words in movies
Ross: (looking at the price list) Umm Wow! That's-that's some pricey nut!
Charlie: Wow, that's great! So, tell me about the grant!
Monica: Wow!
Joey: Wow! Sure! Thats great!
Joey: Wow! This looks great!
Monica: Wow!
Joey: (excitedly) Wow? Wow what?! Wow what?! Who youwhat?!!
Joey: Ohh. Wow! Well how-how, how will you be gone?
Chandler: Okay I promise. Ill-Ill hate it. (She enters.) Wow! You-you look hideous.
Monica: Wow, isn't it ironic that David would show up on the same day that you and Mike exchange keys?
Rachel: Wow! What do you do now?
Phoebe: Somebody went to college. Wow. (Cliff gets uncomfortable) What is it? Im sorry. (She moves her arm, which was resting on the same pillow his leg is.)
Rachel: Wow! I cant believe you lied to me.
Frank: (starts laughing) Wow! Thats wild! No, I had no idea.
Phoebe: Joey! (Examining the dress.) Wow, you didnt rip off any buttons.
Policeman: Wow!
Woman: Wow!
Chandler: Wow, it seems serious. What seems to be the problem, Ashley Judd?
Rachel: Ohh wow! Im sorry, but Ross you kicked off your shoes!
Chandler: Wow! Really?! We get all this rusty crap for free?!
Mike: Wow! You look like... like my mom.
Chandler: Wow, you'd think we should get that over 20 years or go for the big payout.
Rachel: Wow. There it is, I see it.
Monica: Oh wow! Okay. Well that was fun.
CHANDLER: Really? Wow. That's some pretty powerful imaginary sperm you must have there.
Rachel: Oh! I do not remember him! Wow! He's really got that sexy, smoldering thing going on. (We see Will angrily staring at Rachel.) Oh my God, hes Look at the way hes just staring at me. I think hes trying to mouth something to me, but I cant make it out. (Will mouths, "I hate you.")
Rachel: Wow, everything looks so good! I think I'm gonna have the chicken.
Phoebe: Joey! (Examining the dress.) Wow, you didnt rip off any buttons.
Rachel: Wow! I did not see that coming.
Monica: Wow, come in, have a seat. You must be exhausted coming all the way from Texas.
Ross: Wow! Uh how are you?
Ross: Wow! This is so amazing. I uh, I really thought Id have to talk you into this more.
Rachel: Oh, wow thanks! (Reading the card) Oh youre in real estate!
Rachel: Yeah, we could. Oh hey look! Theres some Kappa Kappa Deltas! I was a Kappa. (to them) Hey sisters! (They ignore her.) (To Monica) Wow, we really are bitches.
Mr. Franklin: Wow Bing! Burning the midnight oil.
Rachel: Wow! What did he do?
JOEY: Alright, just one. [she licks his hands rather emphatically] Wow, you're good at that.
Phoebe: Wow! I owe Rachel 20 bucks!
Phoebe: Wow! Oh well, I will be there!
RACHEL: Ok, I've got one. [blows out the candles. Somebody calls out 'heads up' and the volleyball lands in the flan] Wow, those things almost never come true.
Joey: (wiping face) Wow! Didnt know that.
Phoebe: (reading the slip of paper) Wow! (In a sultry voice) Hello, Mr. Chandler.
Rachel: Wow
Dina: Wow.
Phoebe: (entering, quietly) Wow, you told your dad the truth.
Phoebe: Wow! Theyre beautiful!
Rachel: Look at that guy by the window, wow!
Ross: Oh see, I-I needed a new thing for today and there's this leather store that always smells so good and I thought to myself, "Wow, (To Chandler) I never really owned a good smelling pair of pants before."
Phoebe: Wow, what is with all the negativity? You sound like Monican't , not Monican... (Monica looks almost puzzled) ...Monica. Look, you know, you have been playing around with this catering thing for over three years. Do you want to be a caterer or not?
Rachel: Right. Wow!
Matt: Wow Pheebs, you-you speak gutter?
Monica: Nice! Wow Phoebe you are good!
Joey: Like you wouldnt believe. (they go into the apartment) Wow! This is a great place.
Chandler: Goin out, huh? Wow! Wow! (Does a little celebration dance) So things didnt work out with Kathy, huh? Bummer.
Phoebe: Oh no! (She runs to see.) (Running back, excitedly) Oh! Wow!!!
Phoebe: Wow! You do?
Rachel: Um, seven e-e-eight, eight years. Wow.
Joey: Wow! How do you know how to do that?!
Rachel: Wow!
Ross: Oh! Wow! Uh, yeah! That sounds great. Im just gonna put this (The money) back in my pocket, pretend that didnt happen. Uh yeah, actually Im free now. Do you wanna grab some coffee or
Mona: (To Joey) Wow! Theyre both really strong.
Rachel: (pause) Wow! I dont know, maybe. Im
Rachel: Oh wow, this feels weird.
Kathy: Oh, wow. I cant believe youre throwing that in my face.
Chandler: Okay. Wow.
Ross: Wow!
Rachel: Wow! Tell me something Joey(She falls off the couch)Whoa! I just fell right off the couch there.
PHOEBE: Sparkly. So, wow, this is pretty wonerful, huh. Mr. major capades guy. I, I remember when you were just, like, King Friday in Mr. Roger's Ice is Nice.
Dana: Wow. Oh, I am really flattered, but I just I dont feel that way about you.
Phoebe: Wow. Where is your luggage? (David thinks for a while)
Rachel: (looks interested) Oh my God! Wow! That was fantastic, I almost leaned in. I really almost did!
Joey: Wow.
Rachel: Wow! Mon, thanks! I love this plate!
Monica: (looking through it) Really? Wow! It looks like I had some trouble staying inside the lines.
Ross: Hey Erica, welcome back to town! (pause) Wow, look how big you've gotten.
Monica: Well. Sounds like you're writing yourself a little play there Rach. Wow! Let me know how that one turns out.
Phoebe: Yeah... ooh... wow... Even started to think I'd never meet someone that, you know, I wanted to... do this with. Here you go. (Both Phoebe and Mike look really proud.)
Monica: Wow! For just a week you guys are really close, huh?
Phoebe: Wow, you guys go way back then. So what are you up to these days?
Cop: Wow umm, tell Sipowicz I'm real sorry for his loss.
Phoebe: Wow, that sounds great! And what are you making Monica, in case Rachels dessert is...[about to say bad] so good that I eat all of it. Theres none left for anybody else!
David: Wow, you look even... more beautiful than you did yesterday.
Chandler: Wow! I dont have the worst costume anymore!
Ross: Wow, it really is!
The Stripper: Wow, I didnt know they let you keep chickens and ducks as pets.
Ross: Wow!
Rachel: Wow! This explains so much! Last weekend, I went from store to store sitting on Santas lap.
Joey: Wow! You blow my mind...
Rachel: Oh wow, it's so beautiful...
Ross: Wow! It actually is in the handbook. I cant date you or have a hot plate in my office. I cant believe we have to stop seeing each other.
Chandler: Wow.
Rachel: Oh, wow, Molly is just great!
Mona: Oh wow! So, youre more than just dinosaurs.
Rachel: Wow. She does that a lot!
Rachel: Oh wow, you are really, you're really a creep.
Monica: Wow! You are really fast!
Joey: Wow! So, how are you?
Joey: Wow, really?
Rachel: Oh wow, you didnt even try to unhook my bra!
Monica: Oh wow wow wow!! Make room for your friend! (sits herself down between them)