words in movies
Rachel: Oh! (They enter. Rachel sees his father, lying on a bed, with tubes, drip and everything) Oh! Oh my God! Ohhh, ohhh, wow, that ear and nose hair trimmer I got him was just money down the drain, huh?
Phoebe and Rachel: Ohhh!!!
Monica: Ohhh, oh my God! Oh my God! She knows about us!
Chandler and Joey: Ohhh.
Phoebe: Ohhh! My God! For tiny salt!
Rachel: Ohhh! Well of course I will watch him! We have fun, dont we Ben? (He nods yes.)
Rachel: Ohhh! (Looks at Aaron and recoils in horror.) Wow! He kinda takes your breath away doesnt he?
Joey: (sees hes watching Baywatch) Ohhh. (sees he still has the chick) Ahh! What are you doing?! I thought you were gonna take her back to the store today.
Woman on TV: Ohhh! Make it stop!
Monica: Ohhh.
Phoebe: Ohhh. (Hands her back to Rachel.)
Phoebe: Ohhh.
Rachel: You're sister? You're sister's asleep on the couch? (Danny nods, "Yes.") Ohhh! I saw her with you on the subway and now she's asleep on the couch!
Chandler: (gloatingly and holding his piece) Ohhh!
Monica: Ohhh! What are you doing to me?! Oh look, I-I Im sorry but umm, this-this-this-this is not going to happen.
Phoebe: I cant have any. You know I dont eat meat. (Faking dissapointment.) Ohhh no.
Rachel: (entering from her bedroom) All right! Let's get this over with! Ugh! (She walks by the table and notices that no one is looking and accidentally on purpose knocks over the open cereal box.) Ohhh! No! Look what I did! (She starts walking through the mess. {Also, notice the continuity error in this scene. Note the position of the box and dispersal pattern of the cereal before and after the camera cut.}) Oh, I mean, look at this mess! I mean, we're probably gonna have to clean this up! Y'know? We're gonna have to reschedule!
Rachel: Ohhh... (slumping in relief) Okay, you were right. You were right! This was just not worth it.
Rachel: Ohhh well. Yknow what honey? The best thing to do to get over a guy is to start dating someone else. Oh! There is this great guy you will love at work named Bob! Hes a real up-and-comer in Human Resources.
Rachel: No, she was already in, but then this big bitch behind me tried to steal my umbrella, so I clocked her. Ohhh! I cant believe this, all I wanted was a few hours outside of work to see Joshua, so he can go ahead and start falling in love with me.
Monica: Ohhh, ooohhh... you are on a roll, mister!
Janice: Ohhh, are you a puppy! (opens it) Contact paper! I never really know what to say when someone you're sleeping with gives you contact paper.
ROSS: Ohhh. Big boy, riding the bus--Hey, I have a question. How come it says Property of Human Services on his butt?
Ross: Wow! Thanks, you guys. Thats uhohhh, I wanna, I wanna play you another piece! Umm! Uh-oh! I left my uh, helicopter sounds on another disk. Ill be right back! Okay? (Runs to fetch them) This is so nice, ImI am so (starts to break up and leaves)
MR. GREENE: Ohhh, you're having a parteee.
Young Ross: (singing) 'I am Bea. I drink tea. Won't you dance around with....' (spills some tea and it drips onto his/her dress) Ohhh! (runs away crying)
Rachel: Ohhh! (Looks in the mirror and sees that she still has her mustache and groans.)
All: Ohhh! Put it out!
Ross: (sees the chick) Ohhh, hey! All right, listen, I-I have that TV thing in like two hours, and I need your help, okay? What do you think? (takes out two suits) This blue suit, or this brown one?
Alice: Ohhh. (They embrace in a very passionate kiss.)
Monica: Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun! (They all leave and close the door on Monica.) Ohhh! (Throws her notepad down in disgust.)
Monica: Ohhh, I knew you loved her! Then you need to go to the airport and tell her. Youre probably just gonna catch her just as shes about to go to the gate. Youre gonna call out her name and say, "I love you!" And shes gonna say, "I love you, too!" And you guys are going to have the most amazing kiss, everyone at the gate will applaud.
Rachel: (on phone) Ohhh... I'm fine.
Ross: Ohhh.
Rachel: Ohhh!!!! (looking at something behind Ross)
RACH: Ohhh, OK.
Monica: Chandler that's crazy! If you give up every time you'd have a fight with someone you'd never be with anyone longer thanOhhh! (They both realize something there.)
Phoebe: Ohhh... Sure, yeah... (disgustedly dropping the cardigan back into the bag) ..okay, it fits.
ROSS: Ohhh.
Monica: Look at it! Ohhh! Wallpapers a little faded, thats okay. Carpets a little loose. Hardwood floors!!
Phoebe: Ohhh boy, do I feel bad.
ALL: Ohhh.
Chandler: Ohhh. Dont go.
Phoebe: (singing) Love is sweet as summer showers, love is a wondrous work of art, but your love oh your love, your love...is like a giant pigeon...crapping on my heart. La-la-la-la-la- (some guy gives her some change and to that guy) Thank you. (sings) La-la-la-la...ohhh!
Rachel: Ohhh.(she rhythmically taps her hands on the magazine on her lap.)
Monica: Ohhh, nice.
Joey: Ohhh, here it comes.
Joey: Ohhh!
Mr. Treeger: Ohhh, man!!
Monica: Okay! (They kiss again and his beeper goes off.) Ohhh no!
Chandler: Ohhh!!
Phoebe: Ohhh, wow.
Joey: Ohhh, yeah!
Phoebe: Ohhh, I wanna come over there and give you a hug and wish you luck on your wedding, but I dontcant get up.
Phoebe and Rachel: Ohhh!!!
Rachel: Hi. Ohhh, you got my message.
Rachel: Ohhh, yeah, me too.
Rachel: Ohhh!!!! [looking at something behind Ross]
The Stripper: Ohhh, look at the little birdies! Are those yours?
Monica: Ohhh, Chandler, sorry! Hey, Janice.
Phoebe: Ohhh.
Joey: Ohhh. I thought it was like Long Island.
Rachel: Ohhh!!
Phoebe: Ohhh!
Phoebe: Ohhh. Thanks Chandler they're great!
Rachel: Ohhh, I-I would enjoy that!
Rachel: Hi. Ohhh, you got my message.
Phoebe: Ohhh.
Monica: Ohhh! Let me see! Oh God, I can't believe this! They're an hour late and they're just staying out there, talking!
Monica: Oh. Thank you. Ohhh, thank you very much. Oh, thank you for coming. (Theres a knock on the door.) Uh, just a second!
Rachel: Ohhh, this is the least jealous Ive ever been!
CHANDLER: Ohhh [turns as if to hug someone] Oh no, wait a minute, I have no one.
Ross: Ohhh! Kids!
Rachel: Yeah! (Monica gives a sarcastic thumbs up) (Josh leaves) I am soo gonna marry that guy. (looking in her wallet) Ohhh!
Monica: Ohhh, oh my God! Oh my God! She knows about us!
Rachel: Ohhh! That is soo sweet! (gets up to get herself a cup of coffee)
JOEY: Oh, no no, that's the beauty part, it goes with everything. [gets the bracelet from the drawer] You put this on, you're good to go. [puts the bracelet on Chandler] Ohhh man, you are so wearin' that bracelet.
Monica: Ohhh! (Takes the plate.) No! This is my friend Rachel, we went to High School together.
Rachel: Ohhh