words in movies
Ross: Okay, okay, fine, youre right. Lets ah, lets take a break, (goes to the door) lets cool off, okay, lets get some frozen yogart, or something.. (opens the door)
Rachel: (on the verge of tears) Yeah, Im fine.
Phoebe: Fine, Ill go call her.
Monica: I'm sorry honey, but we're gonna take you shopping. It's gonna be fine.
Rachel: All right, fine! But I had too! I had to do it for my career!
Monica: All right, sweetie that's fine. You didn't do it on purpose.
Ross: Yeah! Oh yeah, youll be fine! It-itll be uh, just like bungy jumping. Yknow? But instead of bouncing back up you-you wont.
Ross: Yes. Yes. Dont worry. Everythings fine. Well uh, well see you tomorrow at the wedding.
Ross: Shes fine. She doesnt know youre gone. And she doesnt have to know, okay? Now come on, were going home.
Rachel: Yeah, we got him back. Everythings fine.
Ross: Which is fine! Because you just turned(Removes two candles from the cake)twenty-eight!
Phoebe: Yeah. Thats fine. Thats fair. Is it Tag?
Ross: Fine, she can stay at my place. By the way, what-what does Cassie even look like now.
Monica: Ohh come on, I love this song! Come on, youll be fine. (She starts to walk towards the floor.)
Mike: No, no, no, you're doing fine, really... Why don't you go talk to my dad?
Monica: Fine. (Starts to walk away then she runs over and grabs an orange before she exits.) Go! Go! Go!
Rachel: Okay Ross thats fine, but can you please stand near my head?
Joey: Okay fine! Im a seven! All right, I have surprisingly small feet. But the rest of me is good, Ill show ya!
Phoebe: Okay fine! Fine! Well just have to think of some other way to put the whole Who came onto who, thing to rest! Come on now, think!!
Monica: (taking Rachels hand) Sweetie okay. Its okay. Everybody made it to the wedding. Im fine.
Chandler: Fine. (He lets Ross win.) Oh no!
Ursula: Yeah, its a fine line huh?
Monica: Fine. Im just glad I didnt give her my secret ingredient.
Will: Oh, Ill-Ill be fine. Just God I hate her Ross! I hate her!
Chandler: All right fine! But Im only doing this for you!
RACHEL: [on phone] Ross, hi, it's Rachel. I'm just calling to say that um, everything's fine and I'm really happy for you and your cat who, by the way, I think you should name Michael. And, you know, ya see there I'm thinking of names so obviously, I am over you. I am over you and that, my friend, is what they call closure. [hangs up and tosses phone in the ice bucket]
Monica: All right fine! If it means that much to you! But justtheres gonna be a ton left over.
Rachel: No. No. Every thing's--they're fine. Great pizza. But it's uh, actually umm my friend Ross. He uh, just gets really nervous when he's flirting.
Joey: Fine! (Pause) Now, whered we land on those pancakes? (She chases him out the door as his date emerges from the bathroom.)
Monica: All right fine. Fine, Ill do it. Ive just got to get this off the screen. Carol and Susan are still upset that you taught him pull my finger.
Monica: Fine! If you want me to wear the boots, Ill wear the boots. In fact, Ill go into my room right now and yknow try the outfit on.
Rachel: Okay fine, what do you have?
Joey: No-no! Im fine. Its just Hey, can I ask you something? Have you ever looked at someone that youve known for a while and then suddenly suddenly see them a different way?
Dr. Long: Okay! All your tests look fine. Now, are you two interested in knowing the sex of the baby?
Ross: Fine, you go.
Ross: I mean, theres no point in spending time with someone if-if its just fun. Its gotta be, its gotta be going somewhere right? So where-where is it going? (Pause) Ah! Thats-thats the real question. And-and the answer is is its going somewhere fun. Now I-I know what youre thinking, fun was fine for you like ten years ago yknow, but youre-youre not getting any younger. No I meanNo not you, not you, youyou are getting younger. I meanyou-you look like youre getting younger by the secondWhats your secret?
Ross: Fine! No more dinosaur stuff! Can I talk about fossils? (Joey is about to sit down and hears this so instead he groans and exits.)
Phoebe: Fine.
Rachel: Fine.
Chandler: Fine.
Rachel: No, everythings fine. I just gotta go back
Ross: (dialling the phone) All right-all right, fine! I-Im gonna call the cops!
Rachel: But IBut everything is okay. Im fine!
Rachel: Yeah, everythings fine!
Ross: Then talk to him! He might be fine with it.
Rachel: Yeah, Ill be fine. But could someone please make sure that sandwich is gone when I get out there?
Ross: Then talk to him! He might be fine with it.
Ross: Fine. Fine, but I want the record to show that I tried to take the high road, because in about five minutes Im gonna be saying (He laughs and points at Rachel sarcastically.)
Chandler: Yeah, fine. Fine. Not perfect!! But good enough.
Ross: Ok, fine, but I don't want them bonding to much. I don't want her telling Emma she needs a nose job.
Phoebe: Well, I've been reading up and for your information, minks are not very nice. Okay, I admit it! I love this coat! Okay, Iit's the best thing I've ever had wrapped around me, including Phil Huntley! (She starts to leave but stops and says to Monica.) Remember Phil Huntley? He was fine!
Phoebe: No, Im fine. Im great. Im with you.
