words in movies
Rachel: I dont know! But maybe if we keep that drawer shut, itll die.
Monica: Shut up!! It just got interesting!
Melissa: Oh shut up more! Now, are you friends with Ralph?
Rachel: Shut up.
Melissa: Shut up!
Rachel: (on phone) What is my sister doing there?! And why are the drapes shut?!
Ross: Shut up! It was nice. I just... I don't think I'm the dirty-talking kind of guy, you know?
Rachel: Shut up that was my friend Melissa from college.
Chandler: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!
Rachel: You shut up!
Lydia: Oh, shut up. You know, it's a rebuilding year. You... waah!
Ross: Shut up! I Dream of Genie!
Boy in the Cape: Shut up!
Boy in the Cape: You cant tell me to shut up!
ROSS: All right I've been feeling incredibly guilty about this, because I wanna be a good friend, and dammit I am a good friend. So just, just shut up and close your eyes (kisses Joey).
Rachel: Now, now the one in the feather boa, that's Dr. Francis. Now, she used to be a man. Okay, now look, see, there's Raven. We hate her. We're glad she's dying. Okay- (Marcel pushes down a cushion to reveal a shoe) Wh- wh- Marcel, are you playing with Monica's shoes? You know you're not supposed to pl- whoah. Marcel, did you poo in the shoe? (Takes the shoe into the kitchen) Marcel, bad monkey! Oh! Oh! (She notices the newsletter and taps the contents of the shoes onto it, then folds it shut) Sorry, Barry. Little engagement gift. I'm sure you didn't register for that. (She leaves the apartment holding the newsletter at arm's length. However, she leaves the door open. Marcel runs out in the opposite direction. There is a shot from the TV and Rachel runs back in) Who died? Who died? Roll him over! Oh, c'mon, roll him over! Oh...! Well, we know it wasn't Dexter, right Marcel? Because- (Looks down and notices he is missing) Marcel? Marc- (Notices the open door)
Chandler: (handing Monica the wax) Wax the door shut, were never leaving, ever.
(Chandler acts disgusted, but is happy that Joey has stopped snoring. However, just as he is about to leave, Joey starts snoring again. So to get him to stop, he slams the door shut, waking Joey.)
Joey: Not knowing when to shut up...
Ross: Yep. (Phoebe slams the door shut.) Okay.
Joey: This thing welded shut?!
Rachel: Uh, I think I just did. And uh-oh, here it comes again. Shut up!
Ursula: All right, hang on! (She takes the note, goes back into her apartment and slams the door shut.)
MONICA: Shut up, the camera adds ten pounds.
(We see Joey who has puffed up his cheeks and Chandler nonchalantly reaches down and pinches Joeys nose shut. In a few seconds, Joey has to move because hes now forced to actually hold his breath.)
Phoebe: Yeah! Yknow, we were really huge too, but then they had to shut us down when Regina Philange died of alcohol poisoning.
Joey: (Laughing) Mother-Kisser... (Sees Ross's look) I'll shut up.
[Scene: Ross's now empty apartment, he is spackling some holes shut as the gang comes to apologize.]
Rachel: So uh, so did anything happen? Because rumor has it you guys shut the drapes!
Phoebe: Ow! My ass. Okay. Okay. (She manages to climb completely inside and the window slams shut.) Oh, shhh!
(Phoebe gets up and walks across the hallway, but the door to Chandler and Joeys apartment is shut. She knocks, and anxiously waits for Joey to come, but instead her identical twin sister emerges wearing one of Joeys shirts.)
Melissa: (suddenly frightened) Shut up!
(We see Joey who has puffed up his cheeks and Chandler nonchalantly reaches down and pinches Joeys nose shut. In a few seconds, Joey has to move because hes now forced to actually hold his breath.)
Monica: All right shut up for a second and let me just see something. (She kisses him back on the lips) Oh, wow! (They then hug and kiss, very passionately.)
PHOEBE: Yu-huh. That's when my mother would shut off the TV and say 'The end'.
