words in movies
CHANDLER: No, you keep the pack. I'm all cried out today.
Monica: Do you realize that four weeks from today were getting married? Four weeks baby!! Four weeks!!!
Joey: When? Today? Some, not a lot.
Earl: Okay, so no toner today. Thanks anyway, bye-bye.
Chandler: Well, Joey, I wrote a little song today. It's called: Get Up.
Phoebe: Oh, no-no, this place is totally healthy! Thatthis milk is mine. I bought this today, 'cause I was thirsty for milk, y'know. (She takes a swig of it, but has to turn away from him as she makes a face to show that it has gone bad.) Okay, let's go!
Monica: Mom�s here? I wanted to have lunch with her today, she told me she was out of town.
Joey: (sees hes watching Baywatch) Ohhh. (sees he still has the chick) Ahh! What are you doing?! I thought you were gonna take her back to the store today.
Bob: Hey! Hows my pal Toby doing today?
Phoebe: Okay. Okay, but you cant fire him today.
Monica: Okay well, then well both do it today and hell just have to deal with it!
Minister: Friends. Family. We are gathered to celebrate here today the joyous union of Ross and Emily. (Time lapse) Now Ross, repeat after me. I Ross...
Rachel: I thought this might happen today. Ross, I know the holidays can be rough. Yknow? And its probably really hard for you to be alone right now.
Chandler: Yeah! Sure, sure. So, what was going on with you today? Oh-oh-oh!
Ross: Hey! Oh, Im so glad you guys are here. Ive been dying to tell someone what happened in the Paleontology department today.
Rachel: Well, lets see. Uh, they gave me cute doctor today and in the middle of the exam I put my pinky in his chin dimple.
Joey: It was so stupid, I said some stuff in an interview that I shouldnt have said. But believe me, thats not gonna happen today.
Ross: Hello. (He throws his jacket towards the coat rack and misses.) Im sorry Im a little late. Ah(Checks his watch)Whoa! A lot late. Let me start by uh, by introducing myself, I am Professor Geller. (The bell rings.) So to sum up, Im Professor Geller. Good job today.
Mike: Joey, I kinda have a lot to do today, what do you want?
ERICA: Sabrina. I know about you two. I saw you today kissing in the doctor's lounge.
Monica: Wait! Wait! Wait! You cant start today! Todays the rehearsal dinner!
Joey: But youre still moving in together, right? Because my ad came out today. (Shows him the paper.)
Rachel: Yknow what? I am going to do something today. Im not just gonna sit around like some old lady. Im gonna get something pierced. Like my uh, like my nose or my tongue or something.
Phoebe: Oh, my first massage today is this incredibly gorgeous guy, and every time I see him I just want to do things to him that Im not allowed to charge for.
Rachel: Guess who we ran into today?!
Ross: Oh my God, oh- is today the twentieth, October twentieth?
Rachel: Why? Why today?
Monica: Well what is it? What is it? If its gonna help bring the baby here, like today. I mean, I think you should do it.
Carol: So, I got the results of the amnio today.
CHANDLER: Listen, I'm, I'm sorry I didn't make it over there today.
Joey: What about me, he? Only had one lunch today.
Joey: Yeah listen so, I thought I was getting better, so on my way home today I stopped by this guitar store and
Ross: Hey uh, well, todays my first lecture and I kinda wanted to try it out on you guys, do you, do you mind?
Chandler: Emma, how old are you? How old are you today? (holds up his index finger again)
The Instructor: Okay ladies, that ends todays class, and lets remember, lets be safe out there.
Phoebe: Yeah, that was Leslie calling again to see if we can get back together. Thats the twentieth time today! And good luck Leslie!
Chandler: USA Today
Chandler: Today is the sixth.
Phoebe: So great. Oh, we took a nap today and my Mom fell asleep on my tummy and purred.
Mr. Geller: Oh, I dont think that. Before today I never thought of you two having sex at all. It was a simpler time.
Rachel: You are not going to believe it! Joshua came into work today, and guess what happened?
Rachel: I cannot, I cannot believe that I invited you here today.
Joey: I called the sperm bank today, they haven't sold a single unit of Tribianni. Nobody wants my product. I mean, I-I-I don't get it (tries to drink the rest of the jam out of the jar and gets it all over his face, on his chin, nose, etc.) Maybe if they met me in person.
Ross: Hey, you guys won't believe what I have to do for work today.
Phoebe: Oh, hi Chandler. It's Phoebe. Uhm... I know that Monica is working today so...(back to Central Perk) ...I was wondering if you want to come to the movies with me and Rachel.
Monica: (entering) Hey honey! I missed you today!
Richard: (To Joey) Are you a little off today? Its going terribly slowly.
Monica: So, what are we gonna do today?
Rachel: (talking on the phone) C'mon Daddy, listen to me! All of my life, everyone has always told me, 'You're a shoe! You're a shoe, you're a shoe, you're a shoe!'. And today I just stopped and I said, 'What if I don't wanna be a shoe? What if I wanna be a- a purse, y'know? Or a- or a hat! No, I don't want you to buy me a hat, I'm saying that I am a ha- It's a metaphor, Daddy!
Mac: (on TV) Well, if we learned one thing today C.H.E.E.S.E. is that cheerleaders and high explosives dont mix. (Cut to Joey laughing while Rachel, Chandler, and Monica arent amused.)
Cecilia: Well, lets just say if I left 15 years ago, the landscape of Mexican cinema would be very different today!
Estelle: So, how did your audition go today?
Rachel: So, uhm... what are you gonna do today?
Phoebe: What's Emma doing today?
Rachel: Amy, that’s what I was supposed to wear today, that’s why I hung it on the door.
