words in movies
Ross: (noticing a beautiful woman moving in down the street) Well hello! Shes cute! Should we uh, go try to talk to her?
Monica: Well Im Monica Geller, ball like a baby.
Joey: Sounds great! Okay all right, well where does this go? (The lamp hes holding.)
Rachel: Well I
Joey: Well check it out, I was with this really hot girl who just moved in right across the street!
Joey: Well, I sorta am. I mean yeah, Im dating this girl whos also seeing another guy. But, I dont know, Im not to worried about it.
Ross: Well you shouldnt be. Believe me I wouldnt want to be the guy whos up against you. (Chandler laughs.) I mean that doofus is going to lose!
Ross: Well obviously only one of us can keep dating her.
Ross: Well now lets-lets look at this objectively, I think I should date her
Joey: Yeah well we should order some food then.
Ross: Well sorry, thats what I do on dates.
Joey: All right, well I guess Ill just have to do what I do on dates.
Phoebe: Well just figure out a way to talk him out of it.
Joey: Oh. Well good! (To himself) For me. (He picks up a jar of lotion.) What is this? Did you give yourself a facial?
Joey: Well well see!
Monica: Well umm, we were just talking about the yknow, the Swing Kings and just wondering whether yknow, they were the right way to go.
Rachel: Well, what is the other reason?
Rachel: Well you have to because maybe its stupid.
Chandler: Well its just while Monica and I were dancing to them it was the first time I knew that you were the woman I wanted to dance all my dances with.
Kristen: Well uh, Ross? This is Joey. Joey? Ross.
Kristen: Well Joey doesnt like to talk about it but, hes one of the stars of Days Of Our Lives.
Ross: Well yes, yes I have. In fact umm, just the other day Kristen and I were talking about how Ive been married and how I have a son.
Ross: Well umm
Joey: (laughs that one off) Yeah. So uh Ross, well nowwhy did that first marriage breakup? Was it because the woman was straight or she was a lesbian?
Chandler: Well then why cant I see it?
Monica: Okay! But you cant rip it. Well, maybe a little.
Rachel: All right. Well listen, if you see Joey will you just tell him uh tell him I miss him. (Exits and Joey enters.)
Joey: Yeah that really calms me down. And! We have so much in common! She loves sandwiches, sports, although she is a Met fan, not much of an issue now but if were ever to have kids, well thats a
Dr. Franzblau: So, I understand you're thinking of having a baby? Well, I see you're nine months pregnant. That's a good start. How you doing with your contractions?
Julie: Well, if you like you can feel Rachels and then feel mine to compare.
Chandler: Well, stuff like where we'd live, y'know? Like a small place outside the city, where our kids could learn to ride their bikes and stuff. Y'know, we could have a cat that had a bell on its collar and we could hear it every time it ran through the little kitty door. Of course, we'd have an apartment over the garage where Joey could grow old.
Rachel: Well now, how-how do you fit into this whole thing?
Chandler: Well, my Grandfather was Swedish and my Grandmother was actually a tiny little bunny.
Rachel: Well, I tried, but then he had a shampoo related emergency. So I guess now it's your turn again.
Rachel: Okay. Ah, well well just see about that, okay. I will read The Shining, (she tries to take the book away from him but he doesnt want to let it go) and you will read Little Women.
Rachel: Well I was gonna tell him that Im-Im gonna have the baby and he can be as involved as he wants.
[Scene: The Buildings Roof, the entire gang plus Tag are there to look for a comet. Theyre looking for a comet on a roof of a New York apartment building. Yeah, thats realistic. You might as well look for the moon on a bright sunny day.]
Chandler: Well get rid of her, obsessive and shrill.
JOEY: Well, see when you're acting you need to think about stuff like that. My character, Joseph the processor guy, has two little girls, Ashley and Brittany. Ashley copies everything Brittany does.
Joey: (going out with the VCR in his hand) Well, I guess we'll never know whose it is!
Phoebe: Well, Racquela's right, yeah!
Joey: Well, we got plenty of space! There-there's still some over there (Points to where the window is but sees that there isn't any space there and points towards his door.) by-by that speaker. Please, just stay!
Charlie: Uh, well... Joey and I broke up.
Monica: Well uh, Im trying to make something for Joey. Do you mind if I raid your fridge?
Chandler: Well this is just sad!
Joey: Well, given that he's desperately in love with you, he probably wouldn't mind getting a cup of coffee or something.
Ross: Well, you need something to make this day special? Hello! You-you-you have the most special thing of all! You are marrying the woman you love.
Joey: Well, he's gonna. I'll see you a little later, ok? (To the Hombre Man) Hey, how ya doin'?
Monica: Well, you don't have to decide right now, but if you could just look at our file...
Monica: Well, what am I going to say?
Phoebe: Well, just buy the damn boat! (Shes still working her way through her tray of booze.)
Monica: Well, I thought this would be a great opportunity to use up all the food that I don't want to move to the new house with me! So, enjoy: smoke oyster casserole with a breakfast cereal crust, kidney beans in their own juices, and for dessert, a questionable orange.
Rachel: Well, I-I know you can do that too. I'm just, I'm just saying if you need somebody to talk to Hi!
Phoebe: (To Rachel) Well, its better than us deciding.
Rachel: Well, I-Im startin too.
MONICA: Well, what made you make the exception for me?
Rachel: Well, yknow, sometimes that helps. (She realises what that couldve meant.)
Monica: Well?
Phoebe: My guy is well read.
Phoebe: Well, if you really wanna know, I'mOh! I can't tell you this.
Joey: Okay, now uh, in terms of the invite list, Ive got you, me, and Chandler and Im gonna invite Gunther cause, well, weve been talking about this pretty loud.
