words in movies
Monica: Your mother told you this?
ROB: And you know why? Because you told the truth, and nobody ever tells kids the truth.You were incredible.
Rachel: Yeah, I told you to give Emily whatever she wants.
Monica: Thats also like the tenth time you told us.
Monica: Yeah. Anyway, he told me about your apartment. And, um, I couldn't sleep, thinking about it. So, uh, would it be okay if I cleaned it?
Ross: Yeah, well, does he look upset? Does he look like he was just told to shove anything?
Phoebe: Ah! Well! There you go! Last to know again! And I'm guessing... since nobody told me... this is Paolo.
Ross: No the-the sad thing is, if you had told him how you felt before you kissed her, knowing Joey, he probably just wouldve just stepped aside.
Phoebe: You told them he was missing?
Joey: Thats what you told me.
Chandler: Oh, is this about you-you dating the nurse? Yeah, Joey already told me, and I am so-so fine. I mean, you and I we're just, y'know, we're nothing, we're goofin' around.
Ross: So I told Carl, Nobody, no matter how famous their parents are, nobody is allowed to climb on the dinosaur. But of course this went in one ear and out.....
Monica: I know! It's just that ever since high school Rachel was the one person I told everything too. Y'know? I miss that so much now. She's my best friend.
Ross: Phoebe, I told her you already knew.
[Scene: Phoebe Sr.s house, its right after she told Phoebe that shes her birth mother.]
Paul: Yeah. But then I changed my mind. Im funny like that. So I told Lizzie, now Im telling you, I dont want you seeing my daughter anymore.
Ross: The lie you just told.
ESTELLE: Joey, I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told Al Minser and his pyramid of dogs. Take any job you can get and don't make on the floor.
Colleen: I would have told him to do it too.
MR. GELLER: Apparently, he told Johnny Shapiro that she's quite a girl. In fact, he told Johnny that he thinks he's falling in love with her.
Chandler: No reason, except she told me.
Eric: She told me she was 25.
Chandler: See? I told you.
Chandler: Hm-hmm, I told you! (Looks at the clock) I cant believe that Ive only got two hours before I call in sick for work.
Phoebe: (entering, quietly) Wow, you told your dad the truth.
Joshua: Yeah, its-its my only weird thing, I swear. And I-I-I wouldve told you about it, but I didnt know they would be here.
Rachel: So Ross, we went out for two years, and you never told me you were in an I Hate Rachel club.
PHOEBE: Yeah, I talked to my grandma about the Old Yeller incident, and she told me that my mom used to not show us the ends of sad movies to shield us from the pain and sadness. You know, before she killed herself.
CHAN: My diary! My diary, that's brilliant. I should have told her it was my diary, she never would have made me read her my diary.
[Scene: Ross and Carol's, Ross is trying to talk to Carol about what Phoebe told him.]
Chandler: (To Monica) You told her?!
Phoebe: Whoa-whoa-whoa! No drinks near the bucket! Set it down over there and then you can make a contribution! (The guy starts to walk away with a hurt look on his face.) And you can leave the hurt bunny look over there too! (Her boss and a co-worker walk up.) Hi Bob! (The same old lady from before walks bye.) (To the old lady.) I thought I told you to get outta here!
Phoebe: You told me you hate massages!
Monica: I mean, all Im asking for is just a little emotion! Is that too much to ask after six years?! I mean what? Are-are-are Rachel and I not as close as you guys?! I mean do we not have as much fun?! Dont I deserve a few tears?!! I mean we-we told Joey, he cried his eyes out!
Phoebe: So, what did Rachel say when you told her you were still married to her?
ROSS: I told you there was going to be sub-titles.
Rachel: Thats what I told him!
Chandler: I'll tell you what, for the rest of our lives, I'll be careful until told otherwise. <looks at china> hey wait a minute this isn't the china we picked out..
MINDY: Well uh, after you ran out on your wedding, Barry's parents told people that you were sort of....insane.
Monica: Carol called me to thank me for the lasagna, I asked, she told me.
DR. BURKE: No no. Henry's almost two and he's talking and everyting. Here. You know, the other day he told me he liked me better than his other grandpa. Now in all fairness his other grandpa's a drunk but still. . .
Joey: Okay. (he gets in the unit and closes the door) See?! I told ya!
Phoebe: (playing guitar and singing) And there's a country called Argentinaaaa, it's a place I've never seeeeen. But I'm told for fifty pesos you can buy a human spleen. Humaaan spleeeeen. Olè!
Chandler: You wanna talk about people's feelings? You should have heard how hurt professor Stern was yesterday when I told him I wouldn't be able to go with him to Key West!
Emily: I cant believe theyre doing that to him! I told them to go easy on him!
Phoebe: Yeah, I should have told you.
Joey: And Rachel. I would've told you but they made me promise not to tell!
Chandler: Our balcony? Seriously? That's so funny because I told Monica we should put lights on our balcony. And she said"No, no. It's too cold, nobody will go out there." And I said "Maybe if we put some light out there they will"
Joey: Yeah, I called the lady about that. I told her I was just joking. She was pretty nice about that.
Ross: Okay, how about you flew to London to stop my wedding! Ah, how about you told me you loved me after I was already married!
Chandler: It was awful. To get out of going to dinner with Doug I told him that you and I split up. So then he took me to all these strip clubs and sleazy bars, and then when I wouldnt give him my wedding ring, he threw a soda can at a bird!