Phoebe: Yuh-huh! I was the last one to know when Chandler got bitten by the peacock at the zoo. I was the last one to know when you had a crush on Joey when he was moving in. (Monica gestures at Phoebe to shut up; Joey looks surprised but pleased) Looks like I was second to last.
Monica: Im getting married!!!! Im gonna be a bride!!!! (Someone else yells at her.) No, I will not shut up because Im engaged! (He yells again.) Ohh, big talk! Huh, why dont you come over here and say that to me?! Huh, buddy?! Yeah, my fiancee will kick your ass! (Chandler starts to look worried.) Come on, apartment 20! Apartment 20!
RACHEL: It's just this thing. Every year we would go out on my dad's boat and watch the fireworks. Mom always hated it because the ocean air made her hair all big. My sister Jill would be throwing up over the side and my dad would be upset becasue nobody was helping and then when we did help he would scream at us for doing it wrong. But then when the fireworks started, everybody just shut up, you know, and it'd get really cold, and we would all just sort of smush under this one blanket. It never occured to anybody to bring another one. And now it's just...
Rachel: Oh well, the woman I interviewed with was pretty tough, but y'know thank God Mark coached me, because once I started talking about the fall line, she got all happy and wouldnt shut up.
Monica: You used to tell girls you were a Kennedy. (being sat down) Ooh, uh, thanks. Wow, little tight, isn�t it? How d�you get a bigger table? You-you had a big table, but they made you move. Huh-huh, shut up Monica. Whoo, I suppose that Chandler will have the smoked duck.
Hillary: After a while its like, shut your mouth, you know?
[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler is playing living room golf as Rachel enters. Rachel sees this and holds the door open until Chandler is ready to start his swing, when he is, she slams the door shut which causes the club to fly from his hands. He turns around, shocked.]
Joey: What, so I gotta shut it down now?
Janice: Oh. Well then shut me up. (Does the laugh.)
Chandler: Listen to me!! (Chandler turns him around and closes and holds the door shut with his feet.)
Joey: Shut up!
Chandler: Hey, shut up!! Youre not my real Mom!!
Joey: It's not right what Emily wants you to do! She is totally-(The gang enters behind Joey and Phoebe pinches him again.)-Owww!! Stop pinching me! Look, now you guys said I only had to keep my mouth shut as long as Ross was happy, right? Well he just told me that he's not entirely happy.
Monica: (pushes him and starts to cry) Oh shut up!
Monica: (yelling from the bedroom) Shut up, Joey!
Chandler: Oh, right, right, shut up.
Monica and Phoebe: Shut up!
(They both go back into their old rooms and shut the doors. Of course, Chandler has to close both sections of his door.)
Rachel: Yeah. And yknow who shouldve shut their drapes? Is that perverted old couple two doors over.
Monica: Shut up, and put my table back.
Rachel: Shut up!
Luisa: (Out of shot) Here, monkey. Here, monkey! Here, monkey! (Marcel runs to the door and into Luisa's cage, which she slams shut) Gotcha.
Phoebe: Okay! (Runs that way and hears another whistle blast.) Hey! (Heads the other way and hears another blast.) What do I do?!! (She runs in the second direction and finds that the whistling is coming from inside a rack. She moves the dresses out of the way to find Rachel curled up in a fetal position frantically blowing on the whistle.) What are you doing? (Rachel doesnt stop.) Did you find the dress? (Rachel wont stop so Phoebe pinches her nose shut which causes her to spit the whistle out.)
Joey: Shut up!
(The women quickly shut the door)
Chandler: That is so not... That is so not... That... Oh, shut up!
[Monica slams the door back shut]
Monica: It is so weird, I know what I said, but uh, this morning, I was lying in bed I was, I was imagining what it would be like to say yes. (Rachel slams the magazine shut in amazement.) I know its a little sudden, and its a little rushed, and its totally not like me to do something like this, but that doesnt mean I cant. Right? I mean Im-Im crazy about Pete, and I know that we want the same things, and when I thought about saying yes, it made me really happy.
