words in movies
Tim: I I-I dont know, but I would say its pretty good-o. (Phoebe laughs too hard.)
[Scene: Ross and Rachel's room, they've pretty much consumed the entire mini-bar. Needless to say, they're feeling no pain and are still playing blackjack.]
Chandler: That was pretty 007.
Ross: Pretty please? Not very uh, 007.
Phoebe: Okay, it just seems pretty wild and youre soyknow so vanilla.
Rachel: Its a pretty cool tux.
RACHEL: Whoa, look at you, you did pretty well.
Joey: Well, you seem pretty insulted by that. What? I'm not good enough for you?
Fireman #1: Yeah, most of the damage is pretty mostly contained in the bedrooms.
Phoebe: And I have your name and the fact that youre a drifter, so the balls pretty much in your court.
Alice: Weve been trying to get pregnant, uh pretty much ever since we got engaged, we thought wed get a jump on things, yknow no ones getting any younger.
Phoebe: We, you know, we’re different! We don’t care about having a huge party. (She picks up the veil) This is really nice for you, but, oh, please, I put this on? (she puts it on) And, ow, I look (she looks her reflex image on a toaster), why, well, radiant. (pause) All right, well, who cares, I don’t need a pretty veil and a fancy dress.
Mr. Douglas: Its pretty ugly. We havent seen an ANUS this bad since the seventies.
Joey: Yeah, it seemed pretty important.
Mindy: Now, I know things've been weird lately, but you're like my oldest friend in the world... Except for maybe Laurie Schaffer, who I don't talk to anywhere, 'cause she's all bitter now that she lost the weight and it turns out she doesn't have a pretty face. ....Okay, I'm just gonna ask you this once, and I want a straight answer.
Ross: Pretty amazing huh?
Ross: Oh thats not pretty.
Chandler: Oh, uh, I... don't... care. (Joey's date shows up) Ok, now, remember, no trading. You get the pretty one, I get the mess.
Joey: Maybe Monicas playing a joke on ya. Yknow? Getting her own husband a hooker, thats pretty funny.
Monica: (turns to them) Ok, alright, you guys, you'd better sit down, this is pretty big.
Monica: Hey, the point is that he was at everyone of your swim meets and he was there cheering you on! Okay? Thats a, thats a pretty great dad.
Phoebe: How could it not be? I mean pretty soon theyre gonna be having kids, and then theyre just gonna be hanging out with other couples who have kids. And then maybe theyre gonna have to leave the city to be near a Volvo dealership.
Eric: I dont know, Im still pretty tired out from this afternoon.
Erica: Well, it turns out that Erica didn't pay much attention in Sex Ed class, because the thing she did with that prison guy... it'd be pretty hard to make a baby that way.
Joey: Oh yeah, that was a pretty good night.
Ross: Hey. We-we look we look pretty good.
DUNCAN: No, but it'll be OK, they're pretty cool, my brother's straight so. . .
Rachel: (laughs) Yeah, but Im pretty sure hes gay.
Ross: Yeah? Hop on. (They start dancing and Mona sits down.) Is the pretty lady looking?
Phoebe: Oh, it's so pretty. This must have cost him a fortune.
Chandler: Woah, woah, thats not pretty!
Phoebe: I may play the fool at times, but Im a little more than a pretty blond girl with an ass that wont quit. (She takes the sweater out of her purse.) I believe this belongs to the father of your baby.
Monica: Well yknow Joey, youre a pretty charming guy.
Chandler: Cheese you say? Thats some pretty smelly work, huh Don?
ROSS: Hey, I've been doin' it since the ninth grade, I've gotten pretty damn good at it.
Ross: Wow! We are pretty good at this!
Phoebe: Ok, so this is pretty much what's happened so far. Ross was in love with Rachel since, you know, forever, but every time he tried to tell her, something kind of got in the way, like cats, and Italian guys. Finally Chandler was like "forget about her" but when Ross was in China on his dig, Chandler let it slip that Ross was in love with Rachel. She was like, "Oh my god." So she went to the airport to meet him when he came back, but what she didn't know was, that Ross was getting off the plane with another woman. Uh-Oh! So, that's pretty much everything you need to know. But, enough about us. So, how've you been?
Chandler: Whoa, she's pretty. (Mentioning the girl on TV)
Monica: We are pretty good.
Chandler: Yeah, Joe, I assure you if I'm staring down the barrel of a gun, I'm pretty much peeing every which way.
Phoebe: Ok. I mean I know I did the right thing. You know, Mike never wants to get married and I shouldn't be in a relationship that has no future... but... pretty soon I'm gonna miss him so much. I'm gonna wanna see him again and you have to stop me from doing that.
JOEY: You really think he'd take me? I mean, we had a pretty good talk last night but, when I moved out, I hurt him bad.
Mike: I'm sorry, really, I'm so embarrassed. Really, I'm a pretty nice guy. Just ask my parole officer...Apparently I'm not a funny guy.
PHOEBE: [pauses the tape] Ok, Ben, this is the part where Ernie buries Bert in the sand and can't find him. Now, I've looked ahead on the tape and he does find him again. But, ok, before that happens, there's some pretty rough goin' for a while but I think we can handle it. And, there's just the alphabet but we know that ends well so. Ok, here we go. [starts the tape again]
Rachel: Oh, that's pretty.
Jim: Yeah, (looks at his crotch) a Pretty Huge
Phoebe: (in a nasally voice, from her cold) But I'm unemployed, my music is all I really have now. Well music, and making my own shoes. (She puts her shoe on the table, and it's horribly decorated) Pretty, huh? (Sneezes)
Chandler: It's just that we bought a hibachi together, and then he ran off and got married, and things got pretty ugly.
