words in movies
Chandler: I cant believe you didnt tell me! You know that the two pillars of marriage are openness and honesty!
Dr. Green: I dont believe this!!
Chandler: Okay. I cant believe tomorrows the big day.
Chandler: I cant believe there is a naked hooker in there!
Monica: Oh my God Stu! I-I cant believe you did this! Now are you absolutely sure shes a hooker?
Ross: I cant believe someone would do that for a grade.
Rachel: I cannot believe Im gonna meet Jessica Ashley!
Joey: No I mean it! I cant believe they would do this to you! And to your fans! I mean they are going to be devastated! Heart broken! They love you so much!
Rachel: Yeah, why is it so hard for you to believe?!
Rachel: All right, yknow what? If you dont want to believe me about this, why dont you just come with me to dinner tonight and she will tell you.
Rachel: Yeahbut come onListen, Im sorry I dont want to make you uncomfortable, but I told Phoebe that it happened and she doesnt believe me.
Phoebe: Rachel, its okay. You dont have to do this. I believe you. All right? Okay, if-if you say that you kissed Melissa, then you kissed Melissa.
Monica: You said you loved me! I can't believe this!
Ross: I cant believe in four weeks theyre gonna be married!
Ross: Believe me, it seems like less because they hid it from us for so long.
Rachel: I cant believe theyve been together for three years.
Chandler: Okay, so now do you believe that she's attracted to me?
Rachel: Ugh, I knew it! Oh I cannot believe those two!
Rachel: Wow! I cant believe you lied to me.
JOEY: I can't believe it's Christmas already. Ya know, I mean, one day your eatin' turkey, the next thing ya know, your lords are a-leapin' and you geese are a-layin'.
Chandler: Believe me, Ive been saying that for years. Oh my God!
Chandler: Okay. (Pause) You wont believe what Monicas older brother just said to me!
Joey: Wow! I cant believe this! This is incredible. I mean you just won an Oscar!
Monica: I just, I cant believe that we made it!
Phoebe: But look Chandler, right now, no one has a lower opinion of you than I do. But I totally believe you can do this.
Ross: Hi. Im uh, Im Ross. I dont, I dont believe weve met. Im Monicas older brother.
Joey: I dont believe weve met, Joey Tribbiani.
Monica: Can you believe Phoebe got pregnant?!
Phoebe: I cant believe I still dont know what happened to the window in the attic!
Monica: Oh thanks. (Reading the bill) Champagne, strawberries Oh my God! I cant believe Chandler ordered porn on our wedding night!
Monica: I cant believe were here.
Phoebe: Rachel has something that she wants to tell you and umm, I believe that this is your red sweater.
Joey: I still cant believe they took away my key. You trust me with yours.
Phoebe: Believe me Im trying.
Joey: (simultaneously) Oh my God!!! I cant believe that!!
Joey: No you wont. Look he knows he did a terrible thing and I believe him, hes sorry. But, (to Chandler) youve got one more apology to make, all right, youve got to apologize to Mary-Angela.
Rachel: No, she was already in, but then this big bitch behind me tried to steal my umbrella, so I clocked her. Ohhh! I cant believe this, all I wanted was a few hours outside of work to see Joshua, so he can go ahead and start falling in love with me.
Ross: Yknow what?! It doesnt matter! It doesnt matter what you believe! What matters is what happened!
Phoebe: I cant believe he taped the two of them having sex!
Ross: I dont know! I guess I just cant believe any of this is happening.
Phoebe: Okay, I cant believe that Monica and Chandler are getting married. I remember talking about this day with Rachel while we were showering together, naked. (Raises her glass and drinks.)
Rachel: (on tape) Can you believe this is already happening? I mean it seems like yesterday they just got engaged.
Ross: I justI-I cant believe shes-shes dating?!
Chandler: I cannot believe you didnt pick me.
Eric: Yknow you dont have to stand here with me, believe me
RACHEL: I just can't believe this is happening. I mean, when I was little, everybody's parents were getting divorced. I just figured as a grownup I wouldn't have to worry about this.
Phoebe: I dont believe you! That is brilliant! And Monica has no idea?
Rachel: Ahh, I dont believe you. I think you dont want them to see you begging me. (Goes to put the tape in the VCR)
Rachel: Y'know I cant believe I even thought about getting back together again! We are so over!!
Phoebe: Oh no, I dont believe in Western medicine. No, if you just apply pressure to these points right here. (Shes pinching the bit of skin between her right thumb and forefinger with her left hand.) Then your hand starts to hurt and you still have a headache, so thanks. (Takes the pills.)
Ross: I know. Can you believe that?
Chandler: You are not going to believe what I did today!
Rachel: Ok! Can't believe I'm risking this again, but you're on! All right Joe, you remember the rules! Heads I win, tails you lose.
Joey: Oh yeah, I still cant believe you havent seen Cujo. What is wrong with you?
