words in movies
Susan: What's it look like?
Joey: What's wrong?
ROSS: Yeah, yeah I mean, you get your money and you learn a little something, what's wrong with that?
Monica: What's going on here? You go out with tons of girls.
Ross: (entering) What's going on?
Joey: Yeah, but for a one-year-old. What's the point... the other day she laughed for like an hour at a cup. Just a cup with a picture of Elmo on it dressed as a farmer. And he's standing next to this cow and the cow says "El-moo"! (Joey starts laughing) Yeah... that's a funny cup!
Joey: oh, I didn't know you liked French fries. Help yourself! What's mine is yours. (Sarah reaches over and takes a few fries)
Rachel: Hey! What's up?!
Ross: Hey! Wha-hoo! What's this? (showing the bottle) Well it's a, it's a bottle of champagne. Why is this here?
PHOEBE: What is this obsessive need you have to make everyone agree with you? No, what's that all about? I think, I think maybe it's time you put Ross under the microscope.
Monica: Joey, what's going on?
Chandler: So... Oklahoma is a crazy place. You know, they call it the Sooner state. Frankly I'd sooner be in any other state. (Monica looks at Phoebe, who also doesn't know what to say.) And what's with Oklahoma having a pan handle? Can all states have stuff like that? Hey yeah, I'm from the waistband, Wyoming. But when I was seven, we headed over to the crotch.
Rachel: Okay, just a little scared. What's going on Ross?
Rachel: What? Wait-wait a minute, what? Phoebe, what's the matter?
Joey: Hey dude, what's up?
Chandler: No, I know, but it's just so hard, you know? I mean, you're sitting there with her, she has no idea what's happening, and then you finally get up the courage to do it, and there's the horrible awkward moment when you've handed her the note.
Roy: I may have borrowed this from my nephew, but let me assure you, what's underneath (points at his groin)... is all man.
Rachel: ...is something I'm very interested in! Oh please, do not tell Ross. He still believes that (in a deep voice, mocking Ross) what's in the inside is important...
Ross: (entering) Hey! I just heard. What's up?
Monica: Just go up to her and ask her out. (Chandler laughs) Oh, what's the worst thing that could happen?
MRS BUFFAY: Yeah well, thanks for bringing back what's left of him.
Ross: Well, I came with Rachel, who should be back any second! (pause) So what's new?
Phoebe: Hey, what's going on Joe?
Janice: I love this artichoke thing! Oh, don't tell me what's in it, the diet starts tomorrow! (Laughs her Janice laugh)
Chandler: Okay-dokay, you've each won a game and I've lost what's felt like a year of my life. So everybody goes home a winner.
Ross: (sounds excited) Hi you guys! what's going on, you... you guys wanna hang out...or...? (Looks around the room nervously) do you...do you guys hear a buzzing?
ESTL: Oh, I see. Well, I'm just gonna put in a call here and we'll find out what's goin' on and straighten it out. [picks up the phone] Yeah, hi, Lori please. [pause] Hi darling. So how 'bout Joey Tribbiani for the part of the cab driver, isn't he terrific? [pause] Uh-huuuuh. [pause] Uh-huuuuh. OK, doll. Talk to you later. [hangs up] [to Joey] Yeah, you're gonna have to sleep with her.
Joey: Uhm... A penis model. (Monica can't believe what's she's hearing and Ross pats Joey on the back.) Anyway, hey... Did you tell Chandler that some guy from work is the funniest guy you've ever met?
Girl: Mommy, what's wrong with that man?
Ross: What's the part, Anti-man?
Monica:: what's the big deal, you forgot, she forgot, maybe you were having an off night
Mike: what's wrong?
Chandler: What's going on?
Phoebe: You know what? Maybe once they start dating, and they see what's out there, they'll realise how good they are for each other.
CHANDLER: What's up Joe?
JOEY: Hey!� Open the door.� What's going on?� (He knocks.)
JOEY: What's going on?
JOEY: (entering) Man, I got this close to him (holds up his fingers) and Monica kneed me in the back. What's going on?
Wendy: Oh. - What's *that* like?
Rachel: What? What's the matter?
Gavin: Huh. What's Tag's last name?