MONICA: Shut up.
Joey: You shut up! (To Phoebe and Rachel) I love arguing with her. (To Erin) Ill be right back.
Mr. Tribbiani: Oh! ...Hello, dear. (She whips the curtain shut in horror)
MONICA: Shut up, I'm happy.
ROSS: [childish voice] Shut up.
Mrs. Bing: Oooh, c'mon, shut up, it's fun. Gimme a hug. (They both sit down) Well, I think we're ready for some tequila.
Phoebe: Theres a reset button?! Ugh, thank you! Thank you! (He exits and she goes to shut it off.) Theres a reset button! My God! Why didnt I see that! (She takes off the plastic cover and looks for the button.) Reset button, reset button, where is there a reset button? (Finds it.) Oh here it is! (Picks it up off of the floor.) Oh! (She presses it hard, but of course it would help if the button was still attached to the detector. In frustration she presses it so hard it causes pain in her thumb.) Ohh, God!
Phoebe: I, umm, shut up!
Rachel: No! Wait no! Shut upI mean dont cry! Let me get my checkbook! (Grabs her checkbook and runs after him.)
Rachel: What? Shut up! Were winning!
Ross: All right I've been feeling incredibly guilty about this, because I wanna be a good friend, and damnit I am a good friend. So just, just shut up and close your eyes (kisses Joey).
Phoebe: No, y'know what dont close it (Rachel slams the door shut locking themselves out.) cause the... keys...are in there.
Monica: Shut up, the camera adds ten pounds.
Monica: Shut up! This place is a hole!
Monica: Well discuss it, in the morning! (Slams the door shut.)
Chandler: No! (Calls) Danielle, hi! It's, uh, it's Chandler! (Listens) I'm fine. Uh, listen, I don't know if you tried to call me, because, uh, idiot that I am, I accidentally shut off my phone. (Listens) Oh, uh, okay, that's fine, that's great. (Listens) Okay. (Puts down the phone.) (to Monica) She's on the other line, she's gonna call me back. (He starts doing a little jig.) She's on the other line, she's gonna call me back, she's on the other line, gonna call me back...
Chandler: Yeah, I thought so to until I paper mached one of my eyes shut.
Phoebe: (excited) Shut it down.
Woman No. 1: Just a sec. (To Chandler and Joey) Hope you find your monkey. (She starts to shut the door)
Monica: Yknow, I only know of two surefire ways to shut a man up. And one of them is sex.
Chandler: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!!
(Rachel slams shut her window and storms into the living room, where Joey and Monica are eating breakfast.)
Phoebe: Yeah! It really has been great too, you know, some of this people must have seen me play before because they were requesting a bunch of my songs! Yeah, "You suck" and "shut up and go home".
Elizabeth: Shut the book!
Stanley: Umm, slight change of plans. We've shut down.
Rachel: We took our apartment back!! (Slams the door shut.)
Jill: (hits him) Shut up! I did not sound like that at all!
Phoebe: Oh, I took Larry there to eat but it was all violated. So we shut it down!
(She throws her bag inside, and starts to climb through the window. She gets halfway in and the window slams shut on her butt.)
Monica: What if I turn out the lights? (Runs to shut them off.)
(Joey and Chandler both run to shut off the tape.)
Ross: No. No. Nothing happened. I shut the drapes to uh, show her slides of my favorite fossils.
Rachel: (To Joey) Yeah I knowIm goodI got it! (Joey slowly backs away.) (To the boy) Now wait a minute, Ive got one more thing I have to say to you oh right! Shut up!
Erin: What about shut up?
Rachel: Ross is on a date with my sister and they shut the drapes two and a-half-hours ago.
Ross: Hey, I'm not one to kiss and tell, but I'm also not one to have sex and shut up. We totally did it!
Zoe: Shut the door! Shut the door!! (Runs over and closes the door.)