words in movies
Phoebe: Oh, well get in line missy. (To Ross) So, can I have a ride stud?
Ross: Hop in. (Phoebe hops in.) Get ready for the smoothest ride of your life.
Joey: Oh. Okay. Hey, can I ride this outside?
JOEY: How do we say yes now and make it seem like we're not doin' it just to ride in the cool car?
Ross: Whew! That was a brisk ride!
Rachel: Oh, come on now, dont keep me waiting. Get those clothes off! But, I would keep that helmet on because youre in for a rough ride! (He backs into the door.)
Elizabeth: Do you want to ride around town on my little pink bicycle?
CHANDLER: Braid each other's hair and ride horseback on the beach?
Ross: Pheebs you uh you do know how to ride a bike dont you?
Joey: I'd take you out for a romantic night. Some champagne, fancy dinner, feel you up on the carriage ride home...
[Time lapse, they're still on the ride along and Joey is just sniffing his sandwich.]
Ross: Look Rach if-if you want to go for a ride in the Porsche Ill be glad to take you for a quick spin around the block.
[Scene: Central Park, Ross is teaching Phoebe how to ride her bike.]
Chandler: It's "Ride of the Valkyries" from "Apocalypse Now"... See, here's the thing: The corn rose were really a solution to your frizzy hair problem. And now that we're home, we don't have that problem anymore, so if you think about it... I hate them!
Phoebe: Monica, I'm sorry I didn't come by last night. I was out with Gary; he let me ride around with him in his cop car. We saw and prevented crimes.
(The door opens and Joey and Chandler ride in on the big, fake dog in triumph)
Woman On Train: Oh, no. But its just a two hour ferry ride to Nova Scotia.
Joey: Yeah, you'd think I'd give up being a minister and start paying to ride the subway? Huhuh...
Monica: Joey! This is not like learning to ride a horse! This is like learning to grow a turtleneck!
Ross: Uhm, ministers don't ride the subway for free.
Joey: You got to go on a ride along?!
(The door opens and Joey and Chandler ride in on the big, fake dog in triumph)
Ross: To talk to Rachel, isn't that why we took a ride in the death-cab?
Ross: Ah! (She hugs him.) Well uh-uh, t-take it downstairs, yknow give it a test ride.
Joey: (betting all 100) Let's ride.
Chandler: Well, stuff like where we'd live, y'know? Like a small place outside the city, where our kids could learn to ride their bikes and stuff. Y'know, we could have a cat that had a bell on its collar and we could hear it every time it ran through the little kitty door. Of course, we'd have an apartment over the garage where Joey could grow old.
Ross: All right, yknow what? If you are not going to learn how to ride this bike then Im sorry, Im just gonna have to take it back.
Joey: That's way uptown! That's like three trains away! (Phoebe pinches him.) Which is great! I love to ride that rail!
Joey: I want to go on a ride along!
Chandler: What...? That's not you! Life is good again! Ride 'em cowgirl!
[Scene: Central Perk, the guys are returning from the ride along to find Phoebe already there.]
Monica: Did the girl ever let you ride it?
Ross: (To Monica) Look, okay-okay I had food poisoning! Its not like I choose to do it! Its not likeIts not like I said, "Umm, what would make this ride more fun?!"
Monica: You went to one where you were popular, and you got to ride off Chips motorcycle, and wear his letterman jacket. I went to one where I wore a band uniform they had to have specially made.
Joey: For the ride.
Phoebe: You know, did you ride mopeds? 'Cause I've heard... (they stare at her)... oh, I see... it's not about that right now. OK.
[Scene: Central Park, Ross is teaching Ben how to ride a bike. Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe are they also.]
[Scene: The ride along, they're all waiting outside of the witness's house and still in the car in the same places as before.]
Ross: (browsing the brochure) I guess...It still seems a little...(enthusiastically) moonlight boat ride!!
Ross: Well let therewhat if a man comes along and puts a gun to your head and says, "You ride this bike or Ill sh Ill shoot you."
Ross: Phoebe, you cant get out of this! Okay? You have to learn how to ride a bike!
Monica: How are we gonna get home? Maybe a piggy-back ride?
Chandler: ...and a street where our kids can ride their bikes and maybe an ice-cream truck can go by.
MRS. GELLER: Well, you kids thank Dr. Burke for the ride?
Chandler: So Ross, how was your date the other night? Did you tell her about the magical ride that starts with the flush of every toilet?
Joey: I dont know! I really want this part! And they tell you no matter what you get asked at an audition you say yes. Like if-if they want you to ride a horse, you tell em you can! And just figure out how to do it later.
Monica: Look, these clowns are trying to take us for a ride and I'm not gonna let 'em! And we're not a couple of suckers!
Ross: Okay, okay, we were on the ride along with Gary, right?
[Scene: The ride along.]
Janice: Oh please. Every moment is precious. Yknow? Besides, somebody had to ride in that other taxi with the rest of your luggage, and your friends dont really seem to care too much that youre leaving.
MRS. GELLER: No, Richard Burke gave them a ride.
Ross: The ride broke down. So, Carol and I went behind a couple of those mechanical Dutch children... then they fixed the ride, and we were asked never to return to the Magic Kingdom.
Chandler: Well, stuff like whered we live, yknow? Like a small place outside the city, where our kids could learn to ride their bikes and stuff. Yknow, we could have a cat that had a bell on its collar and we could hear it every time it ran through the little kitty door. Of course, wed have an apartment over the garage where Joey could grow old.
Monica: Maybe because it's you hung your head out of the window like a dog the whole ride here.
Ross: Because! Because, it-it-its Itd be like you having this guitar (Points to hers) and-and never playing it. Okay, this guitar wants to be played! And-and this bike wants to be ridden and-and if you dont ride it you-youre-youre killing its spirit! (Pause) The bike is dying.
Ross: Not her. Yeah, this is someone else I meet, and I-I cant decide between the two of them. Yknow the one from Poughkeepsie, even though shes a two hour train ride away, is really pretty, really smart, and-and a lot of fun. But this other girl, well, she lives right uptown. Yknow shes, well shes-shes just as pretty, I guess shes smart, shes not fun.
Monica: Umm, can we see you ride it?