Rachel: (looking out the window) What's with the rain, Geller? I mean, when I signed up for Dino Week, nobody said anything about it being monsoon season.
Rachel: Really? What's that like?
Ross: What's - what's going on?
Ross: Hey, what's wrong?
CHANDLER: No-no, I mean what, what's this about your new place?
Phoebe: Hey Mike, what's the capital of Peru?
Ross: Oh, sure. Whoa-whoa, what's this? The delivery charge is almost as much as the couch!
VAN DAMME: Can't you see what's going on here, this man is dying.
Rachel: Why? What's the big deal?
Monica: Hey, what's this?
Phoebe: Oh, What's the matter?
Rachel: No, it's just that uhm... it feels so good... Ikea... (pause) Yeah, say hey, you'll know this, what's the capital of Sweden?
CHAN: Ok, let's do Julie. What's wrong with her?
Ross: (entering) What's going on?
Chandler: Yeah, so, what's that supposed to mean?!
Monica: So, what's your name?
Monica: What's the big deal with her? Maybe she's attractive in an obvious kind of way.
Chandler: You know what's not funny? Male Pattern Baldness (Monica stretches her neck to look behind Zack's head and then gives Chandler an "ok" sign)
Rachel: Hey! Hey what's going on?
VAN DAMME: Can't you see what's going on here, this man is dying.
Monica: What's up?
Phoebe: Hey, what's all this stuff?
Joey: What's wrong?
Joey's voice/Ross: What's wrong?
Joey: What's happenin'?
Ross: What's wrong? Are you okay?
Monica: (turns his back to the stairs) Oh, it's a great party! Great food. Y'know, most parties it's all chips and salsa, chips and salsa. (As she's saying this Rachel tries to head downstairs but is blocked by people coming upstairs. She quickly retreats back up the stairs.) (Sees that she has to keep him distracted longer.) So umm, what's this? (Points to his plate.)
Monica: Phoebe, what's the matter?
Rachel: No, what's he like?
Manny: What's with the kissing?
Ross: What's going on?
Ross: Pheebs, what's wrong?
Joey: What's up?
Mark: Sure, sure. (To Ross) What's with the chair. (Rachel signals him not to mention she's been fired)
Joey: What's going on?
RACHEL: What, so you go over there, you tell him you think he's cute, what's the worst that could happen?
Joey: What's going on?
Laura: What's going on?
Ross: Yeah, yeah, what's with the trophy!
Rachel: (to Joanne) So what's going on with you?
Joey: (who wasn't paying attention)What's that now?
Rachel: Then what's that big lump under your covers?
Ross: (picking up the slip of paper) Hello! What's this? Oh right its that girl's phone number. (Rachel ignores him) Yeah-yeah, there it is, just a phone number a really hot girl gave me. (He holds it so that Rachel can see it, she continues to ignore him) It's no big deal, I mean it is her home phone number, but...(Rachel still ignores him) Whoa! (Throws it in her lap) Whoa-whoops, I almost lost this baby! Yeah, the lovely Amanda gives me her number and I-I go and drop it. (He waves it in front of Rachel's face. Then suddenly Phoebe has to sneeze and Rachel quickly grabs the slip of paper and gives it to Phoebe for her to sneeze into.)
Rachel: All right. What's your news, Amy?
Phoebe: What's Emma doing today?
Chandler: What's going on?
Sarah: But you just said "What's mine is yours"?
PHOEBE: Ooh, look at you fancy lads. What's the occasion?
Phoebe: What's up?
Ross: Seriously you guys, what's going on? What are these for?
MIKE: huh.� (pause)� What's the difference between beer and lager?
Phoebe: Oh my God, what's it doing here?
Phoebe: Oh, why? What's up?
Mike: So, what's new?
Casting assistant: I'm sorry, what's going on?
Passenger #3: What's going on?
Phoebe: What's that?
Phoebe: We're so stupid! Do you know what's going on in there? They're trying to take Joey!
Chandler: What's the matter?
Phoebe: Ooh, what's going on?
Joey: So what's it gonna be? (Monica whispers in Joey's ear. Ross gets up and waves arms frantically in protest)