words in movies
Joey: Hey... hey listen... What do you guys know about investments?
Rachel and Monica: Hey!
Mike: Hey... Wh... What are you doing?
Joey: Hey dude, what's up?
Ross: Hey!
Mike: Hey, what's going on?
Joey: Hey Jessica.
Joey: (still looking in date book) Hey! Thats the day after I stop menstruating! (They all look at him.) This isnt mine.
Rachel: (coolly) Hey Jess.
Phoebe: (To Joey) Oh hey! How was your audition?
Phoebe: Hey the wedding is so close! Are you getting nervous?
Monica: Hey Phoebe, will you give me a hand?
Chandler: Hey, by any chance did either of pick uh Rachel for your secret Santa, cause I wanna trade for her.
Monica: Hey!
Rachel: Hey Pheebs, can I talk to you over here for a second?
Phoebe: Hey!
Rachel: (coming down the stairs) Hey! (Ross jumps up, and quickly puts the letter back together, pretending like he has just finished it.) What happened to you? Why didnt you come up?
Chandler: Hey!
Monica: Hey!
Ross: Why? Why? I know it's a little weird, but hey, he's a great doctor, okay? He knows my medical history, and every time I go in there, he makes a big deal. 'Ah look, it's my favorite patient!'
Joey: Hey, Im back!
Joey: Hey, whats the horsepower on this thing?
Rachel: Hey! Whats up Mon?
Monica: (entering) Hey!
Phoebe: Hey!
Ross: Hey!
Cassie: Hey Ross!
Chandler: It's okay, the duck's using our bathroom anyway. (Kathy goes into the bathroom.) Hey Joe! What are you getting Kathy for her birthday?
Phoebe: Okay. (Goes over to Rachel.) Hey Rach?
Ross: Yeah, hey I-I have clothes, I even pick them out. I mean for, for all you know I could be a fashion..... monger.
Cassie: Hey! What the hell are you doing?! (They sit back up.)
Rachel: Hey! Out of all of us, who do you think is gonna get married next?
Rachel: Hey!
Joey: Hey Rach. (Stares at her.)
Joey: Hey, so where are my parents gonna be?
Joey: Hey guys! Look whos back! Its Ray-ray!
Rachel: (entering) Hey!
Joey: Hey!
Phoebe: Hey!
Joey: Hey. (Laughs then seriously) It happened!
Phoebe: Hey oh, Rach wait! Do you want to go to a movie tonight?
Rachel: Hey, come on! I had this friend from college and I made the stupid mistake of telling Joey that one time she and I yknow kissed a little bit.
Joey: Hey.
Monica: Hey.
Joey: (entering) Hey.
Ross: Hey!
Joey: (entering) Hey! Uh, Monica? Chandler? Can I talk to you guys for a second?
Chandler: Hey, I'm sorry, I should have given you guys my black book when I got married! Although it wasn't so much a book as a... napkin. With Janice's phone number on it.
Ross: Hey, yknow what nickname never caught on? The Ross-A-Tron! (Monica shakes her head in disgust.)
Joey: Uh, hey, Rach let me ask you something. Uh, I was just over there talking to Monica and Chandler, boy they are really tight.
Joey: Hey!
Ross: Hey!
Phoebe: Hey!
Rachel: Hey!
Rachel: Hey, what have you guys been up to?
Joey: Hey, it's me! I'm comin' in!
Joey: Hey! You guys! Youre not gonna believe this! I just got off the phone with my agent
Chandler: Hey Joe!
Chandler: Hey, look at all the boxes!
Monica: Ohh, sweetie! (Goes to comfort her.) Hey, I bet you anything that hes gonna call you again.
Rachel: Hey, who's this little naked guy?
Joey: Oh, hey listen! The Soapies called today and I also get to present an award.
Phoebe: Hey.
Monica: Hey, you guys!
Joey: Hey.
Joey: Hey!
Ross: Hey!
Monica: Hey!
Phoebe: Hey!
Joey: (entering) Hey!
Ross: Hey!
Rachel: Hey! Have you guys seen Jill? I cant find her anywhere.
Man: Hey guys!
Joey: Hey!
Phoebe: Hey sweetie!
Rachel: Hey. Oh, I have a question. If-if-if one of you had to pick one of the other two guys to go out with, who would you pick?
Phoebe: Hey!
Joey: Hey! I am secure with my masculinity.
Monica: (entering from the bathroom) Hey! Happy Anniversary!
Phoebe: Hey!
Joey: Hey Pheebs! (He sits down next to her.)
Joey: Joey. (They shake hands.) Hey Jake, do you like the Knicks?
A Male Customer: Hey, thats weird, todays my birthday too!
Chandler: (smiling) Hey, I hear what your saying, okay? And, thanks for the warning.
Rachel: Hey! Those are all the things Im responsible for!
Monica: Hey! What did you decide to do about the movie?
Monica: Hey, do you realize that at this time tomorrow well be getting married?
Joey: Yep. Hey, what do you say we make it a double feature?
Monica: See? Thats what I mean. I mean that, thats great! But I wouldnt trade in what I have for that. I mean Im gonna be with Chandler for the rest of my life, and thats what makes me happy. (Chandler approaches.) Hey sweetie, come here! Come sit down. Hey Phoebe and I were just talking about how our relationship is deep and meaningful. It really is dont you think?
Monica: Hey, the point is that he was at everyone of your swim meets and he was there cheering you on! Okay? Thats a, thats a pretty great dad.
Joey: Hey! Where have you been?
Ross: Hey, wheres Chandler?
Ross: Hey!
Joey: Hey, you can cancel plans with friends if there is the possibility for sex!
Rachel: Well okay, how about four hours in a freezing museum auditorium listening to Professor Pitstains and hes Hey everybody! Remember that thing thats been dead for a gazillion years. Well theres this little bone we didnt know it had!
Richard: Hey Joey, could you uh, go through these lines with me? (Hes holding a script.)
Phoebe: Good for you! And hey, I thought your paper on punctuated equilibrium in the Devonian era was top notch!
Phoebe: Hey, do you think this is why Chandler took off?
Phoebe: Yeah, okay. Hey, wait. Do you know what kind of birth control she was using?
Ross: No! Hey! Hey! We cant!
Monica: Hey! Okay, so I thought wed start with my make up and then do my hair.
Joey: (on phone) Hey! Did Chandler show up yet?
Chandler: Yeah. Youre right. Hey I-I can do that.
Monica: I know! Hey, hows Chandler doin?
Phoebe: No, no, no, I wouldnt do you myself, I mean that would be weird. Yeah, no, Ill get one of the other girls to do it. Oh, this will be so much fun! Hey! Are you excited?
Phoebe: Hey! Oh!