Kathy: (on phone) Hey. (listens) Oh no its fine, dont worry about it. (listens) Yeah-no, stop apologizing, its okay. (listens) Yeah! Ill talk to you tomorrow. (hangs up) (to Chandler) I should uh, probably go.
Rachel: Barbara! Hi, how are you? (Listens) Uh-huh. (Listens) No, I understand. Yeah. Oh, oh, come on, no, I'm fine. Don't be silly. Yeah... oh, but you know, if-if anything else opens up, pleaHello? Hello? (hangs up phone, very depressed)
Joey: Rach! Hey! Its fine! Youre at Joeys!
Monica: Youre wrong! The centerpieces are fine! Do you ever get scared at all?
Rachel: Im fine, but thats not important. Whats important is how was she?
Mrs. Green: No. Sweetie, youre gonna be fine. (Starts to get up.)
Monica: No youre fine. (Joey checks anyway.) All right well, do you think I could take Rachel?
Chandler: Yes, 98.6. Youre gonna be fine.
Phoebe: Fine! Youre on!
Ross: Fine! Fine! Yknow what? Whatever you want. Okay? Youre the mommy.
Rachel: No, Im fine.
Rachel: Oh, Im fine. (Gasps in pain as she sits down.)
Dr. Long: Shes gonna be fine. Okay, shes in a more difficult position so youre gonna have to push even harder now. Go! Push!
Dr. Long: Thats fine, for now well just call her Baby Girl Green.
Ross: Yes. I mean, its what we always planned. And if you have a plan, you should stick to it. Thats why they call them plans. Hello? (Pause) Im fine.
Chandler: Fine. What!?
Phoebe: Alright, Ill try, fine! Yes, Okay!
Joey: Everything is gonna be fine. Just follow my lead, okay? All you have to do is pretend to be Mike.
Joey: Fine, fine okay. But I gotta say technically, I didnt even do anything wrong.
Ross: I know, it�s the first time, we�re leaving the baby and � hey, I know how hard it is for you, but � but Emma is gonna be fine. My mom is gonna be with her. She�s great with kids.
Chandler: Right, fine, I�ll do it, but no talking.
Ross: Actually Im a palian Dinosaurs is fine the drawing is not.
Ross: Rach, c�mon, Emma is fine. You�re turning into an obsessive mother. Okay, you need to stop.
ROSS: Oh, it's fine.� Actually, I, I invited Mike over.
Monica: (still hiding under the blankets) Did you like her? And Im just asking as a friend, because I am totally fine with this.
ROSS: Rach, Rach, we'll be fine, all right?� You go have fun.
Chandler: Hey, can I talk to you about this groomsman thing? If you pick Ross, he'll walk you down the isle just fine. But if you choose me, you'll be getting some comedy!
Rachel: Okay fine, I did. But I didnt see anything, I swear.
Rachel: Oh yeah, it's fine, it's fine. Sandy was just... was just telling me about how he proposed to his fiancée and it was just sooo beautiful.
Chandler: Fine, I'll give the suit back.
Monica: Fine. (Brenda comes in to use the bathroom and adjusts her pink bra strap on the way.) Shes wearing my bra!
Phoebe: OK, fine, if it means that much to you I'll get rid of Bob.
Joey: Allright, fine, I only have one thought! It's about the hot nanny, I gotta see her!
Joey: Fine ... mediocre porn
Joey: I'm fine, I'm fine, it's just, it's just weird what's happening with her and Ross. You know, yesterday he asked me to fix him up with somebody.
Ross: Why...Why should I? I mean if she wants to move on, that's fine!
Chandler: You know when "That's fine" sounds true when someone yells it and spits!
Rachel: Hey! We were not on aOkay. Thats fine! Fine. Yknow what Ben? One day when you are a lot older I am going to tell you that entire story over a pitcher of real margaritas, okay?
RACH: All right, you know what, that's fine. If you guys want to be children about this, that's fine. I do not need to see it. [Rachel grabs the paper and runs across the room, reading it to herself.]
Chandler: Allright, fine, but don't blame me if it doesn't work. Because you know as well as I do that once Joey sets his mind on something, more often than not, he's going to have sex with it.
Mike: Ok, fine, these rats are our responsibility. What happens when they mate and there are hundreds of them?
Joey: Alright!! Fine! It's original Hugsy! No, now I know that Emma wants him but he's mine and I need him..
Chandler: You know what, okay, fine. Don't get up, you just sit right there. I just hope, you don't mind, you know, my hand right here. (holds his hand a couple of inches in front of Joey's face) Op, not touching, can't get mad! Not touching can't get mad! Not touching can't get mad! (Joey flings some dip onto Phoebe's dress)
Monica: Ok, fine!! I bought 20 extra tickets for me and Chandler.
Rachel: (on phone) Ross, hi, it's Rachel. I'm just calling to say that um, everything's fine and I'm really happy for you and your cat...(cut)...I am over you. I am over you and that, my friend, is what they call closure. (She hangs up and tosses phone in the ice bucket.)
Chandler: All right! Thats fine! Thats fine! I wont bring over the chairs! I wont bring anything over! I wouldnt want to ruin the ambiance over here at Grandmas place!! (Storms out.)
Rachel: Okay, okay, okay, fine, I'm gonna look it up (she goes and picks up the dictionary).
Joey/Drake: Fine. I'll go. But let me ask you one question...
Ross: Yeah, it's no big deal. I mean, I just met her and I'm fine with it...
Monica: Im fine. (She goes into one of those half sneezing, half-coughing fits that you get with a bad cold or flu.)