Monica: Hey, what did you guys do today?
ROSS: I'm here. How's my little boy? Want Daddy to change your diaper? So, did you have fun with Uncle Joey and Uncle Chandler today?
Ross: Professor Sherman, yeah. I've a meeting with him today.
Rachel: Are you kidding? I'm trained for nothing! I was laughed out of twelve interviews today.
Phoebe: Hey everybody, Rachel was so good today. She didn't gossip at all.
Malcom: (reading) I met Phoebe today. She was really nice to me eventhough I'm such a loser. And, then when I was walking home I thought about her a lot, it was weird, but kinda cool.
Mike: I think I wanna get married to you today.
Phoebe: Oh, I don't wanna choose! It's (Rachel is walking by). Oh okay, wait. Rach! Listen I have a very special bridesmaid task for you today.
Ross: It came in the mail today, it's uh, 72 long-stemmed red roses, one for each day that I've known and loved Emily, cut up into mulch!
Gavin: I missed you at work today. How are you feeling?
Rachel: Well, uhm... whatever, I have really appreciated it, 'cause I don’t think I would be the person that I am today if it wasn’t for you guys. See, I wanna help Amy the way you guys helped me. And I know it’s gonna take patience, but that’s ok.
Joey: Yes, I am. As of today, I am officially Joey Tribbiani, actor slash model.
Joey: Now-now, listen this is just a first draft so (Starts to read the piece of paper he brought.) "We are gathered here today on this joyous occasion to celebrate the special love that Monica and Chandler share." (Monica and Chandler like it so far.) Eh? (He continues reading.) "It is a love based on giving and receiving. As well as having and sharing. And the love that they give and have is shared and received. And through this having and giving and sharing and receiving." (Phoebe nods her approval.) "We too can share and love and have and receive."
Chip: (on machine) Good runnin into you at the bank today, so ah, heres my number, 555-9323. Give me a call. Later.
Ross: which brings us back, of course, to Greelys theory of dominance. (The bell rings.) Okay, that-thats all for today. Oh, uh does anyone know where the Freeman building is?
Don: Well, we just had a terrible lunch today at Reattica. What is with all the sun-dried tomatoes at that place?
Friend No. 1: Well, I would like to propose a toast to the woman, who in one year from today, become Mrs. Dr. Barry Farber DDS
Phoebe: Hey, oh, you know that guy who's been following me? I talked to him today.
JOEY: Oh, is today the day you're gonna tell them about you two?
Joey: All right well, I'll take you someplace nice then. Look! A guy tipped me a hundred bucks today.
Monica: No, it just remind me of something this guy did today at work. I told you about that funny guy, Geoffrey, right?
Rick: Would you mind spending some time on my siadic area, its been killing me today.
PHOEBE: Um, no, huh-uh. One of my clients died on the massage table today.
Rachel: Well obviously I wont be able to come, for those of you who havent checked their calendars today is my due date. Well yknow, I just want to take a moment and thank you guys for how great youve been during this time. I really couldnt have done it without you. And I have loved these last nine months! And even though I am so looking forward to the next part, I am really gonna miss being pregnant.
Joey: (entering) Hey guys! I was at the library all morning and I already finished my five pages for today!
Cop: I don't like looking foolish. Y'know what? Maybe uh, I don't arrest you today. Maybe I came by and you weren't here.
Ross: Oh, that's right! (to Emma) Daddy and uncle Joey are going on a trip today. We're going to a conference in Barbados, right?
Joey: Well anyway, the guy they wanted backed out and now they want me! I start shooting today!
Phoebe: Thats ridiculous Rachel, we were all babies once. (Rachel looks at her.) Oh, you mean today.
Phoebe: (on phone) Hi! Yeah, Im calling on behalf of Monica Gellers eye, and is um, is Richard Burke in today. (Listens) (to Monica) Hes out of town, but does she want to see the on-call doctor?
Joey: So I just talked to one of the DOOL writers today, and
Chandler: Couldnt sleep last night you know, then I started worrying about this big divisional meeting that I have later today, the more I worried about it the more I couldnt sleep. Yknow? I was like, if I fall asleep now Ill get six hours sleep, but if I fall asleep now Ill get five hours sleep. Not matter what I did I couldnt fall asleep.
Joey: No-no-no, no, no, wait. You see, Im an actor, Joey Tribbiani, Im doing a scene with you today, and well, I stink.
Earl: Well I only have one thing to do today. (He looks at his board in his office that reads, "Todays Tasks: KILL SELF.") I guess I could push it back.
Monica: Nothing. I just want the baby to be born today.
Joey: Oh, hey listen! The Soapies called today and I also get to present an award.
Richard: Oh, (laughs) that was the blind date that I told you about, she called and switched it to today.
Ross: Try sixty-five million years ago, and then try sssshhhhhh.... My tenure review board met today and I hear it's looking really good.
Phoebe: I just like him so much that I just feel like Ive had 10 drinks today and Ive only had six.
Spokeswoman: ...has become the penicillin of the twenty-first century. And so today, this hospital is about to take major steps toward leading that revolution. It is truly ironic, on one hand consider the size...
Charlie: (to Joey) So, I have to go shopping today, which is my least favourite thing, I'm soo bad at picking out clothes!
Rachel: Oh, its just like a bloodbath in here today.
Joey: No, no, no I need a good lie to explain why I wasn't at a work thing today.
PHOEBE: No, 'cause you just said dad and everywhere I go today I keep getting signs telling me to go see my father. Like when I was walking over here and I passed a buffet...which is my father's last name.
Phoebe: Ohh! (She moves.) Oh my. Oh, that reminds me, I have to see my OB-GYN today.