words in movies
Rachel: I just saw Danny getting on the subway with a girl and he had his arm around her.
Monica: Oh God, stop with the plan! So what, so what you saw him with a girl? Who cares?! That doesn't mean anything! Now look, you're going to go out on a date with Danny and you're going to be so charming he's gonna forget all about that stupid subway girl.
Rachel: You're sister? You're sister's asleep on the couch? (Danny nods, "Yes.") Ohhh! I saw her with you on the subway and now she's asleep on the couch!
Joey: Don't you remember when we were jogging in the park and we saw that really pretty bird and wanted to take a pictureI didn't have my camera!
CHANDLER: [being left behind] Oh that's all right fellas, I saw a kitchen this morning - on TV. Stop talking. OK.
Phoebe: I dunno, lets see! So, okay, I dreamt that we were gonna get married, and he left, becuz he had to go fight a fire. And, um, so okay, I went to a night club, and I saw him making out with a girl.
Roy: What's the matter? You never saw a 50 year old stripper cry before?
Rachel: Yes it is! I saw you guys going at it behind the card catalog!
Joey: Oh Monica, listen, I ah, I saw down at the hardware store, they got those designer tiles on sale. If you ever want to redo the bathroom floor.
Joey: (To Rachel) Do you think he saw us or can we still sneak out?
Mr. Heckles: Saw Regis Philbin once...
Ross: Alright, alright. We're all adults here, there's only one way to resolve this. Since you saw her boobies, I think, uh, you're gonna have to show her your peepee.
Joey: Yeah. I understand. I understand. (Pause) Man, I wish I saw Phoebe first!
Joey: Well he actually saw you a little bit too.
Chandler: Joey, I saw you push him!
Liam: (puts his arm around her) Well, actually the last time you and I saw each other was that morning.
Ross: Whoa! Hey! Whoa-whoa-whoa, you saw her breast?!
Joey: No you dont, I just saw you go in there with Monica!
All: (admitting) Saw your head. Saw your head.
Joey: So I guess you all saw it.
Mike: OK, I don't want to freak you out or anything, but I think I just saw a rat in your cupboard.
RACHEL: Yeah, when I was in the bathroom I saw the window that I crawled out of at my wedding, and God, I just started thinking that I shouldn't be here, you know I shouldn't, people are going to be looking at me and judging me and, and thinking about the last time.
Rachel: Saw what?
Charlie: Ooh... Is it because of what might be on the bedspread, because I saw that news report too, with the infra red and the ... I could just...
Chandler: No, she's still upset because I saw her boobies.
Chandler: I saw you checking me out during the game last night.
Joey: Man, I remember the first time I saw that girl Katherine, after we broke up. She was just walking with her friend Donna, just laughing and talking. God, it killed me.
Ross: Wait a minute! I saw that! On The Discovery Channel, yeah! About jellyfish and how if you... (stops suddenly and turns to look at Monica) Ewwww!! You peed on yourself?!
Monica: (goes to Chandler) Phoebe and Rachel saw you with Nancy today and... em... they think you're having an affair.
Joey: Dont blame me, I saw it on The Discovery Channel.
Cassie: (hugs him) Its been so long! Last time I saw you, you were setting up your tent in line to see Return of the Jedi.
Joey: You don't wanna see what I just saw! (at this moment Monica comes home, and sees Chandler flat on his back on the floor and Joey pinning him down)
RACH: What's that? What? I saw my name. What is it?
Richard: We may not have any weapons, but we still have food. In the basement I saw potatoes and some dry pasta, and a few tins of tuna! (Joey backs away and wipes his face again.)
Rachel: Phoebe and I saw Chandler with a blonde woman today outside on the street and then we followed them to a house in Westchester.
Monica: Okay, all right dont judge me to much. Okay? Um, but I saw this info-mercial, and um, I swear to you I have never-ever bought anything on TV before, except for this mop. But there was this stuff on leg waxing, it just, it looked so amazing....
Phoebe: Monica, I'm sorry I didn't come by last night. I was out with Gary; he let me ride around with him in his cop car. We saw and prevented crimes.
Rachel: (entering) Hey! Everybody hide! Hide! I saw her! Shes coming!
Joey: (squinting his eyes) Are you kiddin'? I think I just saw a bat in the corner!
Chandler: Lowell? Financial Services' Lowell, that's who you saw me with?
Joey: Hey Pheebs, guess who we saw today.
MRS. GREENE: I think I saw Rachel out in the hall.
Ross: I don’t know. Phoebe, if one of us saw Mike with another woman would you want us to tell you?
Ross: OK! Last night after the party I saw Rachel kissing that jerk from her office out on your balcony.
Chandler: Ah, you obviously saw my personal ad.
Mr. Geller: I saw Richard.
Monica: You guys, Joey just saw Janice kissing her ex-husband.
RACHEL: Phoebe we just saw mine, let me see yours.
MONICA: No no no, if I couldn't pay you back right away then I'd feel guilty and tense every time I saw you.
Joey: Im telling you man, I saw it.
Ross: Because she's just going to shoot me down. You guys saw what happened with Gunther. That did not look like fun.
Monica: Yknow, I never saw that.
MONICA: Ya know, Roy saw Star Wars 317 times. His name was in the paper.
Monica, Moncia, have a happy Hanukkah. Saw Santa Claus, he said hello to Ross. And please tell Joey, Christmas will be snowy! And Rachel and Chandler, have err-umm-glander!!"
Chandler: When was the last time you saw her wear it?