Joey: Well uh I think I want to take Chandler.
Joey: Well I didn't tell them!
Rachel: Well, things change.
Rachel: Well... well, what did you do to make her laugh? (excited)
Rachel: Well, we were just talkin about you guys gettin married and how great it is.
Eric: (To Phoebe) Well, it was nice meeting you.
Rachel: Well no brush!
Frank: Well, when I tell my friends about her she will be.
Joey: (to the dog) Cmere. Hey. Cmere. Thats Rachel. Shes the one who used to live here. Might as well be honest with youwe love her. But we cant have her. I really miss her. Well, hey, you understand, right? Youre a guy. (thinks about it and picks up the dog and looks) Well, you used to be.
Rachel: Oh, please, Ross it was so obvious! It was like you were marking your territory. I mean you might have well have just come in and peed all around my desk!
Chandler: Well, she walked in when I was looking at the ring brochures. You can understand that, right? (Ross and Joey look at each other and go back to watching the game on TV.) Guys? Guys? (Walks in front of them again.)
Phoebe: Ah! Well! There you go! Last to know again! And I'm guessing... since nobody told me... this is Paolo.
Rachel: Oh well
Policeman: Well I tell you what
JULIE: Well, in a nutshell. . .
Mrs. Lynch: Well, she was leaving work and she was hit by a cab.
Man: Well I actually, I-I really, I haven't seen her for years. But umm, well I-I was pretty tight with-with her and her daughter.
Phoebe: Well, yknow I may have relatives in France who would know. My grandmother said she got the recipe from her grandmother, Nesele Tolouse.
Phoebe: Okay, well maybe not on those levels.
Chandler: Well, you can't say we don't know how to throw a party.
Rachel: Well of course that is what Im here for!
Young Ethan: Well it's somewhere in between. You see, in a strictly technical sense, of course, I'm not uh..., well I, I mean I haven't ever uh...
Rachel: Well hello! Welcome to Monica's. May I take your coat?
David: Well, just for a couple of days, uhm... I'm here to explain to the people who gave us our grant, why it's a positive thing that we spent all their money and uhm... accomplished uhm... nothing.
Phoebe: Okay. Well theres one down.
ROSS: Well, ya know, they're a little behind the times in Colonial Williamsburg.
Chandler: Well, if you're gonna work for mechanics, those are the ones to work for.
Chandler: Well yeah, but then
Chandler: Well the vet seems to think thats shes becoming a rooster. (The rooster crows.) Were getting a second opinion.
Monica: So the going for help went well?
Monica: Well, youre-youre sweating.
Erica: Hey, well, in a couple of weeks I won't be able to travel.
Ross: Hey! Wha-hoo! What's this? (showing the bottle) Well it's a, it's a bottle of champagne. Why is this here?
Monica: (shocked) Wow! All right well, I mean, what can you do? If you lost it you lost it.
Chandler: Well, no, actually she uh, asked me if I wanted to get a drink.
Monica: Well, it was either a pink bunny or no bunny at all.
Rachel: Well, that shouldnt be a problem. I mean I work in fashion and all I meet are eligible straight men.
Chandler: Well, sure, but can you play it on a plane? (pats his Travel Scrabble game)
David: Well thank you so much.
Richard: Well all right, one thing happened?
Katie: You'd better do something, or I'm gonna walk out that door right now! Well? Are you gonna?
Rachel: Well, it was just something Josh said about v-necks, but you had to be there.
Chandler: Not well.
Chandler: Well I think it's safe to say that our friendship is effectively ruined.
Chandler: Well, Joey, I wrote a little song today. It's called: Get Up.
Mike: Well, come on...
Rachel: Well, Joey probably thinks Ill just embarrass him. Yknow, he thinks Im some kind of a soap opera nutWhich Im not! Im not. Although I do know that your uh, your favorite ice cream flavor is butter pecan. (Starts stroking his arm) And uh, and that your-your dogs name is Wally. Well look at that, Im just stroking your arm.
Monica: No, it doesn't, does it? But you wanted lumps, Ross? (picks up the pan of badly burnt potatoes) Well, here you go, buddy, ya got one.
Ross: Do you remember the scene with, um, Jabba the Hut? Well Jabba had as, as his prisoner, um, Princess Leia.
Rachel: Well, yknow I-I dont know where he is.
[Cut to Chandler in the hallway practicing dancing and is doing it very well.]
Rachel: Well yknow, some people make deals with a friend, like if neither of them are married by the time theyre 40, they marry each other.
Monica: Well Well, great.
Ross: Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to increase security in the Paleontology section? See I-I wrote a book up there and instead of reading it people are-are-are well, rolling around in front of it.
Monica: Oh wow! Okay. Well that was fun.
Mrs. Geller: (pointing to herself and Jack) Well we left ours in Monicas bedroom.
Rachel: Well then you have his baby.
Theodore: Oh... Well...
Woman: Well you can have the suite if you want. We dont care about where we stay. Were here to celebrate our love together. We dont have to get free stuff. We just want to be together.
Emily: (on answering machine) Hello Ross? It's Emily. (Rachel runs back into the room with the tequila.) I know this is out of the blue but uh, I'm getting married tomorrow. Well, maybe I am. I keep thinking about you and I'm wondering if-if we made a mistake giving up so fast. Are you thinking about me? Of course you're not, but if you are, call me tonight. Okay, bye.
Missy: Well, Chandler and I used to make out! A lot!
Ross: Yeah. SheWell, shes one crazy lady?
Monica: Well, what were you gonna say?
Phoebe: Well, what am I gonna do? I really need my guitar!
Phoebe: Well why dont you use your key?