Chandler: (angrily) Did she call? You-you told her I was sick right? Always tell her I am sick!
Ross: I dont know, I told her it was stupid to put off the wedding just because the hall was gone and she liked flipped out.
Ross: (not getting it) Yeah! Yeah! Rachel picked it out for me. She told me to trust her and you know what? I'm glad I did! I turned quite a few heads on my way over here.
Monica: No I told you I can't.
Colleen: I'll go get him in a second. By the way, you should know we haven't told him he's adopted yet.
Mona: Yeah? Well you still shoulda told me.
JOEY: I don't know how to tell you this but, uh . . . I think Monica's cheatin' on ya.� I told you shouldn't have married someone so much hotter than you.
Joey: I hate this woman!! I hate her! She told everyone in the company about that info-mercial, and now they all keep asking me to open their drinks. Okay, and whenever I cant do it, theyre all like-like laughing at me.
Rachel: No, he told me. He prefers to leave certain things to the imagination.
Joey: And Rachel. I would've told you but they made me promise not to tell!
Joey: Shh. He did it. He told her off, and not just about the kiss, about everything.
Ross: I told you about my daughter.
Krista: Nice to meet you. I wish you'd told me we were having company, I'd fix myself up!
Waiter: This is why I told the manager I wouldnt wait on you tonight! (Runs off.)
Ross: Well I told you it was Chandler who was smoking the pot but it was me. Im sorry.
Monica: But you told them you werent?
Rachel: Ugh! Look honey yknow what? I havent told him yet, so until I do I dont think I should tell anybody else.
Colleen: You told him he's adopted?
Rachel: (talking on the phone) C'mon Daddy, listen to me! All of my life, everyone has always told me, 'You're a shoe! You're a shoe, you're a shoe, you're a shoe!'. And today I just stopped and I said, 'What if I don't wanna be a shoe? What if I wanna be a- a purse, y'know? Or a- or a hat! No, I don't want you to buy me a hat, I'm saying that I am a ha- It's a metaphor, Daddy!
Phoebe: Well, I told you I had to spend all the day clearing out stuff, so Mike could move in.
Joey: Dont worry! Dont worry. I just told him, very nicely, "You dont go buying peoples babies, so back off!!"
Estelle: The one I told you about last week?
Amy: Myron. Hmm... I told you he was old!
Chandler: I dont know if Ive told you this, but hes kinda tried to get in contact with me a lot over the last few years
Ross: Monica told me you had a blind date.
Ross: See, I told you!
Monica: I told you! I am not coming to a naked wedding!
TILLY: I gather by that oh that he told you about me.
Monica: You're right. I'm sorry. I should've told you.
PHOEBE: I told you not to do that yet. And, she wants to do a video.
Actress/Olivia: No, I told you...get out!
Chandler: You told us both we could be in the wedding? (they both stare at Rachel)
Ross: Well I I havent actually told her yet. I dont want to scare her off, yknow?
Monica: (answers the phone) Hello? (Listens.) (To Phoebe) It's Joey. (Phoebe's proud of herself.) (To Joey) I'm so glad you called! Chandler told me what happened. Y'know he's really upset about it.
VAN DAMME: 'Cause Rachel told me uh, you were dying to have a threesome with me and uh, Drew Barrymore. By the way, Drew has some groundrules and...
Rachel: Oh honey, this is his office too. I told you we're Joanna's two assistants.
Chandler: Good, good. Listen, heh, I dunno what Shelley told you about me, but, uh... I'm not.
Ross: Yeah, ever since you uh, told me that story about that bike I-I couldnt stop thinking about it. I mean, everyone should have a-a first bike, so
Rachel: Oh God, ohh, okay, y'know what, do you think ah, do you think that you just forget that I told you this?
Monica: Look, I know that I shouldve told them. I know I shouldnt care what they think. Im sorry.
PHOEBE: I'm sorry Monica but I knew if I told you, you'd get really, like, judgemental and you would not approve.
Ross: Are you sure? Because I can stay out as late as you want. I told you how I'm on sabbatical from work, right?
Phoebe: All right, Ive never been engaged and Ive never really been married, but I can only tell you what my mother told me. Whenever you have doubts or fears or anxieties about a relationship, do not communicate them to your husband.
Joey: So I ah, talked to Lauren, kinda told her how things were with us. Did you ah, did you talk to Marshall?
Ross: No! No, you know what? (closes the door) You [can�t get in there] (?), the baby�s fine, now squam (?). Yeah, [I told you a|Tell your] story walking. (?)
Emily: I wish I could know if youd heard any of that. I suppose Ive either just told you I love you or given my neighbours a good laugh. Mrs. Newman if youre listening, bugger off this in none of your business. I suppose theres not much chance you did heard that, and theres the call waiting so, I should go. Oh well. (Answers the call waiting.) Hello.
Rachel: Oh, and then, we got into this big, stupid fight. I just, it was awful. I told him he treats me like a park ranger, or something, oh and then I told him I wanted to take a break, I dont want to take a break.
Boy in the Cape: My friend Lewis told me you were giving out money.
Ross: Can we, can we just stop for a second? Who said something better would come along, huh? You didn't believe me. I told you everything was gonna work out. (gasps) You know what? This calls for a bottle of Israels finest.