Joey: Yeah! I totally forgot I'm supposed to be there. I can't believe I forgot. I usually write stuff like this on my arm.
Rachel: Oh yes I do. I do. I believe that there is one perfect person out there for everyone. And do you know how you find him? You stop looking for him. Thats why I stopped looking for Russell Crowe. Hell find me.
Phoebe: I cant believe this! How long as this been going on?
Rachel: Im not! Were having a girl! Sometimes I cant believe its with youBut still! Were having a girl!
Ross: I cant believe this! I shouldnt be the one making her throw up!
Phoebe: I cant. I cant believe I have plans, I cant. Can you do it tomorrow night though?
Phoebe: Hey listen let me ask you, do you believe in soul mates?
Ross: Oh yknow, I stillI cant believe it. Joey and Rachel I mean its Its like you and me going out, only weirder!
Phoebe: Nothing! I swear to God I didnt know you guys would be here! And the good news is you didnt believe in soul mates. So
Monica: I dont believe in soul mates either.
Monica: Chandler, you dont believe in soul mates?
Rachel: Can you believe that?!
Guy: I hope you dont think Im crazy but I feel like I was meant to pick this up, do you believe in that kind of thing?
Chandler: No. I mean I believe that uh, certain people are more suited for each other and I believe in falling in love, but soul mates, I dont think they exist.
Ross: Can you believe that?
Rachel: Oh Joey, I cant believe you brought my boss into this! Im gonna get fired!
Rachel: (To Joey) I cant believe that you yelled at my boss! Im-Im gonna lose my job! What am I going to do?!
Joey: Oh! I see what happened. It's because I was trying to repel you. Right? Believe me, you'd feel a lot different if I turned it on.
Joey: It was so stupid, I said some stuff in an interview that I shouldnt have said. But believe me, thats not gonna happen today.
Janice: I .cant .believe this!
Chandler: (To Ross) Can you believe how lame this is?
Chandler: I cant even believe this! I really come off that badly?
Ross: Wait a minute, I-I believe Im entitled to use my Angel Pass for a free turn?
Ross: Oh, come on, every first time mother feels that way. Youllyoure gonna pick it up. (Rachel doesnt believe that.) Hey! You will! Uh look, yknow when you first came to the city? You were this spoiled helpless little girl who-who still used daddys credit card. Do you remember?
Sid: I still cant believe it! Im the luckiest guy in the world!
Chandler: I can't believe you'd want us to raise Emma.
Amy: I don't believe this, hold on a second. You guys die and I don't get your baby?
Phoebe: Cliff, do you really believe that a character from a TV show was here in your room?
Monica: I cant believe this is taking so long. How are you doing?
Ross: (To Joey) I cant believe you told her I was going to propose!
Joey: I cant believe youre not going to propose!
Ross: Uhm... Rachel and I hired a male nanny. (Joey makes a gesture and sound like "Can you believe that?")
Joey: I can't believe I won.
Monica: Believe me, Chandler and I have not seen each other in over a week. We�ll probably be the first ones there.
Ross: Yep, can you believe it?
Gunther: Nope! I still cant believe she slept with you in the first place.
Monica: I cant believe it! Shes asleep! I got her to go to sleep! I have actual magical powers!
Joey: I can't believe you guys are moving.
Phoebe: Thank you. Can you believe no-one between my apartment and here offered to do that for me?
Monica:: do you know how many times I've seen him jump up like that, believe me I know what he was doing.
Phoebe: Can you believe this? (Rachel exhales in amazement.) We were waiting for a hot guy and then an even hotter one shows up!
Chandler: Okay, what do you saw I go over there and say how much I like her? (Joey gives him a thumbs up) No-no it'll be good, I can tell her much I've been thinking about her. That I haven't stopped thinking about her since the moment I met her. That I'm so fantastically, over-the-top, wanna-slit-my-own-throat in love with her, that for every minute of every hour of every day I can't believe my own damn bad luck that you met her first!!
Sandy: I realise how it's... a bit unorthodox for some people, but I really believe, the most satisfying thing you can do with your life, is take care of a child.
Mike: Well... hey, the key works...! (he looks as if he doesn't want to believe what's happening)
Monica: I can't believe he's that upset about this...
JOEY: See after the scene, Mr. Beatty comes up to me and says 'good actor, bad kisser'. Can you believe that, me not a good kisser, that's like, like Mother Theresa, not a good mother.
Rachel: I cannot, I cannot believe that I invited you here today.
Rachel: (to Monica) I still can't believe you invited Gavin. Allright, he is the last person I want to see.
MONICA: I can't believe you thought I was cheating.� (pointing at Joey) You own me an apology.
Monica: I can't believe you're not gonna be here for Christmas.
RACHEL: Oh my God.� I can't believe you live in that building.� My grandmother lives in that building.� Ida Green?� No sense of personal space?� Kind of smells like chicken?� Looks like a potato.