Monica, Moncia, have a happy Chanukah. Saw Santa Clause, he said hello to Ross. And plese tell Joey, Christmas will be snowy! And Rachel and Chandler, have err-umm-glander!!"
Monica: You know, on the way over here, I saw this drunk guy throw up. And then a pigeon ate it!
Gavin: Thank god you finally said that, I saw you make a note on your pad three hours ago. (Rachel throws away that paper) Man, I really bug you, don't I?
Ross: (on phone) Uh, hello dad! Monica and I just saw the house in the paper! (Listens) Yes were surprised! (Listens) Who did you leave a message with?
Phoebe: I know, Im sorry! But yknow, this ring is better! Monica never even saw the other ring.
Rachel: When I saw him get off that plane with her, I really thought I hit rock bottom. But today, it's like there's rock bottom, 50 feet of crap, then me.
Transcribers Note: This is stuff we never saw from all of the seasons, so for all of the scene settings I will be using the current arrangements. Even though some of the out takes take place when Chandler was living with Joey and Rachel was living with Monica, when Joey and Chandler were living in Monica and Rachels, and the current arrangements.
Rachel: Oh, I called them. And when they ask me what I saw, I can be very generous (Holds her hands far apart) or very (In a high pitched voice) stingy.
Chandler: Yes there are, I just saw them a few minutes ago.
Joey: Saw a girl with that vest.
Rachel: Well, we were walking down the street and we saw that van that you guys used for catering and we realised
Rachel: Oh, I think I saw some in here.
Sophie: Yknow why? Shes got the Christmas bonus list in there. I saw her working on it this morning.
Joey: I wish. No. After dinner, me, her, and Pepper all fell asleep in front of the fire. Well I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw that the fire was dying out. So, I picked up a log and threw it on. Or, at least what I thought was a log.
Joey: Well, I only said that because of Ross, you know. Then I saw him kissing Charlie...
Chandler: Joey told me, he saw you two kissing.
Phoebe: No. No. Its just I was umm, I was with Ross and Jill after you left and umm, Im pretty sure I saw a little spark between them.
Doug: Good God Bing I well I cant say Im altogether surprised, I saw the way she looked at you, and there was no love there. And the way she looked at me, pure lust.
Joey: Yeah, poor cat, never saw that big butt coming.
Joey: It's a name, yeah. I saw you, you know, in this great house with a big pool.
CHANDLER: Yes, yes I actually saw him leave. I mean that guy is standing in the window holding a human head. He is STANDING IN THE WINDOW HOLDING A HUMAN HEAD!
Phoebe: (jumps in front of Rachel) Hi! Oh yeah, uh-huh, it's me. I saw you grab your running shoes this morning and sneak out. You lied so you could run by yourself.
Monica: He didn't die. I saw his daughter last week. Said he was fine. Her on the other hand, botched Botox.
Phoebe: I saw it.
Chandler: Yknow, I saw a wine cellar downstairs
Chandler: Well, last time I saw him he was heading out the door with the brides maid and a bucket of strawberries. So uh, youre not still upset about what that guy told ya are ya?
Joey: Come on man theres gotta be something that gets you choked up! Like uh, uh oh, what if you saw a three-legged puppy?
Ross: Hey Chandler! Saw the new furniture. Very nice.
Joey: I was just outside Barcelona hiking in the foothills of Mount Tibidabo. I was at the end of this path and I came to a clearing and there was a lake, very secluded. And there were tall trees all around. (Whispering) It was dead silent. Gorgeous. (Softly) And across the lake I saw a beautiful woman bathing herself but she was crying
Rachel: Well, she-she ob-obviously saw the tire tracks that were leading up to the closed garage.
Jason: I was passin by and I saw that you were playing tonight, its kinda cool seeing you up there. (kisses her)
CHANDLER: Oh please, I saw the way you were checking out his mouldings. You want it.
Rachel: Yeah. Your teeth? Yes, I saw them from outside. (Sitting down on the couch.) You guys are never going to believe this. But, Phoebe made out with Ralph Lauren.
Chandler: Okay, so if an eight comes up, we take it as a sign and we do it! {Whoa! Where have I heard that before? Matthew Perry talking about signs in Las Vegas. I guess it must've been some movie I saw.} What do you say?
Rachel: (gasps) Oh God, you saw me?! Oh!
MONICA: Please, when he left town you stayed in your pajamas for a month and I saw you eat a cheeseburger.
Joey: WhatBut you saw the show!
Rachel: Y'know honey, umm, as uh, as flattered as I am that uh, you saw me first, uhh, I just, I-I don't think we should be cranking anything up.
Rachel: I don't know! I mean, maybe that's something to do with the fact that I saw him do a love scene yesterday.
Joey: The blizzard. I just saw on the news, it's like the worst snow storm in 20 years! They already closed all the bridges and tunnels. (Opens the curtains to reveal a snow storm outside)
Joey: is because they were friends first. Y'know? So I asked myself, "Who are my friends?" You and Phoebe, and I saw you first. So
Monica: Yes it is! You saw me wearing it!
Phoebe: (excited)Hey you guys! Ok, you're not going to believe this! I just saw my psychic and she said I was definitely gonna win the lottery tonight!
Ross: Joey, we just saw it!
Chandler: I just saw Janice.
Ross: Okay, Monica. Mon, uh what-what you just saw
Chandler: Look, Joey, Kathy is clearly not fulfilling your emotional needs. But Casey, I mean granted I only saw the back of her head, but I got this sense that shes-shes smart, and funny, and gets you.
Larry: Just walking past the kitchen I saw 10 violations! I'm shutting this place down!
Ross: Joey, we just saw you come in. You ran past us on the stairs.