words in movies
[Scene: A Restaurant, Monica and Chandler are on their date with Janice and Clark, however Clark is a no show and Janice is crying the Mississippi River about it.]
(Ross resumes his patrol when his best friend and sister walk up and start to take off their coats, but they stop when they see him.)
Chandler: Its your parents anniversary and youre going to talk about their dead pet?
ROSS: [Rachel, laughing, puts a hand on the guy's shoulder] Look at that, look at that, see how she's pushing him away and he won't budge. Alright, I'm gonna do something. [walks up in the middle of their conversation] Excuse me, are you Rachel?
[Both run back in their apartment. There's a knock at the door.]
(They both turn and wipe their eyes.)
[Scene: Central Perk, Joey and Ross are giving Phoebe and Rachel the results of their election. Somewhat faster than Florida I might add.]
Monica: Ok, here we go. We need to sort out the tickets as quickly as possible to see if we've won. So does anybody have any ideas how to organize this? (doesn't let them answer) Ok, how about this: we divide them into 6 groups of 40, and the remaining 10 can be read by whoever finishes their pile first.
Monica: Really. Well, at least 'big girls' don't pee in their pants in seventh grade!
(She starts checking her form. Chandler sees movement near the window from the corner of his eye and when he looks he spots Joey climbing up the fire escape and onto their balcony. He warns Monica silently.)
Chandler: Oh. (takes the cassette and puts it on his arm like the stop smoking patch, and it falls off.) Nope, that patch is no good. (Joey and Monica both do their fake laughs.)
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the girls are all there, discussing their bad luck with men.]
Monica: When two people finally realise their feelings for each other, and-and they talk for hours, and they-they learn all about the other person!
Monica: See? This is exactly why Im making this candy. We can learn their names and get to know our neighbors.
Phoebe: That is so cruel! Why? Why would a parent name their child Bethel?
Phoebe: Well, on the bright side, now you won't have to see all these paleontologists with their shirts off. (Grabs a drink and notices that the two men are upset) Not you guys. You got it going on!
(Both Chandler and Phoebe have shocked looks on their faces.)
(Suddenly Rachel clears her throat and the camera cuts to the rest of the gang staring at them. Needless to say Joey and Ross are shocked and slowly turn their heads to see the gang.)
(He goes up on stage, mimes like he's giving the speech, and Chandler takes his picture. However, before he gets down everyone starts clinking their glasses for a real speech.)
ROSS: Look at that, they won't even turn their heads.
[Scene: A judges chambers, Rachel and Ross are filing their annulment papers.]
Chandler: Yeah, we were just talking about that. I can't believe how stupid we used to look. (They both quickly push their sleeves over their elbows.)
Rachel: (angrily) BACK OFF!!! (She starts banging on their door.) Get up! Get up! Get up! God damn it! Get up, get up, get up, get up, get up!!
[Rachel comes out of her apartment, followed by Mark, and they leave on their date, without saying a word to Ross. Ross is stunned.]
All: I dont have anything. (All of the rest of the women there hide their gifts behind their backs.)
[Scene: Central Perk. Phoebe, Monica and Chandler on their couch.]
Monica: Look Julio, someone left their book here.
Monica: I'm Monica. I'm disgusting. I stalk guys and keep their underpants.
Joey: Yeah, I guess. It's just parents, after a certain point, you gotta let go. Even if you know better, you've gotta let them make their own mistakes.
(Monica, Joey, and Chandler all shake their heads.)
Chandler: That's good one too, Pheebs. Now all you have to do is find a planeload of people who's resolution is to plummet to their deaths.
[Scene: A restaurant, Phoebe and Jim are on their date.]
Monica: (To Chandler) Did you hear that?! They bumped them up to first class because they are on their honeymoon! Come on! Lets act like were on our honeymoon.
MONICA: Oh, why does this bother me so much? I mean I don't wanna be one of those people who tells their boyfriend they wanna spend 24 hours a day with them.
[Scene: A Restaurant, Monica and Phoebe are on their dates with Sergei and Mischa.]
