words in movies
(Joey's looking at Sarah's dessert, and takes her plate.)
Joey: Sure I do. (holding up his own dessert) Coule?
Sarah: (laughing) No. If I can't have your clams, you can't have my dessert. This is a two way street.
(He takes a little piece of Sarah's dessert. At first he doesn't think it's that special, but then...)
(Sarah enters the room again, and stops when she sees her dessert is missing. Joey has emptied her plate, and has a chocolate covered mouth, just like a kid.)
MICH: No! No dessert, just a check, please.
Monica: (Gets up) Okay, okay. You two (to Phoebe and Rachel) go get the dessert. And I'll let you in.
Phoebe: Yeah we thought it would be nice to use the fancy china for dessert too.
Rachel: Joey! Come on! I dont wanna make any mistakes, alright? This is the only dessert and if I screw it up everybody's gonna be like Oh, remember that Thanksgiving when Rachel screwed up the trifle?
CHANDLER: It's a traditional Mexican custard dessert...Look talk to Monica, she's on the food committee.
Rachel: The beef? Yeah, that was weird to me, too. But then, yknow, I thought well, theres mincemeat pie, I mean thats an English dessert, these people just put very strange things in their food, yknow. [To Joey] Oh! by the way, can I borrow some Rum from your place?
Rachel: Dessert?
Monica: Well, I thought this would be a great opportunity to use up all the food that I don't want to move to the new house with me! So, enjoy: smoke oyster casserole with a breakfast cereal crust, kidney beans in their own juices, and for dessert, a questionable orange.
MONICA: It's a traditional Mexican custard dessert.
WAITER: So, would you like any dessert?
Ross: Beef in a dessert?! I- no no no, there is no way!
RACHEL: Well, I was thinking maybe a um, a romantic dinner with um, candles and wine and then uh, maybe going back to my place for um, dessert.
Rachel: So, if-if I mess this up, theres nothing else for dessert?
Chandler: Joey's not a friend. He's...a stupid man who left us his credit card. Another drink? Some dessert? A big screen TV?
Joey: Rach, youre killin us here, will ya serve the dessert already? Those drunken dancers are waiting!
Rachel: Joey, youre gonna have to stop rushing me, you know what? You dont get any dessert.
Joey: Okay, look, I think we have to tell Rachel she messed up her dessert.
Chandler: (clearly lying and hating the dessert) Yeah, this is so good, that Im gonna go enjoy it on the balcony so that I can enjoy the view whilst I enjoy my dessert.
Joey: Rachel, there you are! Come on, lets serve that dessert already!
Phoebe: Wow, that sounds great! And what are you making Monica, in case Rachels dessert is...[about to say bad] so good that I eat all of it. Theres none left for anybody else!