higher voice, and puckered lips kind of like you do to a baby or...well a puppy its hard to explain. Just use your imagination!) Oh, well, you are so cute! I wish I could play with you more, but Ive got to go to work! I hope I stop talking like this before my marketing meeting, yes I do. Yes I do. (still talking like that) Bye-bye, Joey. Oh, I seriously cant stop it. (exits)
[Scene: Coffee place, Molly holding Emma and talking to Joey]
Melissa: Oh wow, Ray-ray I have no idea what youre talking about.
Phoebe: Wow! Talking about high maintenance
Chandler: She's smart and funny, y'know? We were up all last night talking, she said the funniest thing about--what?
Joey: Cause I only have one quarter, and I think my time is about to(he stops talking suddenly)
[Scene: The Semi-Private Labor Room, Evil Bitch and Sick Bastard are gone and Ross has just finished talking to a nurse as Rachel stands and stretches.]
CHANDLER: Stop talking, stop talking now. Let me just get this straight. You're actually stealing my hat?
Ross: OK you...you really don't know what I am talking about?
[Scene: Monica and Chandlers. Phoebe and Ross are sitting in the living room talking.]
Mike: What are you talking about?
Chandler: Ooh, Lambchop. How old is that sock? If I had a sock on my hand for thirty years it'd be talking too.
Monica: How do you know she's gonna start talking?
[Scene: The Restaurant, dinner has ended and Phoebe and Rachel are talking. Dr. Green is not at the table.]
Ross: I ... I was just talking about Rachel.
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Ross and Joey are standing and talking, Ross is tying a tie.]
Joey: (looks at her for a moment) What the hell are you talking about??
Ross: (talking to himself) My God! These pants are burning up! (He's still wearing the leather pants.) (She snuggles closer.) Oh come on, she wants to snuggle now! What is she trying to kill me? It's like a volcano in here! (Out loud.) Are you hot?
Phoebe: And no, oh please, oh please let me finish. (Rachel stops talking.) Oh I guess that was it.
Phoebe: You know, you are talking about one of my dear, dear friends.
[Scene: Monica's apartment. Monica and Erica are talking about the baby, and Monica is rubbing Erica's tummy.]
Rachel: Ah, what is this? Well, lets see, we kissed for ten minutes and now we're talking to our friends about it, so I guess this is sixth grade!
Joey: (deadpan) Ooh! Yeah. So yeah, so you know exactly what Im talking about.
[Scene: Chandler's hotel room, he's sitting there with Joey who's talking about his helmet and running his hand through that feathery thing at the top.]
Joey: (stands up) No-no-no-no, no! Who, who were you talking about?
Monica: When we found out that we're gonna get this baby, Chandler and I started talking and we decided that we didn't want to raise a kid in the city.
Rachel: (taking the phone and hanging it up) Sorry, I thought you were talking to me.
Rachel: Ok, let’s keep talking.
Rachel: W-What are you, what are you talking about?
Chandler: Sure! Thats one of the great things about being engaged. Im not nervous talking to pretty girls anymore.
Ross: Ben, say hi to Aunt Monica. (He holds the phone to the fake Ben he has created out of a pumpkin.) Oh, I guess he doesnt feel like talking right now. Hes smiling though! Okay, talk to you later.
Phoebe: (entering and talking on mobile phone) Ok, great! All right, bye! (she hangs up) Pain in the ass!! (she looks at the others, then back at the phone) That's off, right?
Amy: No, I'm not talking about you. <to Rachel> It was your fat friends brother with that bad afro, do you remember?
Mike: She could have been talking about either one of us.
Chandler: Oh no, yes we do my man. Remember when we were back in college and we went to that spring dance and you walked right up to that girl you liked and you could not stop talking about the Irish potato famine?
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's apartment. Chandler and Rachel are talking.]