words in movies
Monica: (On the phone) Hello? No, he's not here. Yeah, this is his wife. Yeah, well, it came as quite a shock to me too. I guess I should have known. Yeah, I mean, he just kept making me watch Moulin Rouge.
Chandler: Hang up, hang up. And that was a great movie! (Monica hangs up) I'm so gonna get back at Ross... oh yeah, this will show him, here we go (starts typing something).
Ross: Unbelievable, my classmates are gonna think I'm dead, my professors, my... my parents are gonna get phone calls. You're messing with people's feelings here.
Ross: You've really crossed the line here, but that's okay, it's ok 'cause I'm on my way to buy some Photoshop software and a stack of gay porn. That's right! Your coming out is about to get real graphic.
Phoebe: God, I wish Mike were here.
Monica: Okay if Mike were here what would the two of you be doing?
Phoebe: Here.
Monica: Phoebe come here
Joey: Hey, look who's here! It's Joey, and he brought home a friend.
Rachel: Joey, Emma's right here! You promised not to bring girls home in the middle of the day anymore.
Monica: (To Mike) What are you doing here?
Monica: You know, on the way over here, I saw this drunk guy throw up. And then a pigeon ate it!
Strange man: (he bounds into the house) I knew you'd be here!
Manny: Oh yeah yeah, thank God you were here to oversee all the kissing!
Chandler: (entering, very upset) Ok Tommy, that's enough mourning for you! Here we go, bye bye!! (he shoves him out the door)
Ross: It isn't ridiculous, look around! No one's here!
Kori: Hi. I'm here for Ross Geller's memorial service.
Ross: (he bounds into the lounge room) But you didn't! I'm still alive!! Kori, I know this is a big surprise for you. It's a long story but the things you just said really made my day! I mean, the fact that you are here means more to me than if this room were filled with people!
Monica: Here, let me show you. Okay, the towels are hanging next to the sink, and umm, you can use the fancy soap.
Joey: Okay Rach-Rach-Rach look at me, look at me, everythings gonna be fine, trust me. Okay. Take my hand. Here we go. (Rachel grabs his hand.) Oww crushing bones!
Joey: I got it! (Picks up the map and starts walking.) Here we go.
Chandler: Oh really? Then how come no one here is wearing them?
Ross: Hey, y'know while were on that, when are you gonna tell my sister that you dont live here anymore.
Joey: (sadly) There will come a time in each of your careers when youll have a chance to screw over another soap opera actor. I had such an opportunity in the recent, present. And Im ashamed to say that I took it, I advised a fellow actor to play a role, homosexually. Yeah, we both auditioned for the part, and uh, as it turned out, they ah, they liked the stupid gay thing and cast him. And now, hes got a two year contract opposite Susan Luchhi, the first lady of daytime television, and me, me Im stuck here teaching a bunch of people, most of whom are too ugly to even be on TV. Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry. (he gets a huge round of applause from his students.) Thank you.
Monica: Because I know that you think the lottery is "boohaki" but we're all here and gonna watch the numbers and have fun. And you're my brother, and I want you to be a part of this.
Gary: Hey Chandler, what are you doing here?
Joey: Yeah. (Pause) Hey, I hope Ross didnt think that we just went in there because we were uncomfortable being out here!
Phoebe: Ooh, the pizza guys here!
Phoebe: Alrighty, here come the water works. (Rachel starts crying harder.)
Mrs. Geller: Oh, well, I'm so glad you brought him here then.
Ross: (Holding him back.)Dad, dad, please. Look I dont want anything to upset Emily tonight. Alright, she's had a hard enough couple of days as it is. (Picks up the bill.) Now here, here, let me go talk to him, okay?
Joey: Okay, hey, museum geeks, partys over. Okay. Wave bye-bye to the nice lady. There you go. Back to your parents basement. All right. (The museum geeks exit and Joey unlocks his door and lets the chick and the duck out.) Come on boys, come on out! Here you go. All right.
Both: Sunshine is here! The sky is clear, the mornings here!
Ross: So uh, Rach? Does it, does it feel weird around here now? Y'know since I've been away at college.
Mr. Waltham: (Pleading.) You-you have to meet me in the middle here.
Phoebe: But that woman can't know I work here. She's a friend of mine and I made this big stink about how awful this massage chains are.
Monica: Only here.
Chandler: This is great! (he presses a button on his intercom) Helen, could you come in here for a moment?
Monica: (lying down on a mattress) Oh! Ohhhhh! Oh! Phoebe, come here. Aw, this is my new bed. You gotta feel this bad boy.