Monica: Ohh, you are such a good boss! Is she pretty?
Joey: Yeah, I called the lady about that. I told her I was just joking. She was pretty nice about that.
Monica: (as Rachel) Yeah... Yeah, I know it's pretty selfish, but haha, hey, that's me. (Indicating a dish on the table) Why don't you try the hummus?
Rachel: I a not gonna lie to you, I'm pretty sick
Rachel: Yeah. Uh-huh, I guess it is pretty big news.
MRS. GELLER: Over here Jack. OK. I see, Rachel's coming up the path. Oh doesn't she look pretty. Jack, get this. [Rachel enters with a huge nose]
Ross: (laughs) You dont-you dont want to hear about my dream Officer Pretty?
Monica: I've been pretty good!
Joey: (on phone) Yeah, my neighbor... (Listens) Yeah, the brunette... (to Monica) She says you looked very pretty the other day in the green dress.
Man: Well I actually, I-I really, I haven't seen her for years. But umm, well I-I was pretty tight with-with her and her daughter.
Rachel: Yeah. I just, I kept trying to make you a better person, but you're... you're already a pretty perfect version of what you are.
Monica: Does seem pretty perfect.
Chandler: Sure! Thats one of the great things about being engaged. Im not nervous talking to pretty girls anymore.
Ross: (from across the wall) Walls are pretty thin, guys!
Charlie: He's a pretty tough guy to impress.
Monica: It's.. It's just so pretty and white.
Phoebe: Um, the off-Broadway play people said 'You were pretty but dumb.'
Joey: I don't know, she's, uh.... she's pretty great.
Chandler: (to Mon) So, Zack's pretty nice, uh?
Chandler: I'm a pretty little girl.
Joey: Pretty great! Except I did get a little attitude from the robot.
Rachel: Well, I like the pretty little drawing of you in the wedding dress.
Joey: Listen that�s a pretty girly hour we just spent, we should add some manly make up for it.
Laura: (embarrassed towards Chandler and Monica) Well, I'm pretty sure I gave you my number.
Monica: Yeah, they do seem to feel pretty bad.
Ross: Uh, actually these might look pretty good on me.
Joey: Yeah, a naked bagel game? (Picks up his dropped bagel.) (To Chandler) Dude, I dont know. Thats a pretty small hole.
Rachel: Oh. Who is the blonde, she's pretty.
Rachel: Uh-huh. No, I hear what youre saying and-and-and that makes a lot of sense but can I just say one more thing? (Takes out his picture.) Look how pretty!
ROSS: I, I don't know, it's got all this stuff about wind and trees and there's some kind of sacred pool in it. I mean, I don't really get it but she's, she's pretty upset about it.
Chandler: I'm pretty sure I put her on my bed.
Rachel: I love him. Hes so pretty I wanna cry! I dont know what to do. Tell me what to do.
Helena: (singing) For Im loved by a pretty wonderful boy! (Applause.) Hello! And welcome to the show. I see some of our regulars in the audience. And a couple of irregulars. (He starts going into the audience.)
Monica: You say Thank you very much, and then you buy me something pretty. Come on, were gonna put are hands in this bowl, and were gonna start squishing the tomatoes.
Charlie: I'm pretty sure, professor Spafford from Cornell?
MONICA: Rach, I know her pretty well, can I go? [Rachel gives her a look from hell] That's fine.
Ross: I know, it's pretty great.
Frank Jr.: Oh, I don't know, she's pretty tired, too, I think we've got her onboard.
Rachel: Oh yeah! I mean, that was pretty intense.
Chandler: Well, you must be pretty mad at yourself right now...!
Monica: Well, honey, it is pretty competitive. I mean I've got an actual rocket scientist here.
Rachel: I’m telling you guys, we followed them out to a house in Westchester, the went in for like forty-five minutes and then they came out looking pretty happy!
ROSS: Well, pretty incredible according to the message she left you on my machine. Hey, Chandler, why is this woman leaving a message for you on my machine?
Tag: Ms. Green would like to establish some ground rules before she comes out. She would appreciate it if you dont use the words old or downhill or (To Joey) they still look pretty damn good. (Joey smiles and everyone glares at him.)
Ursula: Well, its pretty much the gist. Well, except for the poem. You read the poem, right?
Monica: I know, Ive been looking at those doors, they look pretty sound proof, dont you think?
Chandler: Yeah! I've never been in a relationship that's lasted this long before. Y'know to get past the beginning and still be around each other all the time, I think that's pretty incredible. And the fact that this is happening all with you, yeah I think that's pretty exciting. (Kisses her.)
The Waiter: Yeah, people get pretty generous around the holidays. And it never hurts to wear tight trousers.
Joey: I am pretty wisdomous.
Rachel: Wow! This is shaping up to be a pretty good dateOh, I almost forgot. I didnt pay you the rent check.
PHOEBE: Well, you kind of just did.� That guy is going to call you tonight.� Ross is going to pick up the phone and that's a pretty clear message.
Steve: It's really fulfilling doing something you hate for no money. That's right. I have no money, I'm not funny, I live in a studio apartment with two other guys, and I'm pretty sure I'm infertile.
Phoebe: (hides her mouth behind the cup and speaks in the "pigeon voice" from before) Coo, again. Don't blame the pretty lady. It was not her fault. It was me, the pigeon, coo! (pause) Seriously, stop staring at her.