(They both sprint to what used to be their apartment.)
Phoebe: Most people dont like their jobs, I love my job! I have not been working for three hours and Im already going crazy. I miss Joan.
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler and Joey are sitting at the bar, in their bathrobes, eating cereal]
Mike: Hey, when did we become one of those couples whose lives revolve around their rats?
Ross: Here (gets behind her to help. When the coat comes off we see she is wearing the exact same shirt Ross is wearing. They look at each other, shocked. They abruptly put their coat back on) So this was fun! (They leave the room and head into opposite directions)
Ross: Take thee, Rachel...(All his friends have looks of shock on their faces. He realizes what he said. Quickly he says.) Emily. (A slight chuckle.) Emily.
Monica: See now-now youre taking them away from their home.
Phoebe: So you dont know thats Barneys the store! That can be yknow his friends house, or a bar. Who has Barneys the store on their speed dial?
Joey: You know what, you guys? It's their first time, why don't we just forget about the money, alright?
JOEY: All right.� All right.� Then, maybe you won't mind if me and my friend take a look around, huh?� (He checks the bathroom shaking the bat.� Then he proceeds to their bedroom.)� Bwa-ah-ah!
(They both go back into their old rooms and shut the doors. Of course, Chandler has to close both sections of his door.)
Monica and Chandler: Three! (They lift up the covers and check each other out, then come back up with silly grins on their faces.)
[Everyone takes a bite of their trifle.]
(They do so and they take off their clothes.)
(Chandler, Ross, and Phoebe all stop dead in their tracks at the news.)
(Both of them remove their hats as Phoebe enters.)
[Scene: The Restaurant, Joey, Lorraine, Chandler, and Janice are at the table. Joey and Lorraine are seated very close, Chandler and Janice have backed their chairs away from one another.]
Ross: She wants me to take responsibility for everything that went wrong in our relationship. I mean she goes on for five pages about, about how I was unfaithful to her! (Both Joey and Chandler shrug their shoulders as to say Well...) (yelling) WE WERE ON A BREAK!!!!!
Monica: What's the matter, officer? Has someone been bad? (looks over to Phoebe and she opens the door, and to their dismay, the stripper is an old, short, fat guy who looks exhausted)
(Rachel comes out from their apartment with a mirror and a lipstick in her hands)
Phoebe: I call their apartment!!!
Rachel: But, theyre across the hall! I mean thats two doors away, it would take them a long time to peck their way back over here.
Chandler: Youre gonna be carrying their baby and give them a Sony Play Station?
Joey: I hate this woman!! I hate her! She told everyone in the company about that info-mercial, and now they all keep asking me to open their drinks. Okay, and whenever I cant do it, theyre all like-like laughing at me.
Chandler: Okay, its just weird! Okay? I dont want to be standing their saying my vows and then having the mental image of you and Monica! I-I-I need I dont know what I need. I need a walk.
Joey: (hes just picked up their bill) Hey! So, whats with the 20 percent tip? Did I do something wrong?
Rachel: Well yknow, we would umm, repeat everything the other said, or uh, wed jump out of closets to scare each other, or switch the sugar for the salt so theyd put salt on their cereal.
Rachel: Ross, didn't you ah, play soccer in High School? Oh no wait, that's right. You just organized their game schedules on your Commodore 64.
Joey and Chandler: Shut-out!! (They both start heading for their rooms.)
Monica: Fine! Don't be my friends! I'll buy new friends! Yeah, and then I'll pay for their plastic surgery so they'd look just like you!
Joey: Wow (He opens his apartment door and throws their stuff in.)
Joey: Yeah! Ask them if they brought their friends any souvenirs!
Rachel: Well, not at first, but it was very intricate work and they said even though they lost their sight, it was all worth it.
Joey: Fine! Take their advice. No one ever listens to me. When the package is this pretty, no one cares what's inside.
(Follows Joey into their apartment and shrugs on his way out.)
Joey: Yeah! If you wanna sing at their wedding, well you sing at their wedding!
[Scene: The slot machines, we see some guy not having any luck. Both Phoebe and the Lurker are lurking him and each stick their heads around the corner at different times This is all set to that Pink Panther song. Finally the guy gives up and walks past the lurker's position, thus giving her the advantage. She scurries in and quickly drops a coin in the slot before Phoebe gets there. Phoebe arrives slightly later and pulls the arm just after the lurker deposits the coin and wins.]
(They putting their notepads down and get up to leave.)
Ross: Good, you don’t want to be one of those mothers who pass on their irrational fears on their children, do you?
Phoebe: Maybe your resolution is to not make fun of your friends, especially the ones who may soon be flying you to Europe for free on their own plane.
(He starts the car and surprisingly in fires right up and comes to a nice idle. (Both can be rarities with British sports cars with their lovely Lucas ignition systems, which tend not to work especially in the rain.) Anyway, this being New York he is parallel parked on a street with the car in front of him only inches ahead of his bumper, likewise with the car behind him. Hes completely boxed in and cant move more than two inches. He tries to get out several times by bumping the bumpers of both cars to no avail.)
(They all turn and with shocked looks on their faces stare at Ross. Ross is at a loss for words at this moment.)
(Monica and Chandler put Jack and Erica in their stroller.)
(Chandler and Monica enter from their room and Joey quickly hides the bag of potato chips behind his back.)
Chandler: ...and a street where our kids can ride their bikes and maybe an ice-cream truck can go by.
(The woman gets up and walks over to their table.)
[Scene: Monica's Bedroom, Monica and Phoebe are waxing their legs.]
Ross: Well, y'know, these people are pros. They know what they're doing, they take their time, they get the job done.
Joey: (drinking a beer) Look at this clown! Just because hes got a bigger boat he thinks he can take up the whole river. (Yelling) Get out of the way jackass! (To Rachel) Who names their boat Coast Guard anyway?
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's apartment. Chandler and Joey are returning from their brunch.]
Monica: (on phone) Hello Greg? (Listens) Hi, this is Monica from the plane? Listen, the number that you gave me 853-5 (Listens) (To Chandler) That is their old number! Jennys been giving it out since they moved!
Phoebe: I had to bring them! We killed their mother, they're our responsibility now. You know, they require constant care. You should know that, Rachel, you're a mother.
[Scene: The Park, the gang is warming up for their football game.]
(They start wrestling, only they are unable to move either ones arm despite a huge strain on their faces and a cheering crowd.)
Chandler: It means that my guys won't get off their barcaloungers and you have a uterus that is prepared to kill the ones that do. (pause) It means...
(They enter their apartment.)
Leader: All right girls, and man. Lets see your final tallies. (all the girls raise their hands) Ohhhh, Debbie, (looks at her form) 321 boxes of cookies, (to Debbie) Very nice.
Mr. Geller: Well, its time for a new family to start their memories here and hopefully their check will clear before they find the crack in the foundation and the asbestos in the ceiling.
[Phoebe slams on the breaks. Joey and Rachel are thrown forward into the pillows in their laps.]
(They continue their trek.)
[Scene: The Banquet Room, Ross and Chandler are in their tuxes and have started to fake the pictures.]
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. They are having their party. All the guests are stripped down because of the heat.]
(Chandler and Monica walk over to the kitchen-counter and leave their keys. Then the other four pick out their keys and leave them as well.)
Chandler: Well, stuff like whered we live, yknow? Like a small place outside the city, where our kids could learn to ride their bikes and stuff. Yknow, we could have a cat that had a bell on its collar and we could hear it every time it ran through the little kitty door. Of course, wed have an apartment over the garage where Joey could grow old.
Joey: All right. Let's get the contestants out of their isolation booths. (He removes the waste bucket that's over the duck and the laundry basket that's over the chicken.) And they're off! (He puts his foot in front of the chick, stopping it from moving.)
(Charlie and Benji both let their hands slide down Ross's face, until their hands meet, and they hold hands.)
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the triplets are all in their crib as Monica and Phoebe watch them.]