Chandler: Nope, not under here!
Chandler: But, well stay here with you.
Ross: No! For all I know, shes trying to find me but couldnt because I kept moving around. No, from now on, Im staying in one place. (He sits down on the bed.) Right here.
Mr. Waltham: Excuse me, Im standing right here!
Ross: Hi! What are you, what are you doing here?
Chandler: But only because I was up all night worried about this meeting, aint that funny? Irony? Not a fan, alright (he sits down). See, heres the thing. I went home and told my wife about Tulsa and she wont go. See, me, I love Tulsa! Tulsa is heaven! Tulsa is ItalyPlease dont make me go there!
Phoebe: So you guysll stay here and hang out with me?
Ross: Then dont. Stay here. Just dont go so soon to London, just one more day.
Ross: Hey everybody, Pheebs is here!
Rachel: Can you not look at me when I say this? (He turns around) I thought that if I could get you here, I could seduce you.
Rachel: Okay, Ross, I'm really trying to tell you something here.
Chandler: Well look, it's not easy to spend this much time apart, you know. She's entitled to be a little paranoid... or, in this case: right on money! ... You know, she's amazing, and beautiful, and smart, and if she were here right now, ...she'd kick your ass. Look, you're a really nice person... ham stealing and adultery aside. But, what I have with my wife is pretty great, so nothing is ever gonna happen between us.
Ross: All right, it's cool you can stay here. My parents won't mind.
Joey: Well, I like it. Here you go. (He pays for the hat.)
Joey: Oh yeah, Smokey Joe here got half way to the highway and collapsed.
Phoebe: Well, I'm kinda on a clock here.
Chandler: No, it's not that, I just don't want to be stuck here all night with your fat sister.
(Ross bangs his fists together to tell Chandler off, like what was learned last season. Read about it here.)
Dr. Harad: Okay, now push! That's it push! Just concentrate on pushing! Yeah, here we go!
Ross: Free cats do that too, y'know. {Which reminds me, if I might get a little political here, support your local animal shelter. Pet shops are not the place to buy dogs and cats from, you get a much better deal from the shelter, plus they probably won't die on you in a week and a half. If you want a leash, go to the pet shop. If you want the dog for that leash, go to the shelter and save it's life. Now back to regularly scheduled programming.}
Janice: Here, Ross, take our picture. (Hands him a camera and he starts snapping) Smile! You're on Janice Camera!
Joey: Maybe, I should call this place and get them to put my 'Days of Our Lives' on here. You know, juice this puppy up a little.
Phoebe: (Grabs the pictures) Oh! Here we all are! Yeah, there's Ross and Joey and you and me. (She picks up a magic marker and draws herself in. Monica can't watch.)
Rachel: All right, look, heres the bottom line Ross, this is fixable, if we act fast, okay. So, Ill invite him to brunch tomorrow and you can make nice.
Monica: But you live here! (Ross rolls his eyes.) You know that.
Monica: Well, I guess we've established who's staying here with Monica...
Monica: I think this is so cool because none of our friends are here and we can be a real couple. We don't have to hide.
Chandler: (showing her the pictures) Heres a picture of Ross. (Shows another one.) And thats me. (Another one.) And thats me and Ross. (Another one.) Oh-ho, that is a picture of our first kiss as a married couple.
Ross: No! No! Im not! Its-its-its perfect! I mean its better than you just-just moving here, cause its us together forever, and thats-thats what I want.
PBS Volunteer: Yeah, I-I'm taking pledges here, eh?
Monica: All right. (Looking through a box.) Op, here it is! Right underneath the can of-of bug bomb. I wonder if the best place to put something that cooks food is underneath the can of poison?
Ross: Is Rachel here? I gotta talk to her.
Guy: Sign here. (hands her a clipboard)
Chandler: (jumping on the bed) I can't believe it! We're here!
Monica: Okay, forget the specials for a minute. Umm, all right heres the thing, for the last two weeks I have umm, (quietly) tried really hard to create a positive atmosphere
Monica: Were not gonna have sex! Okay, nothings changed here. He still doesnt want children and I still do, so thats why were just gonna be friends.
Emily: Monica, why have you brought me here of all places?!
Rachel: Come on! I am here to take care of you! What do you need? Anything.
Rachel: Hi. What are you doing here? Isn't this against the rules?
Chandler: Okay, what is in here? Rocks?
Ross: Thank you, Dr. Phillips, but Im having my lunch at this table, here in the middle. Im having lunch right here, with my good friend Joey, if hell sit with me.
