words in movies
Rachel: Oh, she wants to see me tomorrow...Oh, she sounded really weird, I gotta call Barry... (Does so, on phone) Hi, it's me, I just.. Mindy!! Mindy! Hi! No, I figured that's where you'd be!
Ross: Really? Did you count Mississipily?
Chandler: Kinda. Theyre really big.
Monica: Really?
Rachel: (to Monica) Ok, ok, ok. How did this happen to me? How did this happen to me? A week ago, two weeks ago, I was fine. Ross was just Ross, just this guy. Now he's Rrrooossss, oh, this really great guy that I can't have.
Monica: Uh I really dont know what to tell you Rach, I really dont. I mean, maybe Joey can help you out with your, with your big work problem.
Joey: Well, no not yet. But the audition went really good.
Phoebe: (sarcastically) Really? That hadn't occurred to me.
Ross: (getting upset) Oh-oh really? Did you confuse it with your own turkey sandwich with a Moist Maker?
Monica: Oh, yknow what, I cant, it really kills.
Monica: I don't, I just, I just like the smell of them. So, uh, what are you really doing here Dad?
Phoebe: Yknow thats really fair. Yknow? Most guys who have been divorced three times are like 60. Ross, nobody cares about this except you! This-this embarrassment thing is all in your head! Here, Ill show you! Come here.
Chandler: (initially worried, but gets over it) Really?
Ross: She seems really, really fun!
Tag: (entering) Yeah? (She holds up the folder) You found them!! (Rachel is not amused, because shes still going to try to blame him for her mistake like every good boss.) Yknow what? Im not even going to gloat. Im just really relived this whole thing is over.
Phoebe: Really?!
Rachel: Ross, would you just stop it! Its getting really old.
Joey: Thats a really long time.
Phoebe: Well, if you really wanna know, I'mOh! I can't tell you this.
Phoebe: Oh, if thats what you want you then you really should run his head under hot water and bang his head against a table.
Monica: No, its not bad. Its not bad at all. Its-its really nice.
MONICA: Really Phoebs? Because, you know, you'd have to be an actual waitress. This can't be like your 'I can be a bear cub' thing.
Chandler: You really like it?
JOEY: Are you really not going?
Chandler: So, are you really gonna go out with that nurse man?
Chandler: So I really never get to win anymore?
Monica: How much did ever really win before?
Rachel: Really? You think so?
Emily: My parents are going to be really mad.
Monica: Terrible. If-if I want something done right, I have to do it myself. Other people just wreck stuff. I really think I might kill someone tonight.
Rachel: Really?! You think so? Yknow, I had just rolled out of bed.
Rachel: Ohh. Oh, so you really wanted to learn. Yeah, y'know, Pheebs I just wanted to have fun. Ohh, you know who you should go with?
Chandler: Wait! Wait! Wed really love it if you could be there.
Woman: Really?!
Rachel: Do you really want an award you didnt win?
Monica: Really?
Amanda: (noticing the bottle of wine he has) Oh, I don't mean to be a square, but I'd really appreciate it if you wait and drink your wine after the kids are asleep? Oh uh, thanks for this, I hope I can do the same for you sometime. (She leaves)
Sandy: I really do understand how hard it's gotta be to leave your child with another person. I mean, it's leaving behind a piece of your heart... (Ross has got that bored/angry/skeptic look and Rachel is very emotional)
Monica: I also, did a little something in fur. But umm, thats really just for me. (Rubs it against her cheek.) Okay. So, why dont you go into your room and try these on and well seeget a better idea of whats gonna work.
Joey: Ok, Caravaggio uses chiaroscuro here to highlight the anguish of the central figure. Touch it, it's really bumpy! (Reaches out to touch the imaginary painting).
David: Yes, but uhm... You should know... she really likes you. I-In fact I-I-I don't think you realise j-just how lucky you are fella. (he points at Mike)
Joey: Yeah, and oh she's really nice too. She taught me all about how to work the cameras, and smell-the-fart acting.
Phoebe: (intrigued) Really?!
Earl: (exhales) Look, um I really appreciate your coming down
Monica: Were really glad you decided to meet our guy.
Phoebe: (as Ursula) You know... (unconsciously putting a hand on his knee) You're gonna be really, really hard to get over.
Monica: Oh really?!
Monica: (interrupting) Rachels really the one whos pregnant.
Phoebe: You know, the asthma guy was really cute.
Monica: Are you really gonna do this?
Helena: Really?! Congratulations. Whens the big day?
Chandler: Marriage advice? Really?!
Monica: Yes! Every year Ross makes the toast, and its always really moving, and always makes them cry. Well this year Im going to make them cry.
Phoebe: Really? Are you sure?
[Scene: Their Building, Monica and Rachel are going to apologize to Danny. Rachel knocks on his door, which he opens and he has this really bushy beard and long hair. Picture Paul Bunyan.]
<Rachel and Amy 'fighting'.. They're really just trying to slap each other and just keep slapping their hands>
Chandler (Stands up and walks to Joey): Listen...this is really nice. Do you... (sees his chequebook) Did you write a cheque to Monica for two thousand dollars? Did Monica borrow money from you?
Phoebe: I really, really am sorry.
Joey: Really?
Phoebe: Well, she really wanted to talk to you now.
Ross: (he makes some really weird noise hear that sounds kind of like )Ayyyayyyy!
Ross: I'm sorry, Chandler but this, this is really important to me.
Ross: Do you really?
Chandler: We really didnt get a chance to
Phoebe: Hey Ross! So listen, about you and the dinosaur girl, are you really just gonna let a couple of Nobel prizes scare you off? What is that, come on, a piece of paper?
ROSS: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Sorry. Sorry! Hey! Hey! I got my s's back! Which we can celebrate later. Celebrate.
Bitsy: Is he really?
Ross: Really? Well then tell it to me.
Kristen: Really?
Rachel: Oh! Oh! Can I give out the candy? I really want to be with the kids right now. Yknow, ever since I got pregnant I-I have the strongest maternal instincts.
Rachel: Yeah, it would be really weird.
Ross: It used to be. Now she doesnt really have a face. Smokin body though.
Joey: All right, look Im sorry you guys, but its just that I gotta get these new head shots made. And theyre really expensive, yknow? Im down to like three! Well, actually two cause one of em I kinda blackened in some teethWhy did I do that?! (Hits himself in the head.)
MONICA: Well, it just seems like a really small number.
Rachel: (really excited) Great!! It was very, very nice to meet you sir--Ow! Hey! What are you doing?! Are you crazy! (He took out that thing they use to look at people's retinas and looked at Rachel's when she was shaking his hand causing her to flinch and scream at him.)
Joey: Rach look, I really dont think thats such a great
Lisa: But le Blanc really doesnt mess up much.
Ross: Okay Phoebe, I guess youre next (To Joey) although I really dont see the point.
Tim: Really?
Monica: Really? Okay, so why dont you tell me what happened to Ross Junior year at Disneyland?
Mike: No, no! What I mean is, I hate going back to my apartment now... and partly because I live above a known crack den but... mostly because when I'm there, It's just, I really miss you. So.. do you want to move in together?
Ross: Something couldve happened. All right? She-she really dug my slides. And-and she was definitely giving me the vibe.
Monica: Come on! I really need your help!
Phoebe: Really?
Eric: Really?
Chandler: Maybe, isnt she the woman who lives below you and has sex really loud?
Monica: What?! Really?!
Ross: So, do we really have to ask whos going up on the platform next?
Phoebe: Oh really?
Gunther: Really?
Rachel: Oh so-so not really never.
Rachel: Really? You think thats all it is?
Monica: Did she really say that?
Chandler: No, really youre gonna freeze.
Rachel: Yeah that would really be great.
Ross: Thats not really porn.
Rachel: So shes really not dead.
Chandler: Oh. Yknow, that night meant a lot to me too, and it wasnt because I was in a bad place or anything, it just meant a lot to me cause, youre really hot! Is that okay?
Ross: Really?!
Chandler: Listen, Im really glad you got the part.