words in movies
Chandler: (examining the hat) And the bunny got away. (Turns and starts looking for the bunny as Joey puts the hat on.)
Chandler: (examining the coffee table) Scotch on the rocks, with a twist, on a coaster? Ha-ha, Monica! Monica!
(Rachel and Barry quickly split and pretend Barry is examining Rachel's mouth.)
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Joey is examining the injury to Rosita while Rachel is apologizing to him.]
[Scene: A doctors office, Rachel is on an examining table with her legs in the stirrups.]
[Scene: A Restaurant, Ross is having lunch with his father who is examining his next forkful.]
[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, late at night Monica is still examining her bill as Rachel emerges from her room.]
Phoebe: Ooh, my first birthday present... (delightedly examining the cardigan in her lap) ..oh, this is really...
Phoebe: Joey! (Examining the dress.) Wow, you didnt rip off any buttons.
[Scene: The Doctors office, Dr. Zane is examining Phoebe as Frank and Alice watch.]
Chandler: (examining the cake) Okay well, this side looks bigger. Uh Theres more crust on this side. Yknow? So, maybe if I measured
Phoebe: All right fine! This looks like so much fun. (Examining the bowl of wet paper towels.)
[Scene: Dr. Burkes office, Tim is examining Monica.]
Joey: (examining it) Ohh, a hunk of sandwich from last year. (Monica drops the sandwich)
Joey: (examining the tickets) Oh my God! Those are almost right on the floor!
Phoebe: Joey! (Examining the dress.) Wow, you didnt rip off any buttons.
[Scene: Ross and Rachel's room, Ross is drinking a beer while Rachel is examining herself in the mirror.]
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey is examining the broken foosball table as Chandler enters from his room.]