Ross: Here. (Hands her, her cough drops) (to Rachel) At least I made ten bucks in my relationship.
Rachel: All right. Look. Gavin...I...I guess I felt guilty that you were here, which I shouldn't. You know Ross and I are not inany relationship but...he is the father of my child, and you know we do live together and plus there is just so muchhistory...you know it's just...I don't know, I'm sorry, I'm just all over the place.
Ross: Yeah, yeah, she's here.
Chandler: Oh-ho-ho-ho-no! No! No switching! No sharing, and dont come crying to me! Ha-ha-ha! I may just sit here and have my cake all day! Just sit here in the hallway and eat my (Rachel knocks the plate from his hand and it falls on the floor. That process leaves just the forkful Chandler has, Rachel starts to go after that little bit and Chandler retreats into his apartment.)
Rachel: Oh God Monica hi! I just went to your building and you weren't there and then this guy with a big hammer said you might be here and you are, you are!
Ross: Y'know what? Uh, Rachel is here! (Rachel stops.)
Phoebe: Here. (She wraps her coat around his shoulders.)
Ross: All right, heres the ring. (Shows Chandler the wedding ring he plans on giving Emily)
Ross: Yeah. Yeah. Yes, this place is beautiful. Emilys parents got married here.
Larry: (coming back) We're outta here!
Chandler: Okay, so he's out of here.
Chandler: Oh, hey, when she gets here, is it ok if I introduce you two as "my wife" and "the woman who's carrying my child"? (she's not amused) No? Divorce?
Monica: Oh yes! I have it right here, on ice! (She takes a bag of ice out of her purse and hands it to the doctor.)
The Doctor: It says here that the knife went right through your shoe.
Dr. Harad: Let's see what we got here. Ohh, y'know, Fonzie dated triplets.
Ross: Why are they here?
Rachel: Well, get 'em out of here! What's wrong with you?
Rachel: Okay, here we go. I'm Jabba's prisoner, and you have a really weird look on your face. What? Honey, what is it? Did I get it wrong? Did I get the hair wrong? What? Did you just picture it differently? What? What?
Chandler: What is going on here?
Janice: All right, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, we've got to do something about our little situation here Joey. So, this is my idea: you and me spending some quality time together.
Ross: Its like that everywhere, Joey! Okay, Mon, back me up here. Where you work the uh, waiters eat with the waiters, right? And the chefs eat with the other chefs, right?
Joey: Shh, OK, here I come, here I come. See I'm comin' to fix the copier, I can't get to the copier, I'm thinkin' what do I do, what do I do so I just watch 'em have sex. And then I say, wait, here's my line, (Joey from TV) you know that's bad for the paper tray.
Monica: No-no-no, that's a video-phone. But hey guys you're not supposed to be here, so please, do not touch anything.
Joey: Thanks, Rach. Look, you guys are just terrific. Yknow? Now, how about clearing out of here so I can get some new customers. Its all about turnover.
Amanda: Okay, well, my cell phone number is right here on the counter, please help yourself to anything in the fridge.
Gunther: Oh, Ross? Ross! You can't put up flyers in here.
David: Well, just for a couple of days, uhm... I'm here to explain to the people who gave us our grant, why it's a positive thing that we spent all their money and uhm... accomplished uhm... nothing.
Monica: (to Phoebe) You know it's funny, the last time Paulo was here, my hair was so much shorter and cuter.
Monica: (Taking out her wallet.) Well good, here let me help you out.
Phoebe: All right, I can't sit here anymore. I have to walk places. (She puts on her fur coat.)
Monica: Come here, I want to show you something!
Phoebe: Oh my God! (Walks to the window) Go away! (Gesturing.) Stop looking in here!
The Teacher: Excellent! What Rachel has shrewdly observed here
Joey: Now-now, listen this is just a first draft so (Starts to read the piece of paper he brought.) "We are gathered here today on this joyous occasion to celebrate the special love that Monica and Chandler share." (Monica and Chandler like it so far.) Eh? (He continues reading.) "It is a love based on giving and receiving. As well as having and sharing. And the love that they give and have is shared and received. And through this having and giving and sharing and receiving." (Phoebe nods her approval.) "We too can share and love and have and receive."
Joey: Come on man! You've been here all day!
Monica: (entering) Ohh, here you are. Yknow, Im-Im glad you decided to hear me out.
Joey: All right! Here we go! 1999! The year of Joey!
Julie: Hi, but I'm not here, you haven't met me. I'll make a much better first impression tomorrow when I don't have 20 hours